"The dude was unconvincing in his remorse and, to be fair, psychotic." A charlatan and a gobshite! Your comment says it all!! Hi dude, I think Patrick is Irish, they will hate the English until the end of time I think. a question that has never been raised: if mark byers was the murdered boy's step father, how could the dna on the knife he gave the filmmakers come up as either being the boys OR his? I got so mad at the ridiculus religion circus I had to turn it off the other day. i just thought the parts that were SUPPOSED to be funny WERE funny thats all. they offer no objection. Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills (1996) Staggering documentary by Joe Berlinger and Bruce Sinofsky that chronicles the infamous case of three West Memphis, Arkansas teenagers that were falsely accused and subsequently convicted of the grizzly 1993 triple-murder & mutilation of 3 eight year old boys …. it makes me madd. As I mentioned below the step father seems a little dodgy to me, I dont know,but do you remember he took the lie detector?how to say in english,is it lie detector? His testimony gave the impression that he was hiding something (whether or not it was the murder is speculation). "I didn’t realize that there were no stab wounds or anything.". The dude was unconvincing in his remorse and, to be fair, psychotic. - Who knows, I give up! Terry Hobbs left his wife at work only telling her 4 hrs after Stevie's disappearance he was gone.. he took Stevie's pocket knife and now Pam Hobbs believes he was capable of it... And you you are right there is an incredible amount of suspicion over the head of Terry Hobbs. I refuse to believe because he was loyal to the other kids, loyalty goes right out the window when you are facing that kind of time in a prison. While I'll admit that the evidence against them shouldn't have convicted any of them, and that the police seemed to have been on a witch hunt, Damien's statement at the end was very disturbing to say the least! Damien grabbed Michael and Michael's friends started hitting Damien. Bruce Sinofsky, Cast: This was a fad back in the 90s where fundies thought every unexplained crime was satanists in the woods doing some sort of ritual sacrifice. i'm personally for the death penalty but also for justice. unless there is something to hide of course. Polygraph testing especially that long ago where incredibly inaccurate & more so considering everyone was on so much medication! I think the most bizarre thing about my life growing up in small town New Zealand was the attitudes of people towards me and my friends after we started listening to heavy metal. THAT is what convicted Jessie. Why did they not find the body part in the weeds? The appellant was asked about his involvement in a cult. There are 6 victims here, and the guilty person is running free. When talking to his two friends prior to this he stated that he went through a period when he was aggressive and violent and looked for fights, such as the one where he lost his teeth... During the polygraph, he stated differently when asked about harming other people. I wouldn't hold my breath. No small wonder they can't solve the case. I mean the words "ignorant rednecks" are words used when you meet a person who is country and who bases his or her opinions of people no on the way they look and talk right.Or maybe even on the music they listen to. just gonna trim a bit off the last point you made.. I live in the area that this murder took place in and will admit that the Christians here (rednecks) are probably not the best indicator of what Christians (sheeple) are like in general. Three young, innocent boys died and he thinks it's kinda nice because he gains notoriety from it? I am a jazz guy now, I can't believe I used to love heavy speed metal when I was a kid. no there wasnt, there was speculation which is completely different, and what convicted them was the false confession which wasnt what really happened anyway and hence shouldnt be used as evidence at all. A horrific triple child murder leads to an indictment and trial of three nonconformist boys based on questionable evidence. (1996). I'm off to find out if they ever got free. Especially given the panic at the time and the subsequent debunk, I am VERY skeptical of ANYONE who was convicted during that time period of being a satanist. Hold on to your seats, this story will blow you away.