was founded in 2007. I think most people spend most of their time doing a particular thing, whether that is work, school or anything else. Work Search: I would say that blogging can be quite intense, as I put up a new post every week, which does take a lot of time, effort, attention, and determination. #littlespace 3. Everything Happens For A Reason: Ups & Downs. #stuffies Basically age regressors are more at-peace and worry-free whilst in "little space" (A term for when one is in said mindset). Further, coping mechanisms can be broadly categorized as active or avoidant. So please don't take it that way. Defense mechanisms vs. coping. But even events that are considered positive by many—getting married, having a child, and buying a home—can lead to a significant amounts of stress. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! People who find themselves defaulting to maladaptive coping mechanisms and/or experience difficulty utilizing effective coping strategies may eventually see a negative impact on mental and emotional well-being. Little-space is a coping mechanism which a person age regresses into a age mindset younger than theirs. I think most people spend most of their time doing a particular thing, whether that is work, school or anything else. I actually prefer to be a little to help cope with my mental issues. Consuming alcohol can often help people feel less stressed in the immediate moment, for example, but if a person comes to rely on alcohol, or any other substance, in the face of challenging situations, they may eventually become dependent on the substance over time. ( Log Out /  Sign Up and Get Listed. I am attempting to explain this topic to my sons, and I wanted a simple way of explaining this to them, Awesome! Make a playlist of all your favourite songs When I’m a little, I do not have to worry about the stresses of life or being an adult and daddy takes over all responsibility. Be found at the exact moment they are searching. Create a free website or blog at All rights reserved. People can use coping mechanisms so that they don’t lose their minds just doing one thing. #happy People need coping mechanisms when they have chosen to do something, and it is just quite intense. Home Terms of Service Privacy Policy Sitemap Subscribe to The GoodTherapy Blog. Blogging is my coping mechanism for education. Sometimes a little has a significant other and caregiver, it just depends. He’s even said many times in the past that when we move in together he wants me to be in little space as much as possible because he knows how easily overwhelmed I get. This ghastly appearance saddens me and stressing me out. These ineffective coping mechanisms, which can often be counterproductive or have unintended negative consequences, are known as “maladaptive coping.” Adaptive coping mechanisms are those generally considered to be healthy and effective ways of managing stressful situations. Subscribe me to the public newsletter. Understanding defense mechanisms. This normally is not me i fear this will never be rectified. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. So something that you enjoy doing in your free time, and are passionate about, and spending more time on it. #petregression For example, if you enjoy playing a particular sport, just dedicating some time to do that, and master that skill. Common maladaptive coping responses. Except… it comes to your attention that you’ve ended up neglecting the person you care most about when you find him little and trying to make himself dinner. It’s about taking real time to do that thing, rather than just doing it whenever. Great Article ! Change ). Thank you! People may use coping mechanisms for stress management or to cope with anger, loneliness, anxiety, or depression. People who are able to adjust to stressful or traumatic situations (and the lasting impact these incidents may have) through productive coping mechanisms may be less likely to experience anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns as a result of painful or challenging events. #agereg So for me personally, being in little space is not just a cute little thing I do for fun, it helps life be a little less stressful and a little less overwhelming. In the same way that you dedicate time towards your work, dedicate time to taking things you are passionate about seriously. Part 29- Signs To Not Ignore From Your Little 18 0 0. by Imalittle1. Totally under control! Having a coping mechanism isn’t about distracting yourself from your whole life, but just the intense thing going on. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. it contains important information and other cute stuff :) enjoy! Who cares for them while they're in this mindset. Age regression is always SFW (safe for work) and is never N5FW (not safe for work). #babycore Retrieved from, How do you cope? It is largely used as a coping mechanism for those who have faced trauma, and may or not be intentionally triggered. Significant life events, whether positive or negative, can cause psychological stress. I suffer with pretty bad anxiety and sometimes depression and being a little has helped me in those areas. #sfw I think that if I hadn’t started blogging I would’ve begun to lose my mind. If you experience stress and don’t know how to cope, a therapist or other mental health professional can often help you develop and improve your coping skills. Your article helped me realize it’s a must I seek guidance from professionals, family and friends before this stress takes me away for good. It was last updated 09-26-2018. #cute I am sure you touch many lives positively. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! People usually talk about coping mechanisms when talking about mental health or stress, however I’m going to be talking about coping mechanisms in terms of intense life situations. Ive lost an extreme about of weight, My hair is do thin some areas are balding, and I have very the muscle mass. Though, it seems most common that age regressors experience …