The employment of the tube form evades one of the chief difficulties of the plate method, namely, the uncertainty of the flow at the boundary of the area considered. But thank God for John's first epistle, an epistle of certainty for his age and ours, which are ages of uncertainty. There was, however, Iorship of no change in the principles of government or avowed Count von change in policy; some uncertainty of direction and Caprivi. BASILICA, a code of law, drawn up in the Greek language, with a view to putting an end to the uncertainty which prevailed throughout the East Roman empire in the 9th century as to the authorized sources of law. Through generally accepted accounting principlesGAAPGAAP, or Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, is a commonly recognized set of rules and procedures designed to govern corporate accounting and financial reporting. aleatoric uncertainty is randomness which is usually modeled by probability distributions. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics implies that vacuum fluctuations are present in every quantum theory. It is a matter of uncertainty what part, if any, Wycliffe himself took in the work. The setting up of further investigation is likely to prolong the uncertainty surrounding Equitable. The chief element of uncertainty as to the largest features of the relief of the earth's crust is due to the unexplored area in the Arctic region and the larger regions of the Antarctic, of which Crustal we know nothing. runoff generation models are extremely vulnerable to uncertainty in precipitation. Therefore, the most effective thing to do is to prepare for it and turn it into an advantage. The measuring volume of the F25 is one cubic decimeter; measuring uncertainty 250 nm at a scale resolution of 7.5 nm. Generally speaking, the future is uncertain. But from 1896 onwards the uncertainty of the political position caused a falling off in the number of immigrants, while the emigration figures still continued to grow; thus in 1900 there were 2 9, 848 adult arrivals by sea, as compared with 21,163 departures. The uncertainty with which the results are affected depends chiefly upon the imperfect contact between the bar and the yoke and also between the ends of the divided bar. Study of the uncertainty in estimation of the exposure of non-human biota to ionizing radiation. The uncertainty as to the literary structure of the epistle naturally renders it hazardous to infer the character of the Christians who are addressed, but it may be said that the results of the long debate on this point are converging upon the belief that the predominant class in the local church or churches were Gentile Christians, while proselytes must have swelled the ranks to no inconsiderable degree. Too many causes operated in favour of their depreciation: the enormous issue, the uncertainty as to their value if the Revolution should fail, the relation they bore to both specie and commodities, which retained their value and refused to be exchanged for a money of constantly diminishing purchasing power. DESIDERIUS ERASMUS (1466-1536), Dutch scholar and theologian, was born on the night of the 27/28th of October, probably in 1466; but his statements about his age are conflicting, and in view of his own uncertainty x. You can decrease stress and financial uncertainty by considering the costs involved before conceiving. These three core statements are intricately during times of uncertainty. [A good deal of uncertainty long covered the precise character of their relations. Disputes between neighbouring chiefs and their clients, and uncertainty as to the law, brought about the Constitution of Ulfliot (c. 930), which appointed a central moot for the whole island, the Althing, and a speaker to speak a single " law " (principally that followed by the Gula-moot in Norway); the Reforms of Thord Gellir (964), settling a fixed number of moots and chieftaincies, dividing the island into four quarters (thus characterized by Ari: north, thickest settled, most famous; east, first completely settled; south, best land and greatest chiefs; west, remarkable for noble families), to each of which a head-court, the " quarter-court," was assigned; and the Innovations of Skapti (ascribed in the saga to Nial) the Law- Speaker (d. Instead it will bog them down in a quagmire of scientific uncertainty and public questioning. In answer to Toll, Paulucci suggested an advance and an attack, which, he urged, could alone extricate us from the present uncertainty and from the trap (as he called the Drissa camp) in which we were situated. The electrons have an orbit of minimum energy from which they cannot fall into the nucleus without violating the uncertainty principle. This instrument is a measure for market expectations of the direction of uncertainty regarding the future exchange rate. Holiday seasons and times of uncertainty in our nation and world is when the church pews are packed - but this usually does not indicate a surplus of funds. development of theory has advanced poi passe with the demand for bridges of greater strength and span and of more complex design, and there is now little uncertainty in calculating the stresses in any of the types of structure now adopted. When James Bradley and Samuel Molyneux entered this sphere of astronomical research in 1725, there consequently prevailed much uncertainty as to whether stellar parallaxes had been observed or not; and it was with the intention of definitely answering this question that these astronomers erected a large telescope at the house of the latter at Kew. It is better to use a fairly large calorimeter to diminish the rate of cooling and the uncertainty of the correction for the water equivalent. The shooting of these boys created a feeling of horror throughout the country, and a sensation of uncertainty as to what measures of severity might not be practised in the future if Balmaceda won the day. Risk is simpler and easier to manage, especially if proper measures are observed. As to the Edentata, it is still a matter of uncertainty whether the pangolins (Pholidota) and the ant-bears (Tubulidentata) are rightly referred to an order typically represented by the sloths, anteaters, and armadillos of South and Central America, or whether the two first-named groups have any close relationship with one another.