• Vblack's BTL analysis of character names was truly intriguing: Kasim = The Divider/Distributor. • Hugh, you old dog. When Linden suggests they turn themselves in, Holder realizes he needs to take a step beyond playing it cool. Quickly containing his sobs, Kyle continues grimly (and perhaps a little too easily in past tense? Bethany rides off with her earbuds plugged in, none the wiser. She mostly manages to make him physically ill. But the wedding is nothing but a set-piece, so all you need to know is that it's not going to last. Nessa still refuses to give Shlomo the broadband contract, even when Hugh indirectly provides evidence apparently exonerating him. They also get him killed and, … She was the only one who cared about me in this whole f—ing family.”. When the records come in ID-ing the student, it turns out to be Lincoln Knopf. When Eve gets drunk enough, she sends text messages to Kenny, who comes to check on her, because he's (still, always, forever) the sweetest. The deathblow to Holder’s tenuous sobriety comes when Reddick calls in Holder and Linden to an ambush meeting with Bethany Skinner, who says she’s received a text from her father. I enjoyed this episode for its aesthetic and, as always, performances, but there were too many narrative dead ends for my liking. The depth of Blick's writing, allied to BTL research, keeps turning up gems. Bad-dum, tssss. Check out a brief recap of Season 3 of "The Killing" before you watch the final season on Neflix. Bloom's private investigations see him following the money to Kent in search of the dead driver's family. Just as one is about to fall into the abyss—as they each have been in more situations than really should be acceptable for law enforcement officers—the other regains composure and finds the strength to reel in his or her partner. Killing Eve Season 3 Episode 2 Recap- I MISS YOU KENNY RIP - Duration: 16:24. They don't talk about what happened, except to talk about how they're not talking about it. After failing to dissuade Bloom from continuing his investigations, she makes the titular call then advises him – through her assistant Frances, to add another level of deniability – to conduct his enquiries on the quiet. • Wildlife watch: after the shags/cormorants (again, my apologies for my twitching ignorance) and siamese cats last week, I spotted some chickens and a butterfly. The next night, the “big deal” turns into a massive bust when Holder throws his recovery to the wind by taking back several beers. ), instead of just a killer. Sorry, baby, indeed. But as season 3 of the BBC drama picks up, we find ourselves not in Rome, but in Russia, several decades in the past. And man oh man, did she get an eyeful. There's no sign of Eve or Villanelle; instead, we meet Dasha, a young gymnast-in-training. Did Villanelle pick her up at the airport literally hours after shooting Eve and leaving her for dead? Reddick heads to the lake before grilling Holder; his first mention of the lake house causes Holder particular alarm, but he maintains his particular brand of nonchalant sass. Before Holder’s spiral, he and Linden had visited Linda Stansbury’s high school and confirmed that she was ousted for an affair with one of her tennis players. • Gail Gatz joins Rebecca/Tracy in Hugo Blick's "We Hardly Knew Ye" file. Trust me.” And, though she admits to staying in the beach house the night of the murders, Kat follows the Deschler model of mystery storytelling in which such obvious, plainly stated animosity means she couldn’t possibly have been involved in any real way. I enjoyed this episode for its aesthetic and, as always, performances, but there were too many narrative dead ends for my liking. Dasha finds a good grip on the guy's ears and bashes him to death against the gym equipment, then drowns his open-mouthed corpse in a bag of gymnast's chalk. He clearly misses running the show. Magic bullet status update: Linden still hasn’t found the missing second shell casing, but she does now have a tidier house, several loads of clean laundry, and what sounded like 45 cents from the pocket of a pair of jeans. Behave. ), “There was no music in this house. He's holding flowers: "You're a winner to me," he says. Nice, too, to see Rachel and Atika forming a very tentative bond. The bride, a brunette beauty, is radiant in white. Nessa = Miracle. His confession about having “a body on his grill” also exposes him to Reddick’s junkie informant. But Kyle doesn’t get a chance to shoot it because Linden picks him up and drives him back to the Stansbury home/crime scene to force him to relive the night of the murders in hopes of jogging his memory. You'll see Dasha again soon, but for now, we have a wedding to attend. Miles away in the London suburb of New Malden, Eve is alive and ... well, alive. All their talk of “no secrets” and being on the same page is just that: talk. Daddy issues abound as Linden forces Kyle to relive the night of the crime, Holder becomes overwhelmed by the prospect of fatherhood, and Bethany Skinner receives an unexpected communication. During the dessert course, he treats her to an impromptu piano performance, and she confesses her passion for ballroom dancing. © Copyright 2020 Meredith Corporation. I love a tease as much as anyone, but I'm not sure how much longer Hugo Blick can hold out on us. Offers may be subject to change without notice. And amid all this, we check in with Konstantin, who is still in London and receiving cryptic messages about "fishing" in his takeout containers, and Carolyn, who has been supplanted at MI6 by the ne plus ultra of bureaucrats. She's performing on the parallel bars, watched by her coach and a smiling young man. And as she looks down at the screen, behind her, a body falls past the window. Sleeping with the boss and spying on his ex – yet somehow remaining strangely likeable throughout. Dasha is fascinating, and a bit of a cipher: she's pompous, proud, a legendary killer in her own right. There's also an interesting vibe here, different from most of Villanelle's relationships with older women, in that she respects Dasha enough to strangle her, but not in a sexy way. The Killing recap: 'Six Minutes' recap (season 3, episode 10) By Lanford Beard S3 E8 Recap She sheds light on the other family members’ reactions: Linda was a Mary Kay Letourneau-style cougar, and Phoebe… well, we already know about her “special” relationship with Emmett Deschler. They immediately start calling each other crazy, and… well… they’re both right. In a haunting mirror of how Skinner himself followed Adrian in last season’s finale, Linden tails Bethany on her bike. They also get him killed and, thanks to Nessa's insistence on conducting it incognito, mean his body is going to be nightmarishly tough to trace. She heads to Skinner’s lake house and takes one last look at the pictures on her ex-lover’s phone—shots of the two of them smiling so blissfully that, if you’ve seen even a single minute of this show, seem absolutely unlikely to the point of absurd (seriously, Linden makes grimacing an art form). But Villanelle wants something new, something more: to be a "keeper" (side note, do we know what this is? When she meets with Holder a bit later, Linden is starting to get a handle on how far she’s sunk, and it’s scaring the hell out of her. Killing Eve season 3 first look: Send in the clowns Killing Eve renewed for season 4 2020 SAG Awards nominations: See the full list of nominees from Joker to Parasite See below. • Why did Ephra hand over control of the business to Nessa? Maggie Gyllenhaal as Nessa Stein in The Honourable Woman. During Kat’s interrogation, we get more insight into Philip Stansbury’s strict regime. The setting is an elegant estate, immaculately styled, no expense spared. She concludes, “That motherf—er being dead is the best thing that ever happened to Kyle. Raising her glass, she talks about how she met Maria on the heels of a bad breakup. She wears the hell out of a velour tracksuit. He truly hated his father, hated him enough to kill him. When asked about her counsel at the cemetery, Rayne says she also grieves a loss every day, but that the military lifestyle will help Kyle discover meaning in his life. And I'm inclined to agree with many of you that the espionage capers offer the most dramatically compelling storylines, even if the emotional pull of the warring Steins is still strong. She's perfect almost until the end, but then — distracted by the young man's presence, or maybe just the sound of the door closing as he leaves — she takes her final swing off the bars and lurches as she lands, one foot flying forward. It's Villanelle, of course. All that and they have their own 1-900 numbers. "The Killing" is back! A recap of ‘The Land of Talking and Killing,’ episode 2 of the fourth season of Fargo on FX. In a strange way, Linden and Holder are one of the most functional dysfunctional partnerships on TV right now. was asking about it a few nights back. Never.” This incredibly unorthodox interrogation continues as Kyle gazes at a collection of soldier figurines his father had given him every year as a birthday present, and yet Kyle was forbade touch them. The episode begins with Linden quite nearly losing her mind—and everything along with it—when she is still staking out (or, let’s be honest, stalking) Bethany Skinner the next morning. Reddick’s quizzing shook him up to the point he couldn’t muster any genuine excitement about finding out his baby’s birthday (Oct. 10, making him or her a diplomatic and non-confrontational Libra). Only Linden is gunning it, seemingly ready to plow down the teen and double her body count. Linden is not a multiple murderer.