At PACE Recovery Center our motto is a Positive Attitude Changes Everything and our program offers our clients the ability to reintegrate back into a life that emphasizes the true transformation out of one’s addicted identity and into a life of recovery through integrative education, insight and relapse prevention. If you are already a subscriber sign up — registration is free! More times, than not, you will feel better after having taking the time to do such a simple task. What many don't realize is there are different types of a higher power they can embrace. (Do you want to print this tract in a different version than the one listed? SEARCHING FOR A LOVING HIGHER POWER THROUGH 12 STEP EXPERIENCES - CANCELED: Date: May 9th, 2020. It is important that you listen to your peers with an open mind; they can prove instrumental in your having made a connection with an outside power. If you will place your trust and dependence upon Christ for your soul’s salvation, you will find not just a “Higher Power” but come to know “the exceeding greatness of His [God’s] power to us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He wrought in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead.”20 This is the highest power in all the universe, and it alone can empower a believer in Christ to live a victorious Christian life over all the powers of evil and sin. By Christopher John Farley Monday, June 10, 1996. We will custom-fit everything together for you before printing. Select the options below, and we will custom-print a batch just for you. We also learn about ourselves in the Bible. A higher power can, in effect, be anything from the universe right down to the recovery group that you attend. Yes, you can delete any of the saved templates by pressing the "Delete" button. Having the feeling that you are connected to something greater than yourself, helps you live one day at time free from drugs and alcohol. Spirituality is the glue that holds one’s recovery together. Contact us and let us know what you're looking for—we may be able to create the alternate version for you at no charge.). If you are accessing on a public computer, you are advised not to click on the "Remember me" option. Order by 1pm ET today for shipping by Monday, November 9. Full Member. We hear and read about finding a “Higher Power” or “a Power greater than ourselves” in alcohol and drug addiction treatment programs, supermarket magazines, and even journals written for doctors who are told to do this for themselves and to encourage their patients to do the same. Can I delete it? Wrapping your head around having a “god” in your life can be difficult, after struggling with addiction for years it is easy to convince yourself that god has turned his/her back on you. A sponsor can help guide you in your search for a power greater than yourself, and they will inform you that a higher power does not have be a religious deity. However, when someone comes to terms with the fact that their mindset of being in control was a major component of their addiction – letting go becomes a little bit easier, and one finds that their mind and spirit has been freed.