(#ls-27), I need charts and diagrams to help me understand information. Check more boxes below for more results. I enjoy listening to people talk on radio shows, audio recordings, etc. I know the lyrics and the melody to a lot of songs. (#ls-23), I am good at following verbal directions. (#bh-17), I have hunches and I follow them. Go straight for 100m, make a right at the intersection, go 50m and you're there. (#bh-18), I enjoy classes where I can move around and try things. Find out with this test! We're appreciative if you tell others about our free brain test. I am quick to get involved in social groups and activities. I tap my foot, fidget or eat while I read or study. I prefer talking on the phone over e-mail. I like to learn about different kinds of flowers, birds, trees, plants, etc. I visualize characters and settings when I read a story. I prefer clean and simple clothes and usually stick to just a few colors. Right-brain people are more creative and intuitive. When spelling, I try to picture how a word looks. We want to help others learn about themselves. For example, left-brain people are more organized and systematic. I prefer to work on many projects/assignments at one time. Give factual examples or statistical data as evidence, Analyze the other person's argument to find flaws in their logic and then counterattack. I want to understand why I am the way I am. I am more interested in facts than theories. (#ls-32), I am expressive and use a many gestures. When you're hanging out together at night, what would you talk about? But left-brain or right-brain? I am more likely to invest in (#pt-26, SN), I would classify myself as a (#pt-19, EI), I usually leave for appointments (#pt-65, JP), The prospect of social activity (#pt-18, EI), When I have a task to complete, I usually (#pt-60, JP), Being the center of attention is (#pt-11, EI), After a social gathering, I feel (#pt-5, EI), Talking about feelings and emotions is (#pt-42, TF), When dealing with problems, I focus on the (#pt-45, TF), When in a one-on-one situation, I usually do more (#pt-4, EI), When paying at a store, I often (#pt-3, EI), I prefer speakers that communicate (#pt-32, SN), I am more likely to measure things with (#pt-69, JP), I dislike it when people are too (#pt-49, TF), I like to finalize decisions (#pt-71, JP), When there is a need to correct someone, I am (#pt-44, TF), With people, I am more often (#pt-48, TF), Others might describe me as more (#pt-31, SN), I am more excited about what might happen (#pt-37, SN), I process information through (#pt-24, SN), I think of my books as cherished possessions. I like to make the most of my time. (#bh-9), I am good at seeing connections/relationships among ideas. I feel alive when I come in contact with nature. (#mi-78), I notice nature above all other things. (#ls-26), I am quick at finding my way with a map. I am good at following verbal directions. (#mi-9), I can tell when music is off-key. (#bh-13), I am able to picture things clearly in my head. For something to be credible, it needs to be logical. If you could succeed at either of the professions listed below, which would you rather choose? (#bh-21), I need a totally quiet setting to study. Go with your first instinct rather than thinking too hard. I love to meet new people and make friends. (#bh-20), I prefer realistic stories instead of fantasy. People follow me. It is easy for me to identify how I feel and why. (#ls-40), I am good at solving visual puzzles. I prefer to skim through and focus on the most interesting parts. This is a self-discovery tool so there are no wrong answers. (#mi-2), Geometry is easier for me than algebra. (#bh-7), I am good at laying out a step-by-step plan. If asked, I can add numbers without writing them down. (#mi-18), I like learning other languages. (#ls-19), When having trouble with something, I experiment until I get it right. Go straight until you see building A at the intersection, make a right, go straight and it'll be across the street from building B. (#bh-12), I am good at understanding feelings and expressing emotion. Optimized the resources in this quiz so this page would load very fast now. Share Flipboard Email VICTOR HABBICK VISIONS/Science Photo Library/Getty Images For Students and Parents. (#ls-30), I memorize something by repeating it out loud. This test is free and includes a personalized chart. Instructions that consist mostly of illustrations are helpful to me. I can easily double or triple amounts in my head. (#mi-30), I easily remember quotes and famous sayings. (#mi-61), I enjoy camping, hiking, walking and climbing.