and annual growth rate is 1.40%. Chittagong District (chittagong division) area 5282.98 sq km, located in between 21°54' and 22°59' north latitudes and in between 91°17' and 92°13' east longitudes. An Islamic Preach Hazrat Badar Aawlia arrived in this city from the seas and chose Cheragi Pahar to live and started to spread the message of Islam among the locals More than six hundred years ago. Crops, livestock, forestry and fishery are the main source of household income. On 18th April 1930, the revolutionaries looted the Chittagong armoury under the leadership of Mastarda surya sen. During this time the leaders of the women revolutionaries were pritilata waddedar, Bina Das, Lila Ray, Kalpana Dutta etc. After 16 December 1971, the experts sent by Soviet Naval Force conducted mine swiping operation for about three months. In 1971, the freedom fighters (naval commandos) conducted a number of successful operations from Bandar and damaged a number of enemy ships by bomb explosion. It is also a divisional headquarter. Dem paschtunischen Herrscher Sher Shah Suri (Sher Khan) gelang es 1538 Gaur zu erobern, sich dort zum Sultan zu krönen und somit die Dynastie der Suriden zu begründen, die ihr Machtzentrum in Delhi hatte. Traders from different countries including Arab had business transactions with this port since 9th century. NGO Activities: Operationally important NGOs are CARITAS, YMCA, BRAC, FPAB, NGO Forum for DWSS, UCEP, PROSHIKA, ASA, Nijera Kari, CODEC, Mamta, Love the Children Foundation, Sheba Shango, IMAGE, Chittagong Anti-drug Abuse Society, CWFP, Bita, Prottashi, Palli Progati Sangstha, Grammen Projukti Kendra, Bangladesh Samaj Unnayan Sangstha, SDI, Bangladesh Nari Pragati Sangha, Gana Unnayan Prachesta etc. (456.37 sq. Einer von ihnen war Sebastião Gonçalves Tibau, der später im Jahr mit 400 Portugiesen die Insel Sandwip zurückeroberte. Chittagong Koān Metadaten Diese Datei enthält weitere Informationen (beispielsweise Exif-Metadaten ), die in der Regel von der Digitalkamera oder dem verwendeten Scanner stammen. Main sources of income Agriculture 33.53%, non-agricultural labourer 4.30%, commerce 16.22%, industry 0.99%, service 17.61%, transport & communication 3.43%, construction 1.32%, religious service 0.44%, rent & remittance 8.48% and others 13.68%. The Pak army brutally killed 15 innocent villagers at Banikpara of Amirabad. Das Stadtgebiet ist hügelig. 11 DISTRICTS OF CHITTAGONG DIVISION Chittagong District: Chittagong, established in 1666 including three hill districts, is one of the oldest and biggest districts in Bangladesh with an area of 5157 sq km. Im Oktober traf die portugiesische Flotte auf jene von Arakan, die von Schiffen der Niederländischen Ostindien-Kompanie (VOC) unterstützt wurden. Chittagong District, officially known as Chattogram District,[2] is a district located in the south-eastern region of Bangladesh. Ein Risiko, denn die Portugiesen in Chittagong und der vorgelagerten Insel Sandwip (Sundiva) waren nach der arakanesischen Einnahme der Stadt teils feindlich geegnüber Arakan eingestellt. Ab diesen Zeitpunkt kamen jährlich portugiesische Schiffe, um Handel zu betreiben. Chittagong hätte damit die Perspektive eines Umschlagshafens am Indischen Ozean für Südwestchina gewonnen. Wali Ahmed, and the Pak army at a place near the Fenakuni Bridge on the south of Mirsharai sadar on 20 April 1971 in which about 100 Pak soldiers were killed. It is a part of the Chittagong Division. It covers the south-easternmost areas of the country, with a total area of 33,771.18 km (13,039.13 sq mi) and a population at the 2011 census of 28,423,019. Die von Min Sekya gegründete erste portugiesische Siedlung war Dianga (heute Bunder oder Feringhi Bunder), am Südufer des Flusses Karnaphuli, gegenüber von Chittagong.[13]. Er nutzte die inneren Kämpfe im bengalischen Reich, um 1531 Chittagong und Ramu einzunehmen. The Pak army brutally killed 75 persons on 19 May 1971 in Banshkhali; they also killed 89 freedom fighters at village Napora in October. Viele Sufi-Missionare siedelten in Chittagong und verbreiteten von hier aus den Islam. Sitakunda Botanical Garden and Ecopark), Hathazari, Raozan, Boalkhali, Patiya und Anwara, die ebenfalls alle innerhalb des Distrikts Chittagong liegen. Newspapers and periodicals Present: Daily Azadi, Daily Purbakon, Daily Life, Daily Karnafuli, Weekly Chattala, Monthly Suprobath Raozan, Monthly Banshkhali Barta, Chandanaish Darpan, Monthly Patiya, Fortnightly Alokito Boalkhali, Weekly Chaloman Sitakunda, Monthly Rangunia Kantha, Monthly Hathazari Kantha, Monthly Mirsharai; defunct: Monthly Sanshodhani, Purobi, Mukulika, Simanto, Weekly Jyoti, Weekly Sultan, Daily Jyoti, Daily Rashtrobarta, Daily East Pakistan, Daily Azan. Famous Tourist Places: Fays Lake, Potenga Sea Beach, Chittagong Zoo, Chittagong University, Graveyard of Bayajid Bostami, Graveyard of Shah Amanat, War Cemetery, Zia Memorial Museum, Fauzdarhat Cadet College, Mahuri Project, Batali Hill, Chandranath Hill of Shitakunda, Hot Water Fall, Bashkhali Eco Park, Parky Sea Beach in Anowara, Bangladesh Military Academy, Marine Academy Chittagong Ethnological Museum etc. Mount Sitakunda is the highest peak in Chittagong District, with an elevation of 351 metres (1,152 ft). are grown. Historical Events: The city was a Portuguese colony before falling under Mughal rule during the 16th and 17th centuries. Several Soviet mariners were killed in this operation. Cox's Bazar was separated into a district in 1984. Sultan Fakruddin Mubarak Shah of Sonargaon conquered Chittagong in 1340. Chittagong district was further divided into Chittagong and Cox's Bazar districts. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Also Badar Awlia Dargah is a tomb in Chittagong. Das Gebiet von Chittagong Metropolitan umfasst zusätzlich noch die Thana Karnaphuli am linken Ufer des Flusses Karnaphuli, zu dem die Schah-Amanat-Brücke und die Kalurghat-Brücke hinüberführen. [18], Chittagong ist für das Land ein bedeutendes Wirtschaftszentrum. Chittagong Division is geographically the largest of the eight administrative divisions of Bangladesh. Bahiḥ Pracāra Anubibhāga: Banglapedia: National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh, THE PORTUGUESE SETTLEMENTS IN THE BAY OF BENGAL,, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. From this time onward until its conquest by the Mughals in 1666 this region was under the control of the Portuguese and the Maghs of Arakan. The first Export Processing Zone (EPZ) of Bangladesh, established in 1983, is situated here. Sandwip selbst fiel 1602 durch Domingo Carvalho und Manuel de Matos an die Portugiesen, die dort einen Stützpunkt errichteten. Before the Muslim rule Chittagong had alternatively been under the kings of Arakan or the kings of Burma. It has 14 upazilas, 16 police stations, 04 circles, 08 investigation centers, 08 police outposts, 01 permanent policecamp, 15 temporary Police camps. Background: Chittagong is a district located in the south-eastern region of Bangladesh. Chittagong District has 13,148 mosques, 1025 Hindu temples, 535 Buddhist temples and 192 churches. [15], Die Region Chittagong erwirtschaftet einen überproportional großen Anteil des Bruttoinlandsprodukts von Bangladesch. Der lokale Dialekt weist Lehnwörter aus dem Arabischen, Persischen, Englischen und Portugiesischen auf. Bei dem Zyklon von 1970, der ganz Bangladesch betraf, werden die Opferzahlen auf bis zu 500.000 geschätzt. [10], Learn how and when to remove this template message, Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology, International Islamic University Chittagong, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, University of Science and Technology, Chittagong, University of Creative Technology, Chittagong, Moniruzzaman (Chittagong Division cricketer), "Sub-national HDI - Area Database - Global Data Lab", "Mixed reactions as govt changes English spellings of 5 district names", "মো. Water bodies Main rivers: karnafuli, halda and sangu; Murari canal, Chandahkhali canal, Jalkandar canal and Dhalai beel are notable. km. Das Stadtgebiet hat eine Fläche von etwa 161 km² und ist in Thana (Polizeibezirke) unterteilt. The Town is also called the commercial capital of Bangladesh. [2], Die Stadt Chittagong grenzt an die Upazilas (Subdistrikte, vergleichbar den Landkreisen in Deutschland, von Norden im Uhrzeigersinn) Sitakunda (mit dem Zu den Kulturdenkmälern Chittagongs zählen vor allem Moscheen, aber auch andere religiöse und zivile Bauwerke und sonstige Objekte. Die Suriden waren durch die inneren Schwierigkeiten nicht zur Abwehr nicht fähig. Main Crops: Paddy, betel leaf, potato, corn, turmeric, tea, peanut, mustard, patol (heap), brinjal, ginger, cucumber, vegetables etc. Chittagong had been a sea port since the ancient time. School attendance rate is 52.30% for 5 to 24 years age group. Der Hafen wäre aufgrund seiner Lage auch ein attraktiver Umschlagplatz für Güter die von oder nach Indien (Tripura, Mizoram, Assam) oder Myanmar transportiert werden. Economic Situation: The economy of Chittagong district is predominantly non-agricultural. Chittagong region was under the kingdom of arakan during sixth and seventh centuries. In 1860, the district of Chittagong Hill Tracts was formed out of it. Der Anteil von Hindus und Theravada-Buddhisten liegt mit 13,76 % und 2,01 % über dem Landesdurchschnitt. Chittagong District(chittagong division) area 5282.98 sq km, located in between 21°54' and 22°59' north latitudes and in between 91°17' and 92°13' east longitudes. Fakira Mosque in Hathazari, Musa Khan Mosque, Kura Katni Mosque, Hashimpur Kadam Rasool Mosque in Chandanaish, the 16th century Kala Mosques, Chhuti Khan Mosque, Kadam Mobara Mosque, Andar Killah Mosque, Bakshi Hamid Mosque of Bashkhali, and East Gomdandi Chowdhury Para Old Mosque of Boalkhali are famous mosques in Chittagong.