The primary goal of the Secret Service is to keep the President, Vice President, and their families safe. Ambition, in a private man a vice, is in a prince, a virtue. When a continuous motion produces a reciprocating motion, or vice versa, or when a reciprocating motion produces a motion not reciprocating at the same instant, the directional relation is said to be variable. You can also search for goods by narrowing the prices from highest to lowest and vice versa. , Mrs. Jenkins is the neighborhood hypocrite who talks about the sins of others but fails to mention her own vice of shoplifting. Thus many subdivisions are diagnosed by setting free medusae in one case, or producing gonophores in another, although it is very obvious, as pointed out above, that a genus producing medusae may be far more closely allied to one producing gonophores than to another producing medusae, or vice versa, and that in some cases the production of medusae or gonophores varies with the season or the sex. But if the vice did not appear objectionable the expense did, and a new chapter in the financial history of the government was opened when the Commons, having previously gained control over taxation, proceeded to vindicate their right to control expenditure. The exhibitions of vice and cruelty that were Growth And Population constantly to be seen in the capital have been reproduced by Hogarth, and had they not been set down by so truthful an observer it would have been almost impossible to believe that such enormities could have been committed in the streets of a great city. At Kut-el-Amara, approximately half way from Bagdad to Korna, the bed of the Tigris is higher than that of the Euphrates, and accordingly from this point downward its waters flow into the Euphrates and not vice versa. But licensing is associated with strict segregation, and it results that the great cities are conspicuously free from evidences of vice, and that the streets may be traversed by wonien at all hours of the day and night with perfect impunity and without fear of encountering offensive spectacles. : The election process was swift with the past vice president taking the chair as president for the next two years. We spoke to Lynn Beaurline, Poshé's Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, to learn more about the brand, its products and get the full scoop on how to make our hands look their best! But analytic thinking is victorious in morals, where the test of formal self-consistency distinguishes virtue from vice. Dymock appeared with the title of Le Vice ridicule. If you currently have gas and want electric or vice versa, you can change what type of energy your stove will run off with a simple conversion kit you can purchase from the manufacturer of your range/oven. The wrong china can transform your elegant arrangement into something that sticks out as though it doesn't belong and vice versa. for protecting the family honour from the disorderly or criminal conduct of sons; wives, too, took advantage of them to curb the profligacy of husbands and vice versa. By this de vice a great part of the heat is regenerated and a saving of fuel is effected. Jackson). Accordingly, when he denies the reality of Being, and declares Becoming, or eternal flux and change, to be the sole actuality, Heraclitus must be understood to enunciate not only the unreality of the abstract notion of being, except as the correlative of that of not-being, but also the physical doctrine that all phenomena are in a state of continuous transition from non-existence to existence, and vice versa, without either distinguishing these propositions or qualifying them by any reference to the relation of thought to experience. For example, if you have an oval face, opt for a square frame and vice versa. a means of indescribable torture to a decent man and a prolific source of vice and crime to a criminal. Natori left Manila to study economics in New York and after graduating from college, she went on to become the first female vice president of investment banking at Merrill Lynch. Hence a Christian might be first punished in the civil courts and then put to public penance by the ecclesiastical jurisdiction, or vice versa: an apparently double system of punishment which the medieval Church, when the forum externum had become quite separated from the forum internum, sometimes repudiated (see Maitland, English Canon Law, 138, 1 39, 144). Remember, you can always switch from online to traditional classes, or vice versa, if you find your chosen method isn't working out for you. That said, reading the novels will not spoil a viewer's enjoyment of the television series or vice versa. With shoes, this is especially important; what works in summer will not be appropriate in winter, and vice versa. Brown eventually landed a job as Executive Vice President for Hartwell Industries, a job that took him far from the creative and well into the corporate world. He also maintained throughout the book that physical and psychical energy do not interfere, but that the psychical is, like a mathematical quantity, a function of the physical, depending upon it, and vice versa, only in the sense that a constant relation according to law exists, such that we may conclude from one to the other, but without one ever being cause of the other. In Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, just like in Vice City and the other games in the Grand Theft franchise, you drive an assortment of cars. "Where you are, there is vice and evil!" The same energies that can help two individuals form a solid friendship will also encourage more intimate relationships, and vice versa. Vice Presidentted vice-president of UNISON in June 2006. Vice Presidents the reaction of John Skipper, executive vice-president of ESPN. He set out to create a shoe company that would craft footwear by hand and ensure that the shoe molded to the foot and not vice versa. But it would be difficult to mention the name of any European king whose private life shows such a record of vulgar vice unredeemed by higher aims of any kind. Try experimenting by pairing a patterned top with a solid or striped bottom, or vice a versa. Instead, he simply left it to Vice President Adina Bastidas to spout the anti-American rhetoric. Alexandre Palhares, a student of Vieira, whose outspoken attack on vice in high places in a sermon preached before Queen Maria led to his exile from court. vary between Os (or 6) and In uncial writing OC Os) might easily be miswritten or altered to 6C (e€Os) or vice versa. Vice and disease, which cast such a sombre moral hue over the world, seemed to have hardly any existence for him. The state, which has adopted the penny postage, is in the Postal Union, and money orders on North Borneo are issued in the United Kingdom and in most British colonies and vice versa. I begged my husband to quit his unhealthy vice of smoking cigars. The following excerpt is from a letter John wrote to Abigail after being sworn in as Vice President of the United States: "I pray you to come, as soon as possible. They are the following: L, n, r, d between vowels or at the end of a word disappear: sd (sal), so (sot), vice (viene), tire (tiene), paa and pa (para), mia (mira), naa and ha (nada), too and to (todo). In the 1980s, silk tee shirts under blazers became haute couture, especially with the advent of TV shows such as Miami Vice. Woo Sun Park, Vice President of GSM product planning at Samsung, said TV was becoming a commodity item for mobile phones in Korea. These causes of change in phyllotaxis are also well exemplified in the alteration of an opposite or verticillate arrangement to an alternate, and vice versa; thus the effect of interruption of growth, in causing alternate leaves to become opposite and verticillate, can be distinctly shown in Rhododendron ponticum. the protection of parents against children and vice versa, protection of widows, wardship of heiresses and orphans, divorce; in religious matters he superintended the Dionysia, the Thargelia, the processions in honour of Zeus the Saviour and Asclepius. In large companies, business managers of different departments may report to department heads, vice presidents or other senior executives. All Rights Reserved. The former, through the influence of Augustus's minister and favourite Briihl, had become, in his twenty-eighth year, vice ' The fourth eagle was the White Eagle, i.e. Formerly the vice president of Konami Computer Entertainment Japan, Kojima opted to leave the business aspect of gaming behind him, choosing instead to focus all of his energy on game design. Measurement of volume (amounts of grain in cylindrical and rectangular spaces of different dimensions and vice versa).