If you could do so that would be amazing and will help me build this to be highly historical. On 26 April, the Soviet 8th Guards Army and the 1st Guards Tank Army fought their way through the southern suburbs and attacked Tempelhof Airport, just inside the S-Bahn defensive ring, where they met stiff resistance from the Müncheberg Division. Only 42,095 rifles, 773 sub-machine guns, 1,953 light machine guns, 263 heavy machine guns, and a small stock of mortars, field guns, and Panzerfausts were available to arm these troops. ww2dbaseIn the bunker, Hitler and his staff planned the defenses from the bunker beneath of the Chancellery, where they could now actually hear the rumble of Soviet artillery. Around that time, a German counterattack from outside the city led by General Walther Wenck began with promise, but very soon was bogged down by the Soviet defenders, therefore failing the last attempt to link up with the forces in Berlin. The most amazing feat accomplished by the people of Berlin was perhaps the fact that even at this time the post office still delivered letters to residents of the city. Of the few who remained on guard, many were incompetent as soldiers and officers. Hitler's order of the day dated on the previous day was released to all German troops, ordering all who would flee in the face of the Soviet attack to be arrested or shot. Need a history map for you? Fewer than 15,000 out of that number were actually trained soldiers; the rest consisted of 1,713 policemen, 1,252 Hitler Youth and Labor Service boys and men, and 24,000 Volkssturm troops that were mostly old men and those previously deemed too sick or weak to fight. The Soviets would go on to capture Bucharest on August 31st, 1944 and spent the remainder of the year into early 1945 occupying the Baltic States and other territory in eastern Europe. Stalin’s Deception at the Battle of Berlin, Battle for Berlin: April& |nbsp;– May 1945, Negative Effects on the U.S. Economy Caused by World War 2, The P-51 Mustang in Europe, The need for and effects of the P-51 Mustang in the skies over Europe, The Deuce and a Half, The Backbone of Allied Armies. I've been pretty burnt out on Minecraft for a while, so currently I'm not sure, I have been working on it occasionally but not enough for significant progress. I hope people will enjoy this map when it officially comes out and I'm always open to criticism so don't be afraid to give me some! Knowing the dire situation, Weidling's immediate response was "you might just as well have me shot" to the messenger, though he regained composure soon after and accepted the duty. German forces still fighting the battle outside Berlin surrendered on May 8th and 9th, 1945on 8/9 May, Vasily Chuikov2nd Belorussian Front:Konstantin Rokossovsky1st Ukrainian Front:Ivan KonevNazi GermanyArmy Group Vistula:Gotthard HeinriciKurt von Tippelskirch Surrendered[a]Army Group Centre:Ferdinand SchörnerBerlin Defense Area:Helmuth Reymann followed by:Helmuth Weidling (Surrendered). What made this battle so bloody was the amount of people who fought in this battle. Inside Berlin, Soviet forces fought for control of Templehof airfield, Spandau, and Grunewald areas. Soviet 1st Byelorussian Front penetrated the Berlin, Germany suburbs from the east and north. As this battle, the Battle of Berlin was the end to the most deadly conflict in human history. I should be updating this monthly, If I haven't don't be afraid to message me, I might've forgotten xD. By April 30 the defenders of Berlin had almost exhauste their ammunition. To continue the fight in case of his death, Hitler appointed Admiral Karl Dönitz as his successor; Dönitz was to lead the country as its president should Hitler become captured or killed. Battle of Okinawa - Attack on the Le Shima Airfield. The Tempelhof airport in Berlin, Germany was seized by Soviet troops. The Reichstag was secured at 2250 that night and a large Soviet flag was sent to its rooftop. The capital of Germany, Berlin had a powerful political appeal as a target and objective in the final phases of the war in Europe. At the same time, Montgomery’s 21st Army Group would protect the northern flank of the Allies and General Jacob Devers’ 6th Army Group would protect the southern flank. German defenses of the city were led by Helmuth Weidling and consisted primarily of badly equipped and depleted Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS divisions. looks excellent, your a great builder, and ACLL, I wish I had some better builders on my server, ACLL helped out but he didn't like the lag, which I think I have fixed now, don't be so mean, I was wondering if he had given up on it or not. The line went from Lübben through Mariendorf to Anhalter station, which means that Reichstag, symbol of the German government and the Soviets' final target, went to Zhukov. Unimaginable amounts of casualties were inflicted upon the Soviet attackers, but their generals only had one thing in mind: to be the first to reach Berlin. In the afternoon, Colonel Nicolaus von Below and other three adjutant officers departed Adolf Hitler's bunker in Berlin, Germany. While the people in Berlin did all they could the secure the last supplies of food for their families, the Soviet armies made tremendous progress: Zhukov and Konev's forces linked up near Schönefield airfield.