You might as well pay up, since choosing to battle means having to fight the whole way through. Do any shopping you fancy; visit Vimme Vivaldi, the banker, for a high-stakes game of Gwent; and grab all the secondary missions from the noticeboard before moving into Triss’s courtyard. When the fight ends talk to Cleaver, and if you want to help him, The Gangs of Novigrad side quest begins. Whatever you chose, follow Triss inside to set the incense at the 3 locations along the walls (easily found using your Witcher Senses). That’s up to you, and your choice plays a big role in the Payback main quest that occurs later on. Head down some stairs to the north and continue north to reach another wall, where the second trap can be placed. Outside, follow Triss along the riverbank. Leave Triss’ house and return to Heirarch Square, where Geralt will spot some thieves plying their trade. They both lead to the same dialogue chain, except with the latter option you’ll have to beat the thugs into submission, first. Axii, my favourite, is particularly good, if you have the upgrade to turn one into an ally. Head into the lovely (and totally not sewage-filled!) When enemies appear choose one of the following: fork over 1,200 Crowns to keep Vespula’s shop open for business, or slaughter all four bad guys and she’ll relocate near Oxenfurt. Watch the cut scene and the fencing lessons come up. If you interact with the door but don't know the password, you'll eventually have 2 choices: Regardless of which one is chosen, you'll earn 100 for entering the grove. Additionally, you may speak to beggars nearby for even more intel. Onwards to Novigrad Dreaming, or back to The Witcher 3: Act One – Novigrad. Corinne Tilly - The Witcher 3 DEATH MARCH! The Cult of the Eternal Fire entertains the bloodthirsty masses of Novigrad. After Triss tells you what to do, head east from the entrance until you reach the eastern wall of the granary and, with your Witcher Senses active, find the spoReturn to Triss and hand her the package, then follow her to her destination, bantering along the way. Exit using the Gate of Hierarch and walk towards the homes near the river. The Witcher 3 is currently available to download for free as part of a deal with GOG. Hopefully that whet your appetite for Gwent, as there’s a good bit of it coming up, but for now, Triss calls. With Aard Sign magic, remove some of the planks and you will find a hidden room. When the brief cut scene ends, battle all of the enemies and spare no one. Main quest You’ll reunite with Triss at the Putrid Square. Access the basement and descend using the ladder. The Cult of the Eternal Fire entertains the bloodthirsty masses of Novigrad. Respond how ever you like here but Caleb makes it clear: witchers aren't welcome in his "righteous" city and he can't wait for Geralt to slip up so he can have the witcher arrested and executed like the mages. Finally, head west, up then down some stairs, to find the third spot to place a trap on some wooden planks. Take out the guards, then access the mansion ground floor. Either way, get the information you want out of the two, after which some members of the Eternal Fire shows up, led by one pleasant fellow named Menge. Wait for the thief to depart, then head up to the door and knock on it. Once that’s done, search the eastern side of the brick pillar with your Witcher Senses to find a button. Your choice will determine whether you run into a happy Sarah during the Through Time and Space main quest or an angry Sarah during the Bald Mountain main quest.