Would you rather have cheese or bologna on your sandwich? Mostly, this is because they are attempting to help prevent you from writing fragments rather than complete sentences; sometimes though, it’s just a personal preference. . Conjunctions are the part of speech that lets you connect two or more thoughts together (such as and and or). 2. A coordinating conjunction conjoins two words or group of words that are “equal” in terms of their syntactic status, i.e., they must be of the same word class or phrasal category, and they must have the same syntactic function. The main function of this part of speech (conjunction) is to link words or join words together in such a way that it forms an interesting sentence. One type of conjunction is the coordinating conjunction, which gives equal importance to the words or sentences that it connects. This type of conjunction links equal parts of a sentence or tries to join two equal elements of a sentence which includes phrases or clauses. Or - It helps to add an alternative to an already existing positive alternative. I am a vegetarian, so I don’t eat any meat. Do I need one of the 3 or a bonded courier plus either an armed guard or employee? . Some Examples of Conjunctions are: and, but, because, since, while, etc. But if you need help identifying them, start by memorizing the acronym FANBOYS, and you’ll start to see each of them in sentences you read. During the 19th century, some schoolteachers took against the practice of beginning a sentence with a word like but or and, presumably because they noticed the way young children often overused them in their writing. Neither Norway nor Switzerland is in the England Union. The fact is, you can begin sentences with coordinating conjunctions as long as you follow these three rules for doing so: Ensure that the coordinating conjunction is immediately followed by a main clause. He liked her, but her family stood in the way. Ted was rocking in the chair and Mina was by the fireside. Can You Start a Sentence With a Conjunction? Some still are. If they were to be joined without a comma and conjunction, this would result in a common writing error called a comma splice. Let us form a few sentences using subordinating conjunctions: Sarita took an umbrella because it was raining. These conjunctions are used to link or join two words or phrases that are equally important and complete in terms of grammar when compared with each other. Example: The play had a great beginning, yet it fell flat in act three. 98 Sentences with Conjunctions in English, Example Sentences with Conjunctions As is known, we often make long sentences when communicating with people using the English language. 1. Dr. Richard Nordquist is professor emeritus of rhetoric and English at Georgia Southern University and the author of several university-level grammar and composition textbooks. Correlative conjunctions exist in pairs. Can I write Example: Rima ate eggs and bacon at brunch. FANBOYS Acronym | Coordinating Conjunctions Examples. Be ready to leave by 10 am, or else we’ll leave without you. This is a correct manner. Get Keyboard and check your text using a unique Contextual Grammar and Spell Checker. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. Many people, at some point in their life, have wondered: can you start a sentence with but or and? You may circle more than one per sentence. You may use these HTML tags and attributes:
. Example: Hanna loved her little puppy, but she couldn’t take it to the school. Coordinating conjunctions are similar to ​subordinating conjunctions, but subordinating conjunctions are used to join an independent and dependent (subordinate) clause while coordinators join two independent clauses.