We also have a plan to address greenhouse gas emissions from mining, which are not part of the 30% reduction target described above. The Government of Yukon’s emissions mainly come from building heating, followed by transportation, electricity and other sources such as refrigerants and waste. We did not examine the quality of research, monitoring, or forecasting information, nor did we assess the adequacy of the territorial resources spent on responding to climate change. Other rivers flow either directly into the Pacific Ocean or directly or indirectly into the Arctic Ocean. Although relatively uncommon, the Alaska birch (Betula neoalaskana) is also found in most areas. The Department of Environment; the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources; the Department of Highways and Public Works; and the Department of Community Services should develop climate change commitments that are time-bound and costed. Das entspricht 4 von 5 Sternen. We found that the Department of Environment worked with other departments to develop the Government of Yukon Climate Change Strategy in 2006. Nichols Hills Shawnee Yukon is sparsely populated, with about 30,000 inhabitants in a territory almost as large as Spain or Sweden. Other common resident birds include bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos), gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus) and peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), five species of grouse (spruce grouse, blue grouse, ruffed grouse, ptarmigan, and white-tailed ptarmigan). Abundant gold was found in the Klondike region leading to the Klondike Gold Rush of 1898. [6] While residents might welcome warmer temperatures, the ultimate effects are not known. However, emissions peaked in 2013 and decreased 3.8% between 2013 and 2018. information about fossil fuel sales in Yukon collected by the Yukon Bureau of Statistics. In Yukon, greenhouse gas emissions mostly come from transportation and heating, with a smaller amount from industry, electricity generation, waste and other areas. Thermal underwear, wool sweaters, parkas, wool gloves or mittens, and mukluks (traditional Arctic hide boots) or felt-lined boots are advised for the winter. The Government of Yukon is already planning a climate risk-management approach for its own operations. Our analysis supporting this finding presents what we examined and discusses the following topics: 48. The Department of Environment, which includes the Climate Change Secretariat, leads the Government of Yukon’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. Our recommendations in these areas of examination appear at paragraphs 30 and 31. The Arctic Ocean coast has a Tundra climate(ET). These gases build up in Earth’s atmosphere and create a sort of transparent “blanket” over the Earth just like the walls of a greenhouse. Del City Climate change refers to the significant changes we are seeing to: Earth’s climate has always changed over time, but the changes are happening faster and at a larger scale than ever before. We examined selected responsibilities related to climate change for each of the four departments. Recommendation. 58. Zum Vergleich: in Deutschland sind bisher insgesamt 4405 Infektionen pro 1 Million Einwohner gemeldet. Summers are warm with almost continuous daylight during June. Given that most of the Government of Yukon’s emissions come from heating and powering buildings, the Government has set a target to reduce emissions from its buildings by 30% by 2030, compared to 2010 emissions. More precisely, according to Environment Canada's ecozone definitions, southern and central Yukon is part of the Boreal Cordillera Ecozone while the northern forest is part of the Taiga Cordillera Ecozone. Information gathered by the Climate Change Secretariat showed that as of July 2017, of the 70 commitments. Action plan, progress reports, and commitments. For example, one report referred to the same commitment as both an initiative and an action. 34. Wir waren ende Mai bis Anfang Juni da. In our opinion, these sector-specific targets could not be combined to serve as a proxy for the territory-wide target. Wetter war hervorragend. Impact: Forests are more vulnerable to insect infestations. The Inuit were decimated by disease and disappeared in the 19th century. However, the commitments in the government’s action plan and progress reports were weak and not prioritized. 11. Warr Acres Norman We examined whether the Climate Change Secretariat monitored progress on the commitments made in the climate change action plan and progress reports. There is a considerable amount of small scale logging, but the only area that can sustain industrial forestry is in the southeast with its wetter climate. Today the Government of Yukon released Our Clean Future: A Yukon strategy for climate change, energy and a green economy. The Village Including such information is important to demonstrate the level of resources needed for implementation. The Fort Selkirk Volcanic Field in central Yukon is the northernmost Holocene volcanic field in Canada, including the young active cinder cone, Volcano Mountain. 21. Recommendation. Other small carnivores present are the lynx (Lynx canadensis), red fox ( Vulpes vulpes) and Arctic fox (Alopex lagopus) along the northern coast. Yukon is a small emitter of greenhouse gases, but like other places in the North, it is disproportionately affected by climate change. Die Temperaturen liegen in Whitehorse zwischen -14 und -6 °C und in Dawson zwischen -27 und -13 °C. For example, many of the commitments did not include milestones or completion dates. The government formally identified a total of 70 commitments to respond to climate change. This omission is the “elephant in the room,” according to Lewis Rifkind, mining analyst at the Yukon Conservation Society. Overall, mining emissions ranged from 10 to 15% of Yukon’s total emissions over this period. 62,4 pro 1 Million Einwohner. The Climate Change Secretariat should publicly report in a consistent manner on progress made on all commitments, and on the expenditures associated with meeting the commitments. Governments must assess the risks related to climate change so that they can determine priorities for addressing them. The Yukon Territory is bisected by the valley of the Yukon River, which passes to the west of the Mackenzie Mountains. 40. This intensity-based target will encourage industry to look for innovative ways to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions from mining, regardless of how many mines are operating. Edmond The world's largest known deposit of tungsten is in the Macmillan Pass area in the Mackenzie Mountains near the Northwest Territories border. For example, the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources produced a report that included an assessment of the health of Yukon’s forests and a risk-based monitoring program, which it has reported on annually since 2009. In our opinion, the benefits of gathering information are fully realized only when the information is used to take action in a timely manner. In conducting the audit work, we have complied with the independence and other ethical requirements of the Rules of Professional Conduct of Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario and the Code of Values, Ethics and Professional Conduct of the Office of the Auditor General of Canada. The Department of Environment; the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources; and the Department of Community Services will carry out concrete actions in a timely manner. The Yukon lies on 408m above sea level The climate in Yukon is warm and temperate. The two main Yukon rivers flowing into the Mackenzie River in the Northwest Territories are the Liard River in the southeast and the Peel River and its tributaries in the northeast. Thawing permafrost damages roads, which are expensive to repair. Portions of this work will inform government commitments in a new climate change, energy, and green economy strategy planned to be released in 2019. It is anticipated that this work will be completed in 2019. Fulfillment of roles and responsibilities. The Secretariat’s response. Setting and achieving targets is essential to the reduction of greenhouse gas emission levels. Clothes made with synthetic insulating fabrics are widely available, effective against the cold, and easier to pack than bulky wool or down-filled clothes; they also dry faster. Bethany These findings matter because the government’s development of a strategy and action plan are key to establishing priorities, roles and responsibilities, and actions for its response to climate change. Whitehorse: White Pass Train und Skagway Ganztagestour, Arktischer Tag: Wildlife & Hot Springs | Halber Tag, Whitehorse: 2,5-stündige Yukon Foodie Tour, Yukon: 4-tägige Nordlicht-Besichtigungstour im Sommer, Whitehorse: 4-tägige Nordlicht-Besichtigung und Stadtrundfahrt, Informationen zum aktuellen Verlauf der Coronavirus-Pandemie in verschiedenen Ländern. The sparsely populated territory abounds with natural scenic beauty, with snowmelt lakes and perennial white-capped mountains, including many of Canada's highest mountains. The departments’ response. Climate The weather in Whitehorse ranges from sunny, warm summers to cold, snowy winters. The Arctic Ocean coast has a Tundra climate (ET). Days can be hot in summer, but sweaters and light jackets are advised for the evenings. It also is the least populated province or territory in Canada, with a population of 35,874 people as of the 2016 Census. A climate risk assessment contract is under way, and this information will support high-risk departments to develop “climate risk reduction plans,” including an implementation and monitoring plan. Adapting to climate change also involves taking advantage of new opportunities that may arise. 56. Population density is 0.06 people per km2. Climate Tables Yukon In the following, you will find some climate tables for Yukon, containing information about Temperatures, Precipitation, and Hours of Sunshine. developing climate change policy and strategy, in consultation with other departments, partners, and stakeholders; coordinating climate change activities and participation; forming climate change partnerships with federal government organizations, First Nations, and other stakeholders; coordinating Yukon’s government-wide response to climate change; working with colleagues to integrate risk assessments and actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the government’s policies, processes, and projects; implementing the Yukon Government Climate Change Action Plan; tracking emissions and reporting on performance; monitoring and inspecting water use and water quality (everywhere but at major mines); collecting baseline air, fish and wildlife, and water inventories; and.