17:1–7; Num. (Num. 1:3.) Easily See 6017 Years of Biblical and World History Together! 12). (Photos by LaMar C. 13:25; Num. The newly covenanted people were orally given the Ten Commandments by the Lord; after that, a manifestation of the power of the Lord so frightened the people that they were fearful of his appearing. He was given two tablets and the tablets had writings on both sides. The children of Israel lived as a desert people in the area around Kadesh-barnea, until forty years from the time of their departure from Egypt had passed. From Kadesh were sent 12 spies, representing each of the tribes, to gather reconnaissance intelligence for an invasion of the country. 6:20; Num. Next, they came to Kibroth-hattaavah, where quail was again provided; but many were smitten with a plague because of their lustfulness. Only God Himself can save them now. 35–40; Num. During this portion of the journey, the Lord provided quail and manna to sustain the people. Moses fled to a region called Midian near Mount Sinai. the son of Amram and Jochebed, who were Levites. Arts & Culture If they try to move backward, the Egyptian army that is quickly closing in on them will catch them. Three tribes were placed on each side of the camp, with the tabernacle and the priesthood located in the center. ). ), The people camped near the Jordan River, to bring preparations for entry into the land of Canaan. However, Pharaoh’s magicians threw their rods down, and they also became serpents. (See the table, “The Military Census of Israel,” page 43. Why Did Christ Ride a Donkey on His Triumphant Entry? 34:5–7; Alma 45:19; Matt. They passed through Dophkah and Alush (Num. 5:26; Isa. Where did the Urim and Thummim come from? 5:1–28.) Cities & Buildings Having survived his own son, he is succeeded by Cranaus. Joshua led a chosen military group of Israelites against their assault, while Moses held up his hand (assisted by Aaron and Hur) in covenant, leadership, and blessing for the victory of his people. 20:24–29; Num. Learn facts that you can’t learn just from reading the Bible Sinai. Here are the 10 specific plagues that God used to strike Egypt with. 33:14–15). 22:1; Deut. Plan of the Camp of Israel. The route proceeded on to Marah, the place of “bitter waters” (Ex. 3:1; Ex. (Deut. Seventy of the “elders” of the people were endowed to assist Moses in directing the people. Because of their rebellion the Lord would have destroyed the Israelites, but through the pleadings of Moses (Num. To navigate the timeline, click and drag it with your mouse, or click on the timeline overview on the bottom. (Ex. The locales mentioned as stopping places (Num. Why was it necessary for Elijah to be taken into heaven as he was? After this theophany, Moses remained to receive further direction for his people. ), This new generation of Israelites left Kadesh and transported themselves to a place on the border of Edom that they called Mount Hor. 11:17–18.) The scriptures record that great numbers of people were involved. (Num. However, realizing Moses’ lack of self-confidence in himself, God then determines to have Moses take his brother Aaron with him. Specify between which dates you want to search, and what keywords you are looking for. 33:12–13), whose locations are not known today, and proceeded on to Rephidim, near Sinai, where water was miraculously provided (Ex. He became a shepherd and married Zipporah, who bore him two sons, Gershom and Eliezer. Nature & Climate Click here to find out more about this unique and fun Bible study tool! What Old Testament books are most quoted by the Savior? (Ex. War(fare) & Battles. His discovery and adoption by the daughter of Pharaoh concluded the recorded account of his early years. Cecrops I, legendary King of Athens, dies after a reign of 50 years. (Num. 10:8.) The general lack of faith among the people was manifested in their full acceptance of the negative report of the other ten spies and in their declared response: “Would God that we had died in the land of Egypt! Nature & Climate 32:30–35. Therefore, God then presents Moses with the laws that He wants the Israelites to abide by, during a private and dramatic meeting up on Mt. Why did the Lord permit Israel to war against people in the land of promise? (1 Cor. Rulers & Politics They were cursed to live in the desert of Kadesh one year for each day the spies were in the land of Canaan, or 40 years. During the second meeting with God, Moses was given specific instructions on building a tabernacle where God’s manifest presence could dwell with the Israelites out in the wilderness for the 40 years they were going to have to stay out there. God then goes on to prove whose power was greater. 33:39. Civilization & Science After receiving all of the divine instructions from God, Moses still questions the Lord about all of this. 10:21); the third company was composed of the tribes of Ephraim (Num. ), “And the Lord spake unto Moses and unto Aaron saying, every man of the children of Israel shall pitch by his own standard, with the ensign of their father’s house. …” (Num. 13). What is the meaning of AD, BC, BCE and CE? (Num. Next came the miraculous events of crossing “the sea,” or as it is sometimes called the “Red Sea.” (Ex. ), Moses then took some of the leadership of the tribes upon the sacred mount, where the Lord revealed himself unto them. Moses, the younger brother of Aaron, led the Israelite’s Exodus out of Egypt. When he returned from the mount, the glory of the Lord was manifest in his countenance. 25; 1 Cor. Through consulting the Bible and Biblical timeline, we can see the Israelites had been kept under Egyptian bondage for 430 years, or since 1881 B.C. 2:14.) Did the Prophet Joseph Smith say anything concerning the value of various books of the Old Testament? Because of the simplicity of manifesting such a trust, many would not respond to the direction given them. Moses’ Call As a Prophet—Encounter with Pharaoh. (Num. In addition, complete instructions were given for the building and operation of the tabernacle that was to be a portable temple for Israel. 13:1–25; see inset map for the extent of the travel of the spies.) The scriptures also use these terms to suggest that Israel (or the kingdom of God) would be as a sign (ensign) to the world of God’s authorized representatives. Even Moses was forbidden from entering the Promised Land because he took the focus off of God and allowed the people to believe that he was performing a miracle by striking a rock to get water to come out of it. After God makes this authoritative statement to Moses, Moses continues to question God on choosing him. This symbolized the future atonement of Christ and was intended to teach the principles of faith in Jesus Christ. (2 Ne. By consulting the Bible Timeline, we can ascertain that this would have been the year 1451 B.C., making Moses 80 years old, when God calls him to active duty. The Story of the Bible - The Old Testament, Quick Summary, About, Divisions, Timeline, Charts, Maps, Creation, Adam and Eve, The Flood, The Tower of Babel, Abraham the First Hebrew, Isaac, Son of Promise, Jacob and the 12 Tribes, Joseph and Egypt, Moses and the Exodus, The Giving of the Law, The Tabernacle, The Wilderness Wanderings, Joshua and the Promised Land, The Judges, Samuel the … 17:1–4; Mark 9:2–5; Luke 9:28–33; Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 158).