More and more, I ask the question: What if Mueller uncovers absolute proof that the election was fixed, and people running the country, aka The Republican Party, don’t care? The better question is: What do you do when the party that controls the government feels it’s in their best interest to not only believe they are above prosecution, but behave as such and enforce standards as such? These limits are highly unlikely to deter a prosecutor from obtaining an indictment. America, we survived the Assassinations and Lincoln & Kennedy. Provide federal standards for the voting franchise. History records that applause and laughter frequently greeted Hitler's predictions of the future of the German Jews. If Mueller doesn’t blink and Trump doesn’t flee, we will likely be forced to resolve this power struggle not in law, but in the realm of politics and military force. "[20], In July 2003, the Los Angeles Times published a Sunday editorial cartoon by conservative Michael Ramirez that depicted a man pointing a gun at President Bush’s head; it was a takeoff on the 1969 Pulitzer Prize-winning photo by Eddie Adams that showed South Vietnamese National Police Chief Nguyễn Ngọc Loan executing a Viet Cong prisoner (Capt. Really, what is it about the Trump Era that has even highly educated men like Dershowitz going out of their damn minds? Lets start with language already understood “the maker states will not continue to pay to support the taker states”. Learn how your comment data is processed. Nixon fought the “obstruction of justice” charge….see where he wound up? [15], The number of reported threats rose from 2,400 in 1965 to 12,800 in 1969. Arrest definition, to seize (a person) by legal authority or warrant; take into custody: The police arrested the burglar. I saw that as well but so far the story hasn’t been picked up by big media…Waiting to hear more, but it sounds like they know where to look. [13][14] There was a relative moratorium on prosecutions under this statute until the World War II era. [16] According to Ronald Kessler, President George W. Bush received about 3,000 threats a year, while his successor Barack Obama received about four times that amount. The law was amended in 1994 to increase the maximum fine to $250,000. That is true. Coincidence? As savvy and educated and smart as the Founders were, they didn’t anticipate that someone so brazenly corrupt and dishonest could get into the Presidency, and the Congress would do nothing about it. Theoretically, a Secret Service agent should be expected to allow a federal marshal access to serve a summons on the president. If I were a Puerto Rican right now, I’d move all of my family and friends to Florida or Texas and immediately register them to vote. However, if there is a big wave in 2018 Trump will not be able to accomplish anything legislatively and even his appointment power will be severely checked. Who heads Homeland Security? There is no settled, legal route to a resolution of the crisis Trump and his idiot voters have foisted on our republic. Provide some political means of forcing a President from office, without going through the difficulty of impeachment by the House and subsequent conviction by 2/3 vote of the Senate with the concurrent stigma of being guilty of a high crime or misdemeanor. NSFW, not because of it’s subject, but because you WILL laugh loudly and then your colleagues will be curious. There is no conscience, no fidelity to duty or to their oaths among them now. This concept is the major reason behind my thoughts on electoral reform as mentioned earlier: To wit: 4. The maximum fine it allowed was $1,000. "Arrest the President" is a political song by American rapper Ice Cube, released by Interscope Records on November 9, 2018. We already know that T does not. The author suggests: “For some both in and out of government, the Trump presidency is a deliverance—or at least offers tantalizing promises of an audacious new conservative era in domestic and foreign policy.”, Sentencing Guidelines set a base offense level of 12 for sending threatening communication, but when a threat to the president is involved, a 6-level "official victim" enhancement applies. In U.S. v. Patillo, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit held that a threat to the president could lead to a verdict of guilty "only if made with the present intention to do injury to the president". Isn’t this the premise behind Article 25? "[28], In 2010, Johnny Logan Spencer Jr. was sentenced in Louisville, Kentucky, to 33 months in prison for posting a poem entitled "The Sniper" about the president's assassination on a white supremacist website.,, A paragraph I just read seems to sum up a lot about the GOP and our host’s disillusionment with it. Given how complicit the GOP Senators have been, I wouldn’t count on their cooperation even if Mueller has an ironclad case showing Trump laundering Russian $ AND obstructing justice to cover it up. More and more I see inklings of a return to essentially the feudal era. #LOLNothingMatters. I am seriously concerned for the future of our republic, and for national unity. Besides, riots don’t matter. Unlike many other senior officials in this administration, Duke is an ordinary, sane, career civil servant. If she cites some bullshit legal objection and refuses to cooperate, then we’ll have an ugly Constitutional crisis on our hands. Many of the GOP MoC do not care about potential violation of their oaths. [36] At his sentencing, Taubert said “I’m sorry for the offensive language. Nielson previously held a position in the Trump White House, but her service there seems more a function of her long relationship with Kelly than of an attachment to Trump. If I was Mueller, I’d deputize and give the summons to the Queen. If that makes me a conspiracy theorist, so be it. But it won’t last forever. On the other hand, there is controversy about whether the president is subject to indictment (and therefore arrest) no matter who does the arresting. If the Secretary of Homeland Security cooperates, then service of a summons should proceed smoothly. Furthermore, since he left Justice, there has been no activity in pursuing this potential issue….despite the expectation that the fine would have generated billions….We’re looking at an administration (potus and congress and pertinent agencies – Justice) who are controlling the investigation of Russia/Trump by every means available. he was right: he could shoot someone on 5th and get away with it. Oh, and if the Trump Family et al want to leave the country surreptitiously? [73] Conversely, the mailing of letters containing the words "kill Reagan" and depicting the president's bleeding head impaled on a stake was considered a serious threat. ; and admitting that their lies are big, old, and collapsing as we all watch. Specifically, “Republicans at every level of government, have made one critical fact crystal-clear – our system of laws and our culture of democratic norms cannot be counted on to protect us”. Great article, and the answer – of course – is that trump side steps the whole deal by starting a war to stir patriotism in those who are queasy with him.