If not you may take the medical journal route. For an enhanced browsing experience, get the IMDb app on your smartphone or tablet. I picked up the short story afterward and I came … I can't wait to read what you are brewing up next, Scott! Maybe I'll talk to my local law enforcement too, just to get an idea of how police work goes. It was pretty cool.Bernita - Exactly. The Fifth Quarter is probably the story readers will be least familiar with. The author says much better than I did. Carolina Organ Procurement Agency.Good luck I'm sure the story will be awesome. The more facts you put forward, the more the reader is going to believe you, even when you slide in a few things that aren't exactly scientific.Mr. Peter Filardi, who scripted the ‘Salem’s Lot remake for TNT as well as The Road Virus Heads North for Nightmares and Dreamscapes, told attendees of Fangoria’s Weekend of Horrors that he’s developing a new “televisualization” of It. Since we're not King (yet), you might want to try a cardiothoracic surgeon resident rather than a full-blown doctor. It represents the first time I’ve ever heard some of the bizarre names from Lovecraft pronounced. You could just say, "You probably don't remember me but - blah blah blah - and I'm doing research before I write a book. I don't think you can specify who gets a heart. King says that exactly in his story. but is tongue-in-cheek throughout. An executive recalls how he may have ended up going from his golf game to an autopsy room. Others too. I've done most research right there and never needed to hit the pavement. Gotham Cafe. Didn't you think so? I am doing that as we speak. I needed to research police procedures, so I talked to a janitor for our local station, a by-law officer and the legal secretary for a criminal lawyer. What if I know what's going on?I'm with Jason about talking to professionals. Autopsy Room Four is one of Stephen King's short stories that I imagine the producers licensed for $1 (one of Stephen King's "Dollar Babies"). ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. Samantha Mathis, though she isn’t the primary focus of the story, carries the show from beginning to end. As far as King's novels, I lost interest a long time ago. Amazing. I didn't need a great deal of info, just enough to seem like I knew what I was talking about.Talking with the people that help those in the profession you're researching gives you lots to work with. John Dillinger. Going to film festivals has become an interest of mine, but a lot of the shorts I have seen tend to be on the "home movie" variety. "Autopsy Room Four " is a short story by Stephen King, it was collected in written form as a story in King's 2002 collection Everything's Eventual. Even though this short film is based on a Stephen King short story, the execution and direction of the film was extremely well done. I would recommend that any Stephen King fan see this. Maybe you should try a teaching hospital. Maybe you can try making the whole thing up, medical details and all. All he did was track down facts for the author. 22 min A few seconds later he lets loose some purple prose straight out of Chandler, and he stops to admire it. If he doesn't remember you, no biggy. The production, directing, and acting were very well done and of the highest caliber. Places: Autopsy Room Four. If your character is talking while his heart is laying on the table next to him, what fun! If you have a major teaching institution/hospital near you, you could talk to the program director for that residency program. I didn't know that. The episode also has the most outright grue (maggots, empty eye sockets, etc.) People are usually happy to help. Check it out! A whole lot of solid medical information is available online. The ending is a little abrupt, which dilutes the episode’s impact, but these screeners aren’t 100% complete, so they may do something in the production version that softens this nebulous finale.