Krypton is found 27.1 light-years from Earth, in the southern constellation Corvus (The Crow), says Neil deGrasse Tyson, director of the American Museum of Natural History's Hayden Planetarium in New York City. He later encountered other survivors prior to Kara's arrival in the form of three criminals, U-Ban, Kizo and Mala, who were exiled by his father before Krypton's destruction. The planet Krypton orbiting its red sun, Rao. Krypton was ultimately destroyed when its star began to collapse; the planet was pulled into the sun and ripped apart, then incinerated when the star went nova. Although the Eradicator's effects (altering the DNA of all Kryptonian life-forms so that they would instantly die upon leaving the planet) were felt immediately, the Destroyer's effects were possibly more significant: by the time the Kryptonian government admitted defeat and abolished the clone banks, a terrorist faction known as Black Zero had started the Destroyer, a device intended to trigger a massively explosive chain reaction in Krypton's core. It was located 2,000 light-years from Earth, orbiting an old red dwarf star called Rao. Please refresh the page and try again. Until its destruction, many dangerous animals, including ferrophage moles, still existed on Krypton. [14] This version of Krypton was based on Jor-El's favorite Kryptonian historical period.[15]. One sole survivor of Argo City, Kara Zor-El, was sent to Earth by her scientist father to live with her cousin Kal-El, who had become known as Superman. Jor-El told Louise McCallum, that Krypton has colors that humans couldn't even dream of. Lex Luthor later combines one of the crystals with kryptonite and shoots it into the ocean, creating a new land mass he calls "New Krypton". DC Animated Universe is a FANDOM TV Community. In previous comic versions, it was assumed the "S" shield on Superman's costume simply stood for "Superman"; in Birthright, Waid presented it as a Kryptonian symbol of hope; he borrowed and modified a concept from Superman: The Movie, wherein the "S" was the symbol of the House of El, Superman's ancestral family. Set two generations before the destruction of the legendary Man of Steel’s home planet, Krypton follows Superman’s grandfather — whose House of El was ostracized and shamed — as he fights to redeem his family’s honor … In this version, the Daxamites were originally Kryptonians who left their homeworld in order to explore the universe. Krypton had many strange creatures (such as glass-eaters) and beautiful landscapes that simply don't exist on other worlds. The people now known as the Daxamites were originally Kryptonians who left their homeworld to explore the universe (in post-Crisis on Infinite Earths continuity, the Eradicator, an artificial lifeform programmed to preserve all Kryptonian culture, altered the birthing matrices ("artificial wombs") that the explorers took with them so that all newborns would be fatally vulnerable to lead and other materials such as greenhouse gases and certain rocks). The protective shield was destroyed in a meteor storm, exposing the inhabitants to the deadly radiation. "[19] In Action Comics #14 (January 2013 cover date, published November 7, 2012) astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson appears as a character in the story. Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman,, A planet generally assumed to be Krypton is featured in the, In April, 2007, astronomers in Switzerland, France, and Portugal announced that they had found an Earth-like planet orbiting in the habitable zone around the red star, In 90s show 'Married With Children', Al Bundy while insulting a fat female librarian, he says "And could the nails which hold your chair together, come from the planet Krypton? Over the course of the 1940s and 1950s, various alterations and additions to the makeup of Krypton were made in the comics. ". [3] Superman's Kryptonian heritage was a frequent factor in Silver Age Superman comic storylines, as he was fully aware of his origins from an early age. They also adopted the Voice of Rao as a deity, refusing to accept the concept of there being life beyond Krypton. Among them was an explanation of why the natives of Krypton perished if they had possessed superpowers on their native world (as was the case in the earliest versions of Krypton outlined above, although this only became a problem once Superman — and by extension anyone from Krypton — was portrayed as increasingly powerful, able to withstand nuclear explosions, contrasted with his original power level in which a bursting mortar shell could penetrate his skin). Superman's symbol was given a Kryptonian origin in the film. [3], Krypton is portrayed as having had an Earth-like terrain composed of canyons and oceans. Visit our corporate site. A three-issue miniseries entitled The Krypton Chronicles, published in 1981, tells of Superman researching his roots when, as Clark Kent, he was assigned to write an article about Superman's family by an assignment editor impressed with the television miniseries Roots. The 1978 novel Last Son of Krypton by Elliot S! In some versions of the Superman mythos, additional survivors, such as Krypto, Supergirl, her parents (kept alive in the "Survival Zone", a different but similar parallel "dimension" from the Phantom Zone), the criminal inhabitants of the Phantom Zone, Dev-Em, Beppo the Super-Monkey, and the residents of the city of Kandor (presumably numbering in the many thousands, perhaps millions), reduced to microscopic size by Brainiac, were also introduced to the continuity. In direct contrast to the society that had existed prior to the Clone Wars, a sterile, emotionally dead civilization emerged. When he later returns to the Fortress of Solitude to find that the technology crystals that powered it have been stolen, Superman is visibly enraged. The new book — Action Comics Superman #14, titled "Star Light, Star Bright" — comes out Wednesday (Nov. 7). You'll have to read "Star Light, Star Bright" to find out just how Superman and Tyson pinpoint Krypton. He and his followers are banished to the Phantom Zone shortly before Krypton is destroyed. Procreation became a matter of selecting compatible genetic material to be placed within an artificial womb called a "birthing matrix," the parents almost never met in person and never touched one another. Krypton ist ein fiktiver Planet und die Heimat von Superman, Supergirl, General Zod und in den Comics auch von Doomsday. While in previous comic versions of the mythos, it was assumed the "S" simply stood for "Superman"; in Birthright, Waid presented the symbol as a Kryptonian symbol of hope (borrowing and modifying a concept from Superman: The Movie). Krypton's climate is shown to have both temperate and Arctic conditions. It was portrayed as having an Earth-like terrain composed of mountains, canyons and oceans. It is also shown to have a natural satellite. In the early 1960s, added to this was the need to be exposed to the rays of a yellow sun (versus Krypton's red sun, Rao, which was older and cooler, or put out less energy) to gain superpowers, with the yellow sun aspect soon gaining the much greater emphasis. Wie die anderen Edelgase ist es ein farbloses, äußerst reaktionsträges, einatomiges Gas. A virtual reality created by Power Girl's father Zor-L also existed within her Symbioship, creating non-living duplicates based on deceased Kryptonians including her parents. [18], Following Grant Morrison's run on Action Comics, Krypton is again a scientific and cultural utopia, and Kryptonians themselves are highly intelligent, even from infancy; Morrison describes Krypton as “the planet of your dreams. I wanted to explore Krypton as the world of super people. Krypton is an American television series developed by David S. Goyer for Syfy. Planet Der Planet besitzt einen Zwillingsplaneten namens Daxam, mit welchem sie sich eine rote Sonne teilten. The Golden Age Krypton would be revised into another form almost as soon as it was defined (see Krypton in Transition below), and very few stories were written about it. It has been consistently described as having been destroyed shortly after Superman's escape from the planet, although the exact details of its destruction vary by time period and writers. Join our Space Forums to keep talking space on the latest missions, night sky and more! The planet was created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, and was first referred to in Action Comics #1 (June 1938). This disaster also prompted the Science Council of Krypton to ban space flight completely.[7]. The Eradicator, programmed to preserve all Kryptonian culture, altered the birthing matrices (artificial wombs) the explorers took with them so that the newborns would be fatally vulnerable to lead. As originally depicted, all the civilizations and races of Krypton perished in the explosion, with one exception: the baby Kal-El who was placed in an escape rocket by his father, Jor-El, and sent to the planet Earth, where he grew up to become Superman.