As Tsunggo hit the ground, the Lich Nix was hit with imprisonment and sent deep into the earth. The last chamber’s door was locked, but an iron key was hanging on a peg beside the door. If you’d like a more in-depth explanation, Wikipedia pretty much sums it up. The lich, Nix, was next. He closed the door and went back to sleep. Taking the old soak along with them, the knot takes the King’s flagship, “Darkest Fore the Dawn,” in search of the beast. The island will be together as one and there will be prosperity and peace for all people! The shield that, when she touched it, was desecrated beautifully by Asmodeus’ will and transformed from a Mitran symbol of hope into a glorious tool of Nessus. In the end, it took both dragon’s combined cold-fire to finally bring her down. He agree to grant them Hekkarth’s head hunters, which consisted of 100 bugbear warriors, but seemed reluctant to allow them to also take Shaggaroth Night-Mane’s 150 warriors. The first to die was Nerath, the sorcerer. The next couple of weeks were busy time for the sixth Knot. The going was rough, but the first week of travel was quiet. After securing the duergars’ help, Gardain, Mardoc, Damien and Chantra made use of the necklaces that Dessiter gave them and went to look at the Valley of Valtaerna. "I, Lord Darius Grell, was born as heir to Grell noble family. Not too long after they passed the great wall, though, they were confronted by a patrol ship. For Damien, though, she was just a plaything. This chosen one will unite the people of the Iraen and speak their destiny. Tiadora mentioned a medusa that they might convince to join them, and who lives in an abandoned temple not far from the valley. This is a super cool setup. They did not recognize the wizard at first, but quickly realized who he was when he revealed himself. It was filled with treasure from hundreds of shipwrecks, including a singular treasure, an. The battle with the daemons was hard fought. The first sacrifice was easy to find, in the form of a descendant of one of the cult members. The spell placed the lich in a deep sedation and surrounded her with a magical bubble which rocketed deep underground, holding her unconscious and away from the innocent lives she’d abused in her hideous life, for the rest of eternity….or so they hope. Her magical pendant went off, triggered by the draining health and healed her fully; then her other magic ring was triggered, sending out a number of illusionary duplicates. The party, ready for their next mission, were then taken on a river barge by Tiadora to the town of Farholde, on the northern edge of Caer Bryr, where they were told that the fourth knot was ordered to locate the nearby Horn of Abaddon. Mardok did the only thing that made any sense to him. A path to Asmodeus. Upon her death, when everything went black, when she had expected the lick of damning flames, she instead awoke inside that familiar slab of black steel. After their success with the Duergar, the villains decided to ally with the. The captain didn’t like this and tried to argue his point, but Damien and party were resolute on no delaying. Mardok posed as a Mitran priest and Damien, Chantra and Gardain as his chaperones. All were killed except Sir Darian, which was captured. The shield she found so many years ago in a Mitran church during their raid of the Vale of Valtearna. The last thing the party did before commencing the last ritual was reviving a very confused Grumblejack. They assigned two per major city and gave each member a Ring of Mind-Shielding. His men also budged when they noticed how hopeless their situation was. The valley itself was serene and idyllic, and the foursome made its way to the town of Sanctum which lay in the middle of it, on the shores of Lake Parynthus. We think you'll have a much more enjoyable experience. When the Frosthamar passes near some large island, Kargeld tried to persuade them to stop there to get some fresh water, but Damien was adamant that he could supply all the drinking water the crew needed. Once these were over, Thorn held a great banquet in their honor and awarded them the title of the Nessian Knot in a ritual involving blood and fire, and a summoned devil consuming the flesh of a slave chosen by Gardain.