How can we pursue our passion if we’ve yet to discover what we’re passionate about? You can sign in to vote the answer. Give yourself plenty of time. The notion that 'life begins at forty' is a 20th century one; prior to that it was more accurate to say 'death begins at forty' as most people didn't live much beyond that age. Our move start to slow, we have to change our exercise type. ( Log Out /  If you want to be serious about turning 40, you can opt for a sentimental or inspirational greeting. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Not to mention the whole damn town gets cursed . Alot of people think that life ends at 40 as in there is nothing to do and you're too old to do anything that younger people do, but when your 40 you got enough expericne to do what you want to do and couldnt do before. In 1980, a forever 40 year old John Lennon wrote a song by the same name. “Living in a tough world, expressing it through a fearless attitude”? Life Begins At 40 (Age & Waistline) Prefer Prodigiousness. NOT THE ORGANIZATION. 6 quotes from To Kill A Mockingbird please. Give yourself plenty of grace. You often have a degree of financial stability that you didn't when you were younger. 39. What do you think this quote means? Except now it's all lower. Our body seems become heavier. The purpose of this blog is to not only document my successes and failures as a writer, thinker, traveler, photographer, joke maker, guitar player, storyteller, snowboarder, belly dancer, etc., but to also inspire like-minded individuals to deviate from the norm if the norm doesn’t make him or her happy. You've established your own priorities. You've lived through loss and you have learned to let the people that you love know it, because you understand that life's not forever, and that life's what you make it. "Life Begins at 40" is a song by John Lennon. "If they no longer serve us, it's the time to begin subtracting the excess." What is your favorite motivational quote? ( Log Out /  — Helen Rowland. ( Log Out /  Still have questions? 38 "The 'I just woke up' face of your 30's…" "is the 'all day long' face of your 40's." Written during a time of rapid increase in life expectancy (at the time of its publication American life expectancy at birth was around 60 and climbing fast, from being only at age 40 fifty years before), [1] it was very popular and influential. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. I can't think of a situation where it would be appropriate to point out the age of your workers, particularly if it's comparing one group of workers to another.