It kind of seems like you all are fooling yourselves out of a possible interpretation because you don't want to think of Jesus whipping someone, but it makes more sense to think he made use of the scourge, doesn't it? It reads, "Post a summary of the videos you post . How can we become more meek? What is there to learn? What keeps you from praying to Him and seeking Him as often as you should? His actions were always undeer G-d's control. When Jesus washed His disciples’ feet, what three things did He understand about Himself before He assumed the role of a lowly servant? A means of inflicting severe suffering, vengeance, or punishment. What will you do, beginning today, to cultivate a Christlike attitude of humility? Third, they should complete the discussion questions thoughtfully, completely, and honestly, and diligently address personal applications. The Men’s Bible Study Leadership Series is presented by to help you build and fortify men in preparation for their roles as leaders in their families, churches, communities, and workplaces. Our desire is to see all men become true followers of Jesus Christ 7 days a week/52 weeks a year. Those who seek the praise of men cannot accept Christ and do not receive praise from God. How much time do you spend each day seeking Him by reading and meditating on His word? In what areas of your life do you need God’s prospering? from Case Institute of Technology, a Th.M. It is a leadership series because no matter what age or station in life a man finds himself, he is called to lead. How do the sufferings in your life train you to be obedient (see Hebrews 5:8-10)? Specifically, his focus is on men assuming their God given roles as courageous defenders ... More. The same one who endured a brutal whipping by Romans and still carried his cross? 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am, (he casted not to cast out would mean to throw out, right? Welcome to Christian Forums, a forum to discuss Christianity in a friendly surrounding. Please note there is a new rule regarding the posting of videos. I read in one verse where the word "meekness" was used in the KJV version, but in the NIV it used the word "gentleness". The Bible uses words in a different way than is commonly used because of its age and because it is sort of a mixture of poetry and prose, as are many canons. Discussion in 'Questions by Non-Christians (Archived)' started by Bodhisattva, Sep 21, 2005. In order to reap God’s rewards, how must a believer serve? According to Isaiah 57:15 and 66:2, what does God do for the lowly and the contrite?