Xiro is something of a womanizer, as he is easily swayed by beautiful creatures, which often leaves him in dire situations. Having been around humans most of his life, Pity always has a hilarious story to tell. Directed by Tom Shadyac. Read more about this topic:  Noah's Ark (2007 Film), “But, when to Sin our byast Nature leans,The careful Devil is still at hand with means;And providently Pimps for ill desires:The Good Old Cause, reviv’d, a Plot requires,Plots, true or false, are necessary things,To raise up Common-wealths and ruine Kings.”—John Dryden (1631–1700), “There saw I how the secret felon wrought,And treason labouring in the traitor’s thought,And midwife Time the ripened plot to murder brought.”—Geoffrey Chaucer (1340?–1400), “Trade and the streets ensnare us,Our bodies are weak and worn;We plot and corrupt each other,And we despoil the unborn.”—Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803–1882). Wayne LeGette- Dagnino: A tiger and the main antagonist from the animals' point of view. After seeing an old man use all of his money to free a slave, God says that he will consider giving humanity one last chance. Keller also served as the voice of Farfan: One of the two con artists who proves to be a thorn in the side of Noah, his family and the animals. God enjoys the festivities from above, but admonishes Angel for leaving the rainbow switched on. Preaching that the only way for anyone to survive is to work together, Xiro gains the allegiance and trust of the animals (even some of the Predators, much to Dagnino's irritation). Unfortunately, the duo don't go unnoticed by the rest of the animal denizens. With the couples formed, the animal kingdom makes its way to Noah's ark. Though the Predators have been dealt with, the other animals are still worried- the crash couldn't have just happened for no reason, so they're naturally worried. Despite being a mutineer, he actually seems to care for the well-being of Xiro. Dagnino assumes control and has Xiro locked up in a storeroom, but Xiro's herbivore friends quickly unravel the deceit and convince Kairel of the truth. Noah's eldest son Japeth volunteers to rescue him, but quickly retreats upon hearing frightening noises below (which turn out to be the hippopotamus suffering intestinal distress). After Pity the Parrot does his comedy act, things take a turn for the beautiful as Bombay introduces the super-star of "The Dive"- Panty the panther (who has no mate of her own), a seductive and voluptuous singer. She tends to be very frank with the people she meets. The sudden stop pitches Dagnino and his minions through a wall, in which their heads are stuck fast. Though he is somewhat low on the food chain, he is surprisingly brave, as he openly shows his hatred towards most of the carnivores. The film concludes with the animals having a huge party, thanking Noah for "showing them the way", whilst the Predators swear revenge on the animals and the humans; overhead, God gives his promise to never flood the world again- the rainbow. Directed by Juan Pablo Buscarini. Kairel, a lioness and aide to the royal family, takes pity on the dove and his plight and takes him to the elderly King Sabu and his wife, Queen Oriana. Meanwhile, with the revelation that the world could be finished hanging over him, Xiro decides to step up his maturity levels and work with Kairel in an attempt at creating a better world. Even worse, his pleas of innocence fall on deaf ears. Xiro likes the idea, but naturally, his sexual tendencies take hold of him when Panty arrives to ask for some time together with Xiro during lunch; this sends Kairel to the breaking point. They are last seen fleeing the hungry polar bears who have elected to remain behind in their natural habitat. Andrio Chavarro- Japeth: Noah's oldest child. This results in their mutual doom, as they are killed or captured and taken to market where the remains of the killed animals are sold and the survivors are enslaved. Inspecting Noah's cottage, Farfan and Esther notice the ark in the distance. Realizing that they're the closest food for miles, Farfan and Esther run, with the Arctic animals in hot pursuit. Dagnino, realizing his minions are beaten, takes on Xiro in a one-on-one fight to the finish. Throughout the movie, God takes notice of the fact that his religion is the only one (at the moment) to have no book to go with it; thus, he sends his angel to write the Bible. He is distinguished by his brown hair and his fairly light-colored clothes. Despite being a female, she is something of a brute, as she can easily take out anyone (regardless as to whether they are friend or foe) with but one punch. And so the flood fell upon Earth for 40 days and nights, until the highest mountains were submerged in water. He serves as something of an enforcer to Dagnino. Todd Allen Durkin- Patricio: A vulture. With Steve Carell, Morgan Freeman, Lauren Graham, Johnny Simmons. Luckily, God has finally decided that the flood and the rain have both gone on long enough and promptly stop both of them. It is based on the biblical story of Noah's Ark, with its focus in the animals' point of view. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. While preparing for the journey, Xiro talks to Bombay- a close friend and massage therapist -concerning who they're bringing along for the trip. Already unhappy with Noah's leadership, they assume he has lost his mind, particularly when he fashions a model of the ark out of mashed potatoes (a parody of Roy Neary's mashed-potatoes Devil's Tower from Close Encounters of the Third Kind) and begins cutting down his father's forest for lumber to build it. However, the birds immediately abandon their task and head for a jungle strip club to celebrate their freedom. It is based on the biblical story of Noah's Ark, with its focus in the animals' point of view. Selling his house to the con artists from earlier in exchange for a flock of doves, Noah intends to send personal, hand-written messages to all of the animals so that they can avoid their untimely deaths; unbeknownst to Noah, the doves have no intention of helping him and instead head to a bar/strip club for rest and relaxation. Pepe is rescued by a kind lioness named Kairel, secretary to the aging King Sabu and Queen Oriana. Heather Gallaher- Panthy: A black panther. Joe Carey- Noah: An elderly man with the heart of a saint and the main protagonist (for the humans' point of view). Calm and cool, she brings some sense to any situation (though she can be a tad sarcastic, if the need arises). A chance encounter with the gentle and devoted Noah, who purchases the freedom of the enslaved man despite his own poverty, convinces him to give humanity one last chance. Farfan and Esther knock Noah unconscious and abandon him. The mortal world has fallen into a state of pandemonium, corruption and evil- men swindle, rob and take from one another, innocent people are either in debt to criminals or forced into slavery and wild animals end up captured and/or killed very quickly. On the upper deck, Noah has made his way back up to his family, who are likewise now rallied behind him. Noah's Ark (2007 Film) - Plot Plot The mortal world has fallen into a state of pandemonium, corruption and evil- men swindle, rob and take from one another, innocent people are either in debt to criminals or forced into slavery and wild animals end up captured and/or killed very quickly. Sabu's spoiled libertine son Xiro has gotten a mangled portion of one of Noah's messages and mistakes the announcement of apocalyptic doom as an invitation to a party cruise. Xiro delivers a speech that rallies the animals behind him (even many of Dagnino's gang, to Dagnino's chagrin). Danny Paul- Coco: A crocodile. God appears as a heavenly light to Noah and tells him to build an ark, upon which he will board his family and two of every animal, to survive the world-enveloping flood He will send. She is married to Japeth. In fact, God takes more interest in the creation of the Bible than he does for the well-being of the mortals who were chosen to create the new world. The most temperamental of the group, she is married to Shem. El Arca was released on DVD in the United States by Shout! Noah's Ark (Spanish: El Arca; "The Ark", in the original English/Spanish version) is a 2007 Argentine-Italian animated comedy adventure film directed by Juan Pablo Buscarini. In the opening scene, animals and humans are seen acting out the seven deadly sins: pride (the peacock), envy (the snake), sloth (the sloth), lust (the hedgehog), gluttony (the toad), wrath (the mandrill), and greed (the human). But as the rain begins to fall outside, it soon becomes clear that livi Noah's faithful pigeon Pepe volunteers to fly down to Noah, but instead plummets helplessly because of his injuries. Loren Lusch- Sara: Another of Noah's daughters-in-law. Kairel is the animal deuteragonist of the 2007 film Noah's Ark.She is a humanoid orange lioness and the secretary of King Sabu, who is the father of Xiro, whom she is in love with, though his first choice of a mate is another lioness named Bruma.American singer, Chloe Dolandis, did her voice in the English version, but it isn't said whether Kairel sings in the film or not. Elsewhere, Farfan and Esther (whose presence on-board the ark enrages God) explore the ship, crossing paths with a room full of snakes, before Esther makes animal outfits for the both of them out of their fur coats, since she figures that the only way they'll survive is if they look like animals. Inside, Kairel attempts to maintain some semblance of order and convince Xiro to take his duties seriously, but Xiro flees to a hastily assembled club. Though he is hesitant to trust predators at first, as the story goes on, he develops something of a friendship with Xiro. With the pitch poured out, Xiro tosses the torch that sets the whole path ablaze and opens the way to the New World. Apparently, she comes from a family of criminals, as she mentions that her grandfather was a swindler, but he ended up killed by a former partner (who may have been Farfan, given his reaction). By the end of the sessions, both Xiro and Kairel are naturally tired of the mostly ridiculous suggestions that have been doled out; despite the endless wait, Kairel holds strong with her belief that, if Xiro can learn to govern his people properly, then there can be such a thing as a perfect world. Working together, Noah's family restores the ark's wheel to a functional position and then watches as the animals clear a path through the ice using some leftover pitch and one of the torches from the ship. A running gag throughout the movie is that he is constantly getting hurt (quite by accident, in most cases). (Xiro's group challenges Dagnino with the Maori ritual known as a haka.) The ship has been divided into two sections: the cargo hold and lower floors go to the animals (with a grand total of 13,000 double cabins- one for each animal couple -and five towers exclusively for the birds), while the upper deck and the higher floors go to Noah and his family (complete with a large fishing area and four cabins to house Noah's family).