To make sure he is dead, he cuts the body up and hides the remains under the floor. The Narrator's Father, Mother, Sister, and Brother - Killed by the narrator. As he reaches the temple, some force takes over the control of his car, and he could not stop, nor take a left turn to the club. He knew he had to get rid of the body if he wasn’t going to get caught. The narrator had no interest in the old man’s money or anything in particular, but he could not tolerate his pale blue eyes. I absolutely LOVE all of those stories. I enjoyed reading them and I’m an adult. Everyone On Earth - Ripped apart by the zombie girl. While he was all alone, he clearly sees someone getting up from the empty bed. One of Delapore’s ancestors had stopped this horrific practice by killing the entire family while they were asleep and left the country. The narrator feels the negativity and tries to help Roderick get off this feeling by spending time on the arts. [Im 10 I read this story and it was not scary but awesome] Keep up the good work:). However, the wife discovered she was pregnant and, for the sake of the baby, they decided to give the marriage another try. Follow our tips on that. As the story goes, Hello Kitty was designed with no mouth because the daughter had cancer of the mouth. She simply says, “Patience, my children, patience… There is more than enough for all of you.”. Saddly, I’m not camping, but they were still so good! Eventually, Bod fights and kills Jack. He ran and brought back a file to cut the ring off her finger. The word “Kitty” means “Demon” in Chinese. A few hours from then, they learned about a woman’s death on the train. On the wedding night, the sister is found killed by a vampire with her lifeblood sucked out. It is located at such a part of the town that everyone had to cross it on their way. Robbie, Jenny, David, Sarah, Johnny, Emma, Mikey, and 182 Other Teenagers - Suffocated by the killer. She hears steps coming down the basement stairs. It is based on a segment of an old … My Uncle Joe was driving home late one night when he picked up a pretty girl hitchhiking in a white dress. He has spent months inquiring with the theater managers, audiences, et al, but in vain. We don’t own a clown statue. Scary stories are captivating for adults and kids alike. The boy was born and the family had a short period of tranquillity. She created Hello Kitty. The ghost was an astronomy enthusiast, Felix de La Morte. A recently married couple were on a long road trip through the heart of the United States. Nobody knows what would have happened if the hand had managed to pull him in. Her brother says he had only one sister called Hameeda. Aubrey is breathing his last. Man's Wife - Presumably killed by the man. Fortunately for the English royal family, the young midshipman survived the curse to become The King of England! Il sagit d'une adaptation de la série de livres homonymes pour enfants d'Alvin Schwartz. He opened the window again, and she yelled to him, “I am no one but your so-called dead wife. When the housekeeper tells him that the room is often occupied by theater people, he asks her if a young woman named Eloise Vashner ever lived there. You may check our stories, and pick the ones that suit your kid’s age and reception ability. Narrator's Boss - Killed by the narrator and thrown into the well. My favorites were piggy back ride and both the hitch hikers. While taking a walk, the narrator sees Hameeda collecting ferns down the stream. He is a professor of Greek and keeps particular interest in Pagan religions, and is obsessed to become immortal. Scary stories do not need to be long and drawn out. In the distance, he could see the man’s pursuer. The father tells her to leave with the kids right away because they never owned a clown statue ever. Thomas begins to doubt his own identity and the dead boy’s. After much discussion, the ghosts decide to raise the baby. He shuts the door of his castle to the outside world and starts partying with music, wine, and his fools. He did not realize it was his wife who had thrown the rock at the window. He tries to welcome them but the family gets frightened. But Hameeda does not come back anymore. She jumps on Usher, who gives a painful cry and dies along with his twin sister. The story is told in the form of a chat conversation. Boy - Shot in the head by his father after being bitten by a zombie. Mother and Father - Fell to their deaths from a window. Be wary of the terms you use – avoid anything like ghosts or spirit or shapes, etc., which can be conjured up by your kid’s imagination. The officer flings a coin in the temple tray and reinstates the driver. It would not budge. Read about creepy ghosts, Japanese urban legends and classic tales of fear about crazy stalkers, deranged murderers and other terrifying monsters. Nevertheless, the family buys the monkey paw from him, and the sergeant leaves. But soon, he feels something slimy and long pass across his legs. The Hitchhiker reminds me of Jeff The Killer, omg! One man, Bill Hutchinson finds that his slip has a black dot in it. Suddenly the woman bites him sharply on the neck and cheeks. Along with the buried dead body is a mysterious spooky note, and tickets for a show done by a man called Mordecai. And the one we e that girl finds a boy in her bed in the middle of the night then turns out to be a ghost… Oh so scary if only I was reading it at night time would of had heaps of nightmares…. He runs away. On enquiring, he tells the narrator that two of his boys had drowned while swimming, although the pool was off limits and they weren’t supposed to be there. AWESOME totally freaked me and my friends out!! She grabbed her phone to take a picture. During the second night, one of the friends tries to jump into the river “as a sacrifice”. The lottery begins. He goes to use her and shows no respect towards the woman. When her daughter recovered from her cancer, the mother kept her promise to the devil. Not understanding, Parkins blows the whistle. I could go for a little scarrier, though… but they were still good! Unknown Person - Decapitated by the narrator. The story is about Madeline and Pepito’s adventure on retrieving the telescope for the ghost to watch the comet at least this time. The next day, after the son goes to work, an employee of his company comes and informs Mr. White and his wife about the demise of their son in an accident, and gives them the monetary compensation — the same amount they wished for. She believed that one day they would enter from that window exactly the way they had once gone out. According to the legend, Hello Kitty was created back in the 1970s by a Chinese woman. It followed him wherever he went. As the days passed the boy became anxious for his mother and asked all kinds of question. The girl turned to look in her room, but saw nothing. Grumpily, her mother came up the stairs. The captain and his crew battled for hours to get out of the storm. But no one except him can see these ghostly apparitions, and six hours later they learn about a gory train accident. If you are happy, then Hello Kitty looks happy. Scary Halloween stories for kids and adults online. Make sure you choose one appropriate for the age and emotional maturity of the kids listening to the story. As it continues, townspeople engage in conversation, and a sudden uneasiness and tension prevail in the atmosphere. He says coolly about killing an old man who never did him any wrong. “Ready or not I’m coming,” cried the older brother and off he went looking for his brother. He wears a wig and frilly garments. Read the story thoroughly and see if you can tell the story as is, or it needs modification to make it less scary. “Run and don’t look back!” orders the police officer. He remembers that a woman lives there with a brood of children. The narrator and his friend are sailing down River Danube. The smell made him sick to his stomach. Suddenly, to her surprise, he yelled, “Go away. The story is about Madeline and Pepito’s adventure on retrieving the telescope for the ghost to watch the comet at least this time. His third sacrifice was going to be Stephen. Do your best to add some drama while telling the stories. The officer drives the car himself and starts off for the club. Colby's Parents - Decapitated by StrangerDanger23. Three men kidnapped a young woman and kept her captive in their apartment for a month. The doors open with a bang, and they see Madeline standing there. He dives in for a swim. As she got to the stairs, her mom pulled her into a closet and said, “I heard it, too!”, i liked sorry mom… watermelons is kinda funny… i like this site…. Once upon a time, there was a 10 year old girl who lived in London in a very old house. When he returns to his hotel, he finds that the second, unused room’s bed in his room is in disarray. Wanting the ring and thinking no one would find out, he went downstairs, unlocked the lid, opened it, and tried to pry off the ring. The legend goes that whoever sees the ship will die a terrible death. It is based on a segment of an old 1970s horror anthology movie called Dead of Night... My Name is Tommy is a short scary story about a young boy who comes home from school one day and notices something strange about his family. Suddenly, the two friends see a traveler who is warning them from a distance not to cross but go back. The girl ran back to her room and there was a body in her bed. The man with a joyous look on his face came down to meet his wife and took her inside where he called the doctor once more and told him the news. i am a little creeped out i used to like hello kitty but not anymore because reading this (9/10), Copyright © 2020. SFK posted that in 2011 under bedtime stories, Hehe i LOVE all the stories. People believed in the presiding deity and no one would cross the temple without offering a prayer. Lol. Hameeda was gone. To keep themselves occupied the boys decided to play a game of hide and seek. The girl was very nice and they have a good conversation. The boy was sure he’d already looked there, but he went anyway and called out, “Come out I’ve found you!” but there was only silence. It drags him under the water, and it gets still and silent. She wanted proof. That was good bring more out, I’m shaking in my boots!! However, her mother had an extremely worried look on her face. The villagers ask her to be a sport! You can add dialogues of your own when you narrate the story to make it interesting. He floats by a beach full of people, but the bathers too are not interested and no one even glances at him. She mysteriously vanishes from the car as they pass the cemetery gates. The man tells him that he sees apparitions on the railway track, but the narrator doesn’t believe him. Ruthven goes missing. If you are sad, then Hello Kitty looks sad. But the world of the living is the most dangerous for Bod. They have set out on a canoe trip, and the atmosphere around them looks melancholic, strange, and sinister. Now come down here before I catch my own death of cold.”. Bobby is a scary story for Halloween about a woman who tries to bring her drowned son back from the dead using black magic. We just thought it was nightmares. For, soon after, on the same trip, he accidentally fell from a mast and died. The head of Madeline’s boarding school, Lord Cucuface, turns up suddenly for an inspection of the school’s attic, as a rumor goes around that it is haunted. She decides to call the father and ask his permission to watch TV in another room, because she is freaked out by the giant clown statue in basement room.