I could change up the bit that inspired him to rise up against the wizard of you would like? Are you doing the whole AP eventually? The fools, that's more than you need to break out. Hey! Hopefully it will be of some help!I don't want to promise anything, but I would like to come back, polish it up, and make a new blog post at some point! WAY too broken. Anti-paladin: Must take the ‘Tyrant’ or similar archetype that allows alignment to be lawful or neutral evil. At some point in this adventure path every character is going to have the chance to join an evil organization and swear allegiance to the master of that organization and its patron – the lawful evil god Asmodeus. Usually I talk about D&D Fifth Edition material, but this time I'm going to discuss a set of adventures for the Pathfinder roleplaying game - the Way of the Wicked adventure path. Longswords, greatswords and bastard swords are now P & S. Spears can be wielded one handed if the wielder has Weapon Focus with that weapon. They shipped you to the worst prison in the kingdom. Summoned creatures cannot provide long term benefits such as nourishment, soul gems, etc. My bad. Seriously, isn’t an animal companion bad enough? Other races may be permitted on request. FEATS LEGAL SOURCES click the Wiki link on the left for world info, including history, geography, noble house, etc. Hello, and welcome to Pact of the Tome. check out the. I really like the Wiki work you put into this! Any other notes that could help me fit the setting a bit more? The original setting has it as actively illegal to worship any other god, just noting that worshipping another good god isn't enough to send you to their death camp. I'm really glad that you have found the conversion useful!I have done only the tiniest bit of work on converting Call Forth Darkness, though it's on my to-do list. I started out in middle school, running my hapless players through old-school adventures like. Druid: Fine, but no animal companions that are feline (tigers, lions, etc) and no dinosaurs either. Some exceptions to this may occur in-game. Way of the Wicked: Call Forth Darkness (Lvl 6-9) -- February 2012 Way of the Wicked: Tears of the Blessed (Lvl 10-12) -- April 2012 Way of the Wicked: Of Dragons and Princesses (Lvl 13-15) -- June 2012 Way of the Wicked: The Devil My Only Master (Lvl 16-17) -- August 2012 Way of the Wicked: The Wages of Sin (Lvl 18-20) -- October 2012. PCs start the game with 1 trait from any legal Paizo source and a Criminal trait from the player’s guide. I ended up running the first half of it for my own group, but with very "quick and dirty" conversions - monsters largely adapted from those in the Monster Manual and other elements improvised. I mean it when I say thank you so, so much, and I wish you the best! We get to be the bad guys, the stuff of nightmares, we … the “Way of the Wicked” Campaign is similar to making characters for any campaign using The Path-finder Roleplaying Game with just a few modifica-tions. Hey Koga305, thanks for your hard work! The word most people use to describe Kitara Whitesong is 'statuesque'. What I do have is here: http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/BkZmXzHLKe. She keeps her blonde hair cropped short around her shoulders. -————————————————————————. RACE Create Pit: As written except the climb DC to escape is the same as the reflex DC (this affects similar spells, such as Hungry Pit). Players will use the simpler 25 point buy method instead of the dice rolling method. It’s only fair. The adventure path assumes you say yes to this chance. DISCLAIMER: As this is an evil campaign, various problems may appear that would be easily evaded in a standard D&D setting. Rainbow's upbringing under a Wizard (that was perhaps not originally from Talingarde, as Talingarde is at peace) is fine, his witness of an assault/murder/theft is also ok, but it is important to note that such an occurrence would be a huge rarity in Talingarde.