I’m definitely going to check out Results.org We promote eliteness and look down on those who are less fortunate, and this starts in preschool. The spic, because the nigger had to stop on the way down and spray paint "motherfucker" on the wall. The upcoming generation does not have the confidence to reach out and offer help, as they are struggling themselves. ? Ask most High School students to define Ambition and wait in silence. LOVE it and it gives me hope to keep pushing. Keep up the great work. Other ways to make a difference. And of course, compassion. We are all part of the lasagna of life. It’s almost 20 years that I say that we can change the world one person at a time, and we are that person we can change… saying it better, we can change our choices and it’s one of those cases in which it’s easier done than said. ? We are in it with our heart for the child. Who’s writes the message kids learn, and who approves it? LOVE this episode. I think it’s great that there are more programs and mentorships for kids, I just wish there were resources for those of us that are a bit older who have lost our way and want to do so much more to creatively contribute but don’t know where to turn. Whether you are a surfer, skier, or artist, you can make your home work for you. What screamed at me was solving these issues. Ciao! ❤️. String the wire from one end to another. I love how you pulled the concept in to us as leaders of companies and organizations: if the people we lead or not succeeding and reaching their full potential neither will the organizations we hope they help us build, Hi it’s a Elena again sorry I have rarely left two comments on the same segment, but I have to in this case: when the subject of hardline negotiation with China is dismissed as not particularly important, I must strongly disagree. Thank you so much, Celeste! This is probably the fourth podcast I’ve listened to by Marie, I learned about her through David Bach, who I think is amazing, also bought her book, that I’m planning on reading soon. At Kindness Alert, visitors are invited to adopt and repeat a set of intentions, ranging from “I commit to kindness” to “Pause, breathe, choose. We’re screening a documentary about homelessness and having a discussion afterward about the small things people can do to combat the challenges of homelessness on a daily basis. My presentation went well enough, barely, not what it could be another time, as I had not felt focused enough to advertise it beforehand, and in my nervousness, I struggled to choose ideas and slides. And to gush about how much I appreciate you, second: I also recently listened to your episode with Byron Katie and your interview about money on Rachel Hollis’ show. Thank you for sharing your heart and thoughts with us. You’re so right, Cheri. I am totally in on building from the bottom up and bringing recognition and dignity to everyone. Making a tightrope ©Jerry Everard 2004. Marie, please keep asking questions. Three? ? Cheers! Sometimes a simple invitation is all they need. The trees have been planted and the garden is in place. I haven’t read Tightrope (I plan to), perhaps this point is mentioned in it, I recently heard a recent report showed how much public opinion matters in whether legislation is passed. I got to tour Atlanta a bit before returning home to New England. In this unjust world we all equal in humanity , after the great information revolution world become as a small village , there was a new generation youth people become angry , many governments wants to know why they are angry ,even thought they are in a great civilization ,they protest , burn ,act violence and finely some of them left their countries to criminal organization as Daeesh fight with them ,I say that they sow at the moment the hungry people ,unemployment ,blood every were ,……….ets, we must spread peace all over world fore our adult sake fiend more jobs , fight huger ,fight weapon seller to make food instead of , this a great problem to this unjust world. Thank you for the podcast. You’re absolutely right, Laura. I try to take the time to listen to people’s stories and struggle. Kids can measure exact inches—and practice counting by fives—as they try to be the first to move the ladybug 100 inches down the line. But your phone call may be the one bright spot in their day. Every single issue one might be drawn to champion: homelessness, climate change, prisons, fracking, whatever it is, the people championing for their cause need money. >> I worked with young offenders for a couple of years and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and those who were born withdrawing from drugs are so much more likely to end up as young offenders… understanding when they are little why they are “difficult” because of the brain damage and treating it with different ways of managing that behaviour would massively shift things for those humans later on. India is persuading with its own style , which still requires bit stringent and fast actions. So instead of watching the news, I chat with my neighbors and complete strangers. We’ve created our B-School program to give people the resources and tools they need to build a life and business around work they deeply care about, and we offer scholarships to the program each year to make it as accessible as possible.