The anger was better than her grief, or to feel fear, Allura holding it’s around her as though it was a warming flame. “You don’t know when to hold your tongue.” Lotor noted. Allura did not know. He seemed to grow even angrier, lips baring fanged teeth as he let out a low voiced growl. “No! Pride 14: Clash of the Titans[2] was an event held on May 27, 2001 at the Yokohama Arena in Yokohama, Japan. “That’ll get you in trouble…”. “He didn’t die.” Lotor continued. His one hand was on her shoulder, pinning her down with strength that was impressive. Lotor did not linger in the outer chamber, coming straight to the bedroom. But she knew without a doubt, that today was only the beginning. “You truly are a Godless people. The sword and belt would be placed in a panel that opened in the back of the closet, some kind of mechanism locking it close once Lotor was done with it. “I knew you Drule were a horrible people…” She continued, refusing to back down her defiance, to cool down her anger even one degree. Another growl from Lotor, though he did not move to approach the bed. But it was just one more terrible act, cruelty Allura knew she would have to get used to. Even her cousin, Romelle’s brother Avok, had been active in working with Allura’s father. You Drule are animals! Even worse, she had seen her family, the men dead, the women enslaved. “I…” Slowly, she licked her lips, mouth suddenly feeling too dry. But such was the cruelty of the Drule, that death seemed almost preferable to life as the Drules’ slaves. But was thoughts of that revenge enough? Especially when one considered the numbers of times Alfor and his people had come to the aid of the other worlds. Sides I was told Lotor wouldn’t even be interested in allura in the Netflix revival. The right thing!” Allura snapped back in retort. She thought Lotor was going to kill her, and Allura didn’t so much as flinch. On one hand it’s great, cause I’ve been writing a lot more (Though still not anywhere near my previous speeds) but on the other it means all my Voltron and VP fics have been neglected big time. “That would serve no purpose.” Lotor answered. The people of Arus would have little hope left, if they were to be abandoned by those they had so often aided. Allura wasn’t happy that she had given in to her grief. No! Or to live on, miserable but looking for the chance to kill this man? “You’re not going to kill me?” Allura asked, cautious as she just lay there staring up at the ceiling. It came with too high a cost, a price no one in their right mind would dare pay!” Lotor actually seemed to twitch in response to that, his anger visibly growing in intensity. “It’s no worse than what your father and his allies would have done to my own!” Lotor retorted. How many killed at the hands of the Arusians and Voltron?!”. Doomed Romance: A Lotor and Allura fansite. My father made him an offer…an offer he refused!”. “I haven’t even begun to enact my revenge.”. A trophy was all that Alfor was now, turned into a symbol of a failed resistance against the Doom Empire. “The only good Drule is a dead Drule!” She followed up that exclamation with a gasp, the Drule Prince suddenly on the move. One whose only reason for living, only motivation to go on was revenge. She herself had had limited interactions with the leaders of the other worlds. And yet she couldn’t stop, her hatred, her bitterness, her disappointments making her bold and wanting nothing more than the cold solace of death. “You haven’t begun to experience the worst a slave can expect for her disobedience.” Lotor told her. She had struggled valiantly against the tears, but ultimately had lost. “My father would never gain Arus peace at the sacrifice of the rest of the galaxy…”, “Your father was a fool and is now dead!”.