We are proud to say that all our products are made in Portugal. 5. It may not be perfect, but the difference between this and having nothing is a million miles. Obrigado. 1000€ a month per kid and to tell you the truth, standard in Portuguese schools is higher! We were hoping Portugal could become a new summer home and possibly a new full time place of residency. You can find warm properties. I don’t care for fakes and morons. I have learnt to adapt and keep positive and remember the traffic and pollution in the UK! Basically it is a blocking point of economy. To warm people dying on the streets because of the winter? Should You Launch Your Startup in Portugal? I think it makes sense to draw comparisons between other European countries because people are often looking at living in Portugal VS Spain, for example. In Madeira bus stops are horrible designed . No doubt you’re good at something else. Portugal doesn’t have the highest taxes in Europe, but it definitely doesn’t have the lowest taxes either. If it’s beach, the Algarve should be your focus. Or Ola Me and my family live in the Alentejo now for 4 months on a temporary bases. Per kilowatt, Portugal is one of the most expensive countries in Europe. Obviously, being single and in a village environment is going to be challenging anywhere but, with the exception of the language and some cultural differences, I don’t think Portugal is going to be that much more challenging than anywhere else. While seeing the list prior to moving would not have kept me from relocating, my frustration level could have been reduced by a realistic understanding of what to expect! and as my husband has had heart surgery in the past, a good hospital w/acute cardiology services is important. I wonder if this is part of why, haha. Undoubtedly jealous racist conspiracy by our accountant and his good friend, a senior tax official. This maxim is true in a lot of countries, of course, but it’s especially true in Portugal. Sounds exactly what we are looking for , Wow great to hear Sue I would like to stay in touch I’m from London lived in India nearly 40 years Heading to Portugal in a month looking for a change Regards Zena. We have been saved twice from total destruction by local bureaucrats purely because of kindly, elderly Gentlemen who happened to have lived in France and were able to come to our rescue when our poor Portuguese and Google translate were not helping! Chinese is easier than portuguese. ALL: Please feel free to offer up a reply string on this post. While comments pointing out the negative sides of Portugal are allowed, there’s a diplomatic and a constructive way of doing this and there’s a way that’s unhelpful and simply negative. Should I buy or rent a property, do the have any affordable one bedroom apartments ? Most people do not want to speak about it though being afraid of something…. We have exhausted over seven years attempting to recover almost 100,000€ stolen by the Tax authorities contrary to EU Protocol. Hello James, Thanks so much for administering this great blog. I have a dog and have read in many places that Portugal isn’t very dog-friendly. Would you have any advice for me? Healthcare: we would have our private int’l plan (Alianz? Beaurocracy being the most difficult and nearly enough to just walk away from the country entirely! Hadn’t thought of that one. You look and sound like a pratt…never wrong and too stupid to understand just how stupid you are. Born in the UK and traveled a lot it is a pleasure to walk the streets and feel totally safe, so relaxed, take life one day at a time, chat a little, drink a coffee, I love the attitude of the locals, what is the rush. Anglos are obcessed with mold, why is that ? I’ve been living in the Algarve for a year now, having physically moved from Toronto, Canada ( thou mentally still partly there) and have found many things challenging and frustrating, such as the bureaucracy, and the “can’t do” attitude as well as little cultural perspectives and ways of doing things. Portugal is a nice country. In no particular order, here are some of the downsides to life in Portugal. Another is dont try to speak spanish with us. Hi Lionel, taking the wax off the new car shine is the way I would characterize your post. pls, can you email me on [email protected]? The Portuguese I knew ‘left the building’. If it doesn’t take, pass, it really is make or break. You forget dog poop all o ver the floor and vandalism grafite covering even train Windows. We are lucky and get reciprocal rights. Not sure if anyone here can help but we are moving to Portugal and bring all our belonging via ocean. They just don’t seem to care and are really oblivious to any kind of discomfort they might be creating. With the current Covid 19 situation I have put back any plans to visit Portugal until winter at the earliest. We’re not here to please you, to be changed by you, to serve you, to live like you. Thanks! Portugal has taught me to look at the beauty of the place, spend time with friends, we’ve made loads of great friends, we drink a little too much wine, long warm sunny Algarvian days just sitting in the square. Please contact me at [email protected]. Are you a dentist by chance and naturally want to protect your scheme? Portugal is a long country and regions like the Algarve and Alentejo have different climates. After 40 years of always wanting more, doing things better, faster, saving money, board meetings, flights etc., what for, its about quality of life and Portugal offers that. Thank you. There is so much going for you, if you were only able to understand. I have learned so much from the differant view points from the readers. Also, fuel is insanely expensive (almost $5/gallon). Can’t hear anyone. All the best of luck in your adventures. Those that stayed here near Grândola in the Serra are two kinds of people: or Tjernobyl Germans or depressed Portuguese that WILL scam you whenever or wherever they get the chance. He married a Romanian and now speaks it perfectly but he uses it with their friends, family and congregation. Obviously you’ve already committed to moving to Portugal, but it would be a good idea to get an idea of what job opportunities are available to you before getting here. Should I move to Portugal, I would be keen to involve myself in local charitable activities as a public-spirited contribution to my new community. And of course cheap is good. The Court in Strasbourg have alternative ideas of right and wrong. It is something you need to keep on top of, otherwise it spreads. I’m going to sell my house in Pacifica, CA and buy house in Portugal. It’s exciting to hear that you’re launching a business on the Algarve. STRÓ. Thinking About Working Remotely in Portugal? My wife and I are moving to Cascais next year. Walls are concrete. Zane, totally agree with you! Is it safe, are schools and healthcare free, will I find a job easily (telecommunication graduate)? The hardest part of bureaucracy isn’t the bureaucracy itself. They will generally not be included in the inner sphere. Seems like government here just give the leftover to people and steal money. It’ll still be slightly more expensive here, but not as expensive as if you were coming from somewhere else in the US. what are you doing here then if that’s all you think about Portugal and the Portuguese? Be warned yes, Portugal is the best place to live in Europe, but there is a high price to pay for this privilege! Uncivilised. While Portugal may not have as a good healthcare as France, there are other benefits over France like a cheaper cost of living, lower taxes, English being more widely spoken, etc. Really? I’ve been here three years and although there is much that I enjoy about living here, the insular and low insight mentality is the hardest to handle along with the striking mediocrity. It is unrecognised and untreated. Even when it then tried to snap someone`s ankles she didn`t notice and was oblivious to a comment from a lady nearby. I was born and raised in Los Angeles, but my parents are Brazilian so I do speak Portuguese and have lived in Brazil, Salvador and Rio, and have lived in Costa Rica too. Minimum of 650€ per month! Yes, we do. My eastern genes can’t handle the cold without the cozy . 8.2K likes. Good luck to those with the courage to come here. Hi Zena, We are a couple originally from India, currently living in US (citizens now), but exploring options to retire outside US. Thank you very much, Robert. Children know all about this trickery, teachers despise the practice. However, I have reservations about exposing my wife and I to the dangers of declaring my contact and location, in any public place. Then you will receive an email with total amount to pay plus the shipping cost and bank details to proceed to your payment. Can’t wait to retire in the top 3 safest country. Almost everyone speaks English, the locals are very friendly and helpful, the real estate market is still a lot less expensive than the U.S. You can still purchase a 3 bedroom home 5 minutes from the beautiful beaches for about 200k. begging to everyone…nothing personel… and no harm want to apply to any one by any means… with these words…. not trying to say portuqal is a third world country…and also …not really an expert of the country…just visited once a year for two week of vacation last 10-13 years …, sometimes ..(evolve quickly) thinking , ruining our civilized minds:)). We are proud to say that all our products are made in Portugal. I’ve had it happen to me in Porto, the Algarve, and even over in the Azores, but it’s much more of a problem than a slight annoyance in Lisbon. Every 100 mtr up the temp drops a degree (as a general example) so always know how high each home that you plan to settle in is, remembering that after about 450/500 you will need some heating..remember you will definitely climatise here.. On the positive side, it’s a delight to live here as there is hardly any crime , the climate is a dream and lots of free things to pass the time of day…great walks and places to explore…I love it here and feel privileged to be here..our two cocker spaniels enjoy it very much. If it’s something more of the beaten path, there’s a lot more of Portugal to look at. I suppose there is a good possibility of a decent rental income there too. The cost of shipping depends on the destination and weight of the parcel. 8.2K likes. Animals are treated differently here, primarily because the owners see absolutely no need to take responsibility. There seems to be a national cultural complex of low level depression, which leads to your can’t do/ attitudes, what in psych;ology is called psychomotor slowing. Portuguese taxes, particularly when combined with social security payments, are high — at least in their simplest form.