Place similar facilities aboard the Emperor's flagship and in Imperial City on Imperial Centre (formally Coruscant). The Moffs/Grand Moffs were also mentioned to be regional governors, with Tarkin mentioning that would have direct control over the sectors once the Imperial Senate was dissolved at one point in A New Hope, which mirrored that of the gauleiters, which were Hitler-appointed regional governors who had direct control of various segments of Nazi Germany. Following the Emperor's final demise, the Star Dreadnought Eclipse II was programmed to collide with the Galaxy Gun, destroying both superweapons. The Empire's origins are depicted in the prequel Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (2005), where it replaces the Galactic Republic at the end of the Clone Wars orchestrated by Sheev Palpatine, who was then the Republic's Supreme Chancellor. Darth Vader (guitar) had the following to say: "These instruments are crude but should be adequate to … [14] The Senate enthusiastically supports Palpatine, although a few senators, like Padmé and Bail Organa, see through the plot. Shortly before the start of the Clone Wars in 22 BBY, the Loyalist Committee was formed by more demographic senators. Whereas before leaders had served for fixed terms until being succeeded by duly elected successors, now the thorny issue of Imperial succession complicated matters. The Imperial Navy also performs orbital bombardments and transports major ground force deployments, supporting them with space, orbital, and aerial support. However, after the death of Count Dooku onboard the Invisible Hand above Coruscant and the death of General Grievous on Utapau, Anakin Skywalker discovered that Palpatine was a Sith Lord, and after informing Jedi Master Mace Windu of his discovery, a Jedi task force led by Windu himself attempted to arrest him. Using the pretext of pursuing Imperials who had committed various crimes the New Republic began their push against Prince-Admiral Delak Krennel. Holodrama was another venue for politics. When his first apprentice, Darth Maul, was defeated by Obi-Wan Kenobi, Sidious took on the former Jedi Count Dooku as his new apprentice. The Stormtroopers operate in conjunction with the Army Ground Troopers and Navy Marine Troopers—who were used as garrison forces—to reinforce and hold defensive positions until the regular military arrived. This policy reached its zenith with the construction of the world-destroying Death Star. The Separatists were reduced to a shadow of their former selves, thus bringing an end to the Clone Wars. However, when Fel's "allies" within One Sith, led by Darth Krayt, operated a coup to betray the Imperials and forced the emperor into exile, the Fel Empire was ruined and replaced with Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire, which was ruled by the leader of the One Sith with an iron fist. The Senate was practically powerless and eventually was dissolved by Emperor Palpatine to remove the last constitutional limit to his power. An earlier version of this symbol was used during the Clone Wars. Meanwhile, the fleet under Admiral Natasi Daala's command was discovered in the Maw Cluster. In the Thrawn trilogy book series, the New Republic is almost brought to its knees by Grand Admiral Thrawn, the new leader of the remnants of the Empire (which are known as Thrawn's Empire or Empire of the Hand) and a military genius. The temporary alliance was over and new fighting erupted between the Empire and the New Republic over the scraps of Zsinj's domain. Not long after the One Sith's last stand, Marasiah Fel turned the Imperial Knights to the Light Side of the Force and presumably rounded up the remaining Sith members, which ultimately resulted in the permanent extinction of the Sith religion itself. After its suspension, the vacancy left behind was filled by COMPNOR's Select Committee. Secure in his power and position, Palpatine reorganizes the Republic into the Galactic Empire, with himself as Emperor for life. In 138 ABY, the Galactic Alliance Remnant led by Admiral Gar Stazi, Fel's forces known as the Empire-in-exile led by Empress Marasiah Fel, and the New Jedi Order led by Jedi Master K'Krukk united against Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire and successfully destroyed it in the Battle of Coruscant and the three united factions then formed a new galactic government out of their organizations called the Galactic Federation Triumvirate, thus ending a grand total of 157 years of the Galactic Empire's history, as opposed to Palpatine's promised 10,000 years of rule. The most successful remnants of the Empire reforms as the First Order, led by Supreme Leader Snoke and former Imperial officers. They represented it ostensibly adhering to republican traditions, victory/sense of dread, and might, respectively. In the Battle of Yavin, the Rebel Alliance launched a desperate, full scale attack. "Palpatine, Emperor," in Stephen J. Sansweet, Michael Ondaatje. Palpatine encouraged this system, often giving overlapping responsibilities. [68] He also had envisioned the Empire as being based on Vietnam War-era America (and by extension, the Rebel Alliance being based on the Viet Cong) as early as when he penned the storyline back in 1973, in part due to Star Wars itself being a continuation of a thematic trilogy decrying American involvement in Vietnam, claiming that his intended story draft when pitching it that the story was about "a technological empire going after a small band of freedom fighters", which had stemmed from his role in the development of the film Apocalypse Now earlier. The band was opposed by anti-Imperial Red Shift Limit, of which all albums were banned by Imperial authorities. His personal Imperial armada—the 501st Legion and Death Squadron—participate in the capture of Princess Leia Organa, the Battle of Hoth and the Battle of Endor. After being named Galactic Emperor in 19 BBY, Palpatine turned the sclerotic remains of the Galactic Republic into an empire and thus introduced authoritarian rule over the entire galaxy. By design, the Empire had no clear line of succession; and there was no second-in-command. The banners also at times appear to be dark blue due to the lighting. Notable exceptions to acknowledged male chauvinism included Director Ysanne Isard of the Imperial Intelligence, Major General Tessala Corvae of the Imperial Army and several navy officers like Admiral Natasi Daala, Admiral Betl Oxtroe, Captain Juno Eclipse, and Captain Plikk. The Imperial Starfighter Corps (ISC) was the starfighter pilot branch of the Galactic Empire. Assign command of each Oversector to a single individual who reports directly to the Emperor, in order to eliminate any delays created by political opportunism by Imperial advisors.