Je peux me tromper mais ça ne serait pas la première trahison à la saga.Pour revenir à JB, on peut désormais plutôt parler de franchise que de saga, le personnage évoluant au gré des modes et des époques, gardant certains attributs mais subissant aussi les diktats de ces mêmes modes et époques.On peut aussi très bien de pas expliquer le rajeunissement du personnage ou son évolution en se contentant de vivre chaque film comme un pur divertissement de 2h et quelques, avec les codes inhérents au perso et à l'univers. This theory has been fuelled by the fact that 2001: A Space Odyssey was released a few months before the Apollo 11 landed on the moon, pointing at Kubrick having access to the set and props needed to shoot this big event. Hence why he took the job as the care taker of the overlook hotel, as he's getting paid to live in a place rent free so he can spend all day playing with no responsibilities. Hits from the '80s are on repeat all Christmas Eve and Day on IFC. Disney/Warner Bros./, The latest and possibly craziest theory (and that is saying something) claims that Disney’s endlessly popular animated film Frozen is actually the same movie as The Shining. I don't blame them, it's a ridiculously good, truly scary film. When Danny is playing darts in that room, he turns around and finds the Grady twins standing in the entrance. In mere days Portlandia wraps up its final season, and oh what a season it’s been. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Pareil pour Nolan qui voulait effectivement jouer sur la fin pour pousser les gens à leur interprétation mais pas au point d'aller aussi loin dans le délire.D'ailleurs la derniere théorie débile sur harry potter serait que Dumbledore est depuis le début Ron mais en version grand. Pour soutenir son hypothèse, l’intervenant se fonde sur une boîte de conserve repérée dans le garde-manger – de marque Calumet, illustrée par un logo en forme de coiffe d’Indien – et sur une réplique évoquant une bataille avec les Indiens qui aurait eu lieu sur le site de l’hôtel. Film critics, film students, and Kubrick's producer Jan Harlan, have remarked on the enormous influence the film has had on popular culture. Your junk is falling out of your trunk. Though Kubrick, a Bronx-born non-practicing Jew, had actually written his own Holocaust-centered film called The Aryan Papers, he ultimately abandoned the project when, according to his widow Christiane, he realized putting the whole brutal truth on film would be “un-survivable.”, As if the film wasn’t disorienting enough, one theory by a group called MSTRMND alleges it’s meant to be watched backwards and forwards concurrently in order to unlock the “Kubrick Code.” When viewed this way with the images superimposed on top of one another, it brings out eerie subtextual congruencies between the beginning and end events with the two versions meeting right in the middle at the scene where Dick Halloran is lying in bed watching TV. Neither do the ghosts or visions. Revue de presse | Jack Torrance is driven insane by an evil presence at the Overlook Hotel, which compels him to try to kill his innocent wife and child and to repeatedly ax an innocent door.