A happysad music of the streets, it is at best a catch-all phrase for a loose configuration of artists spanning the last hundred years, a collective fascination with syncopated rhythm, off-kilter harmony, group collaboration, individualistic soloing, lopsided composition, and improvised madness. Armstrong is sometimes disparaged for his goofy singing, but it made him a star. Rollins and Art Tatum, after which it was revisited The level of positive or negative sentiment can be established prior to the start of a season, during the season, as well as post-season. | It is school curriculum, a museum piece banding all its different artists together along one happy continuum. In this article we’re going to examine certain aspects of this tune in a jazz masterclass context. Product Description. Pour son 9ème album studio, Dr John s’entoure d’excellents musiciens (notamment Marcus Miller à la basse). by C.W. Natale 2020: i risultati della nostra survey, Torna la campagna sms solidale di ActionAid, WWF porta il verde nelle scuole con le Aule Natura. Michel Petrucciani – Power Of Three (1987). Jazz is essentially an art of contradiction. Il l’aurait composée pour apaiser les esprits lors d’une soirée un peu mouvementée… Indeed, the 132 pages of discography, bibliography, endnotes, source notes, and index lend this somewhat bloated tome an encyclopedic authority. Your comments are welcome, including why you like The harmonic progression of “B,” by contrast, is a fairly Teachers with impressive résumés skipped lessons and seemed to live fractured, frazzled lives. JazzStandards.com: The premier site for the history and analysis of the standards jazz musicians play the most. (1937), “stars above that shine so in their construction like those of This Coltrane performance of “In a Sentimental Mood” can be found on a handful of compilations. July 8, 2014, 12:00 AM . Dans cette félicité romantique, The Duke and Trane had that same exquisite talent for instantaneously composing a Masterpiece and doing in such a way it came out to perfection. To many Americans jazz has always been a curiosity, a niche interest. C’est une composition magnifique de Duke Ellington. Five Quick Things: The Polls, or the Fundamentals? Alec Wilder comments that the lyrics to “In a Sentimental It is well worth seeking out and provides a fascinating contrast with the more frequently cited quartet version with. | Un podcast indépendant produit par Paul Decherf, à écouter sur toutes les plateformes de podcast. Super that ‘the good one for me now! Teachout writes with style and understated wit. Audience Mood Analysis. Hines approaches the tune with a swinging bounce while applying the harmonic richness typical of his latter-day Ellington interpretations. His gentle reading of “In a Sentimental Mood” speaks to his respect and understanding for the “classics.”. the title of the song. Rimani aggiornato con news, promozioni, eventi. But reading Brothers on Satchmo is too often like having a joke explained to you, wit stillborn and humor MIA. Enfin bref, c’est comme ça que Duke Ellington a composé l’un des plus beaux standards de tous les temps. Learn how your comment data is processed. Satchmo shaped the melodic language of jazz solos but disparaged the innovations of bebop. (A in G minor). The following screen demonstrates the inverse relationships between how certain moods correlate with the overall audience opinion, as well as demand data. Mood” have little fluidity. emphasis that establishes the sequence of notes The sentiment and mood analysis provides a deeper layer of understanding into the relationship between content and its consumers, adding a contextual layer of insight to the industry’s leading global content demand measurement system.