(Aug. 9, 2010)http://www.perimeterinstitute.ca/Outreach/What_We_Research/Quantum_Gravity, "Quantum Gravity' Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. They're going to discover gravity waves are a myth. The astronaut's experience of weightlessness is a result of being in a state of free fall, which one can experience, at least for short times, very near the surface. It goes away from you. the answers to your questions are very simple. The moon is heavier than air. Gravity is the weakest of the fundamental forces. Good Info and expecting more.Even I have also written about gravitation force and Einstein's General Relativity Theory. Gravity sucks! Back in the 1600s, Isaac Newton defined gravity as a universal force acting on all matter. -- Richard Feynman. Welcome to the "fishbowl" folks. Alternatively, you are standing facing your partner and you put your arms around her or him, With your hands on his or her back, you bring your partner into you. Bringing gravity together in a theoretical framework with quantum mechanics, the other major discovery of the 20th-century physics community, remains an unfinished task. Italian Galileo Galilei was one of the first scientists to investigate the way objects are caused to move. Future US, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor, Ask yourself this question: why is gravity the weakest of all the known forces yet when it comes to black holes, it becomes the strongest of the forces? If we could take any planet and place it far outside the solar system, past the ort cloud, and also not under the influence of any other stars, I bet it would have no gravity. The northern most point of the (top heavy) sphere is pointing straight up as well. For anyone interested: Gravity is weak because of the electron. We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners who may combine it with other information that you’ve provided to them or that they’ve collected from your use of their services. Gravitational pull does not magically disappear when something is 4100 miles away from the center of gravity rather than 4000 miles. In other words, gravity is almost as strong in low-earth orbit as on the surface. Try to prove me wrong and maybe you'll figure it out for yourselves. the whole - & + attraction and fluid universe makes sense until one says that all matter has gravity. Rates up there with "What is an Electron?" Questions, concerns? gravity is part of god's dream. What if you have any size sphere which is heavier on its top half than on it's bottom half (let's say by 25 percent) and is spinning in one direction. The big bang theory and an ever-expanding universe are bogus. Zodat het product of de service wordt toegelaten. The Greek philosopher Aristotle maintained that objects have a natural tendency to move toward the center of the universe, which he believed to be the middle of the Earth, according to physicist Richard Fitzpatrick from the University of Texas. But later luminaries dislodged our planet from its primary position in the cosmos. Ancient scholars trying to describe the world came up with their own explanations for why things fall toward the ground. "Everything is made of atoms. This means that two masses that are gravitationally attracted to each other experience the same force, but that it translates into a much greater acceleration for a smaller object. Linguistics and Anthropology. I asked her do you think the first person who dropped a stone onto a flint went, "Woooooo! If I'm floating in space far away from everything these waves are sent but there is nothing for them to attach to so I float. If the sphere you speak of is planet earth (top heavy because of continental placement) then, yes, there is still a measure of gravity over its entire surface. But Gravity probably takes up the largest proportion of my thoughts. As you wrote earlier that astronauts and other experience weightlessness because they are falling i.e., they are experiencing freefall. Magnetism can be made to demonstrate both attraction and repulsion. New York, Anyone who really understands the mechanics of gravity knows this. Receive mail from us on behalf of our trusted partners or sponsors? However, scientists have never found the graviton particle. We understand and know how to create a magnetic force. The scientific method was invented because it is the only reliable way to separate the truth of reality from conjecture. It describes why electrons do not fall into the nucleus -- and, yes, normal space is very much a real quantity. A special "Hi" to all you 'armchair' physicists. I have solved for Gravity in terms of charge. There was a problem. Gravity is something that pulls your force toward whatever and it depends on where you are. Sorry, I’m going to rant. many circus rides have proved otherwise. Gravity is one of the four fundamental forces in the universe, alongside electromagnetism and the strong and weak nuclear forces. Gravity is a high-frequency diverging Laplace force. Dec. 26, 2005. Is the push and pull force on earth in equal measure, therefore producing gravity. To me, this is what gravity is. One explanation may be that vast quantities of exotic ‘dark matter’ exist in the Universe, or it may be that general relativity is not the final theory of gravity. I only wish I had the intelligence to understand some of the theories. Its zero point energy. The 'first law' stated in the article is actually Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation. Which exists in space as well as on earth. This is why a tiny meteorite can penetrate steel. However, it was not until Isaac Newton studied ‘gravity’ that we began to understand this feature of the Universe. It falls. is the result of protons' gravities inflows into every inner atom, that passes out with electrons anti-gravities outflows shieldings. Even though the detection of g-waves has not been achieved and it seems likely will not be - hence. Everything is in equilibrium. Are the magnetic Poles stronger at the north and south points on earth, rather than anywhere else on our planet? It is usually written as: Where F is the force of gravity, m1 and m2 are the masses of two objects and r is the distance between them. In free-fall, the astronaut doesn't feel gravity sucking them down because they don't slam into the earth. Maybe all matter comes and goes from gravity switching off, possibly slowly, in cycles. Do you think wayne discovered the true story behind gravity or was it someone else? But why is air nearer to the Earth's core relative to the moon? Gravity is very important to us, it wouldn’t have been possible for us to live on earth if it weren’t for gravity. Gravity is not a force but simply acceleration. Now, however, the clues are mounting that general relativity itself is incomplete. Also, if you travel deep into the earth, you now have some mass over your head so the gravitational pull downward is indeed not as strong. Think people, maybe do some DMT, that is if you're looking for a real answer. The interaction of free fall determined by an objects weight - does not exist to the physical application of waves because if it were so - placing a plate between the object and the secondary mass would illustrate the means in difference. Gravity might be explained as an electromagnetic side-effect. Light and all e-m radiation are simply pressure waves in normal space. Does anyone wish to comment on what he says? The biggest thing that has happened in our history, forget the wheel the internal combustion engine, is the internet, a way by which all scientific research and results are freely accessible instantly. We live in a 3-dimensional universe. why are people weightless on the moon, yet rocks are not? The same speed gives the notion of weightlessness or floating. A body floats because gravity which creates weight - in space is exempt as a field. Or, on a personal basis, you are standing facing your partner, you reach out and hold onto his or her belt and you pull your partner into you. On an astronical context it is the displacement of a bodies mass of space-time. If you enjoyed this article, click to get email updates… It’s Free. Gravity is a force of attraction between objects. I think all the time about everything, every point of view and every interpretation of every event. Other telescopes have seen black holes’ effects all over the universe. Just, wow. For anyone who knows anything about the true nature of gravity, this is a good analogy. I ask because magnetic waves push, not pull. Wikibuy Review: A Free Tool That Saves You Time and Money, 15 Creative Ways to Save Money That Actually Work. Look to how the science of physics evolved, in order to understand what may have been misinterpreted. I have never wanted to hit someone so much. No more clues. (unless there really wasn't a moon landing, then who knows), If every object had gravity, then a house-sized bowling ball would attract small marbles to it, right? Its zero point energy. @elama157: When the 'gravity' light turned on for me, I felt compelled to share some clues, thinking I was not alone. Yet, how would we ever know, unless we explore what universal gravitation really means? This theory is my theory. For anyone interested: Gravity is very much like the buoyant ball in water. For anyone interested: Simply stated, gravity is a property of the medium. The planet still exerts a gravitational pull in all directions even while the momentum of objects near its equator match or exceed gravity's pull. That is the classical Newtonian understanding of gravity and while not complete, it is close enough for most of the discussion here. Mainstream physicists tell a meandering fantasy with little imagination and wonder why they can't figure it out. If a lay person can figure it out, why can't they? :). because the gravitational pull (an acceleration) is much lesser than that of the earth, we accelerate towards the ground more slowly. So, why haven't you figured it out yet? Thus, we started looking for dark matter/energy to explain the observations and to restore our faith in gravity. This effect is the ‘true’ cause of gravity, because the divergent electro-gravity field will “suck” all objects towards the center of the divergent electric field.