Ask yourself what you need. Write down all of the words that are calling out to you right now. Your word should be my word! Required fields are marked *. Write down your goals. Great alternative to New Year’s Resolutions – 2019 Word of the year. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Love it!! . Step 1: Reflect. Mine is “Rich.” I want to have richer experiences, deeper relationships, enrich myself, have rich evenings and weekends by myself, with Bart and with my family, and hit our financial goals both as a couple (no more student loans!) I want every house project to Align and be completely. Last year my word of the year was “regeneration.” I chose this word because it reminds me of how some animals and plants can completely re-grow a new body part or appendage after losing the old one. In 2018 my word was LEARN Your word takes the place of a New Year’s Resolution. So, organized it is. The next year I chose the word “discipline” and listed the different areas of my life and what discipline would look like in each of them. Can you help me with finding my word? I’ve listed some of my favorites but take a while to think about what your goals are, who you really want to work on becoming in 2020. I want to do some courses to develop myself. I chose this word because stuff has taken over my home. Then, I came across this blog with a list of 100 potential options. It means more rigorous workouts and waking up earlier. Fall Florals and the last 5 books I’ve read, September Happy List and that $20 Target Sweater,, Intentions For an Amazing 2019! I wanted it to work for my goals in my family, in my relationships, in my personal growth, and in this blog. To learn more, check out the About Me page! I used the following two quotes to help guide my choice: “Do one thing every day that scares you.” – Eleanor Roosevelt, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” -Unknown. I tried making my own in PicMonkey but yours was so much closer to what I was looking for. Your word will feel right. Create the manifestations of my innermost spirit poured out through my writing and sharing my passion for cooking. It’s a theme, a lantern in the darkness, your guiding light. Get this widget. Read the attached list and reply with your word for 2019!! Body Love Challenge – Blessing Manifesting. Every year since I was a teenager I’ve made New Year’s Resolutions and I believe I failed at every single one of them. I will strive to be intentional with my family, relationships, work, actions, fitness, words and faith. How to Choose Your Word of the Year + 175 Suggestions This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may earn a small percentage of any purchases. It’s so hard with little children but this year is our year! This!! Maybe you’re looking to be more daring in your relationships and in your work? To move away from things that no longer serve me. I wanted the reminder to sacrifice what I want now for what I want more. Hi there and welcome to Blessing Manifesting! PTSD, Lost I suffer from depression/ anxiety and PTSD and I self medicate. Another word for suggestions. If there’s a word you just feel drawn to – even if it doesn’t make sense right now, take a leap of faith and go with it. In each of these things I’m going to try to choose quality over quantity, to give myself an upgrade. , HNY 2019. Here are a few easy steps to help guide you in choosing your 2020 word of the year. But when I read your suggestions for choosing a word, I knew I had chosen well. Make a Word List. A single word can be easier to keep in your mind, and easier to focus on when your in the throes of daily life. My 2018 word of the year is Worthy, a twist on #66!!! A mental upgrade. My word this year is Upgrade. Something that you can apply in little ways throughout your life instead of a concrete goal that involves either failure or success. Once you’ve picked it, set it as your phone’s lock screen. Whichever Word of the Year you choose, you can keep it front and center with these awesome Word of the Year Gifts and Reminders like jewelry, home decor, t-shirts, and more! and for my blog. Determined, Free Right now and going into the new year, what do you need? So tomorrow Wednesday the 12th I start outpatient till they have a.bed open for impatient. Don’t just go through the motions in life- Be Intentional. To move my body with yoga and running. the K-2 teachers will be moving to another building, and the other 3-5 grade teachers will be moving to our school. How to plant a Salsa Garden – from Seeds! In the past, I’ve used words like connect and clarity. It means more projects that challenge me. So saying that, my words relate around wanting to get better mentally and sobriety. It’s been a game changer. My word is “Intentional”. I’ve been picking a Word of the Year since 2012 and if you’ve got the Self-Love Planner then you’ve probably already chosen a word. The first thing I want you to do is to reflect on this past year and ask yourself these questions. Maybe your word needs to ‘motivation’ so that you can tackle all of those things and get them done or ‘fit’ to inspire you to move more. Peace, Recovery Bring the word that you choose into your life with any of the fun “word of the year” ideas below. I’m going through a lot right now. And in 2020, my word is… A Word of the year can apply to all areas of your life- rather than just a specific change the way a resolution can. What could I use more of in my life? My word is PEACE. I love the theme a word of the year sets to your goals + direction in the new year. Here are some words that might resonate with you! Related: Achieving Goals: Create an Action Plan to Accomplish Goals Fun Things To Do with Your Word of the Year. I will have to change to another classroom, which will require ORGANIZATION! What qualities or traits do you want to bring into your life? Keep it in the forefront of your mind and use it to set smaller monthly goals throughout the year. From your list the Word Align. […], […] 2019 Word of the Year (and 100 ideas for yours) […], Your email address will not be published. In addition to my home, the school I work at will be changing…BIG TIME!. We have some big family changes coming this year and the new + different will inevitably mean a bit of discomfort. My word sometimes takes me a while to figure it out. My word is “Confidence” – and one of my friends has a kit from this company where we hammer our own word onto a disc and it can be jewelry, keychain etc. Mine is create – I want to create a better version on myself. Have you picked a “Word of the Year” before? Depression, Anxiety This is a great alternative to New Years Resolutions or a way to organize all of your different goals. And to do this at home too so I don’t accumulate more school stuff at home. It means more patience, more presence, and new habits. - Tales of a 4 Child Mom, 2019 Resolutions and the Word of the Year - Candy Jar Chronicles, 5 Fun Lessons Ideas that Teach Leadership Skills - BE GREAT. Visit my privacy policy and my terms and conditions. The Goal Chaser points […], […] I saw these word-of-the-year posts popping up on different blogs I follow. Ease, Stress I want to take one step at a time. Another great post! In 2017 my word was ROUTINE. I had started to think of different words that I could use. How to make a Succulent Topiary for your Garden! There are people that claim w riting down your goals is the quickest way to reach them. Ultimate Self-Love Bundle: RETREAT for 20%, Etsy: BUNDLE1 20% off when you spend $100. And reorganizing my home to find the peace that surpassed all understanding to gurad mind in Christ Jesus. You can easily ask yourself what course of action most aligns with your word of the year. Going to share a link to this great post in my Sentence a Day post for December. I’ll take the word “breathe”. Great alternative to New Year’s Resolutions – 2019 Word of the year. Email me at: Now it’s time to pick a word for 2020! Jot down whatever pops into your head without self-editing. Confident, Motivated Feeling totally spoiled by the great stickers, pla, Thank you @thetoyinsider for such a sweet time at, #DFW Flash Giveaway! Let it find you. The word is kind of like the trunk of a big tree.