The Holy Spirit introduces quite abruptly Enoch, the seventh from Adam. Cain was a religious man nevertheless, but his religion may be termed a "bloodless religion." Amen. There must be a purpose in it. It would be the last thing I should expect, to find one of the brethren of the Lord asserting this relationship as a ground of reception for an Epistle. I would like to know about your teachings, 1. The writers of the book of Enoch might have used Jude's statements about Enoch. The fact that Jude in giving by the Holy Spirit this paragraph concerning Enoch proves the record, whether it was handed down by tradition or written in the book of Enoch, to be true. When Jude wrote this book, the church was under heavy persecution from Rome and the Jewish leaders. It seems about the time when Jude wrote his letter a departure from the faith set in among believers. Verses 24-25. Concerning the apocryphal writings, which especially the book of Enoch, which Jude is charged with having used in the composition of his Epistle, we shall have more to say in the annotations. They are compared with irrational animals, following their natural inclinations. The perdition of Korah will overtake them likewise. The angels which kept not their first estate, who left their own habitation, and who are now chained, are the same angels of whom Peter speaks, those who brought in the corruption described in the opening verses of Ge 6. Yet there we have no designation. Read this other commentary, also by Pastor Jack: Romans Commentary, Summary and Key Verses Jude thought to make this the theme of his epistle. —Eph 6:17 (KJV). You will also find options for commentaries on Jude that help pastors, teachers, and readers with application of the Bible, commentaries that approach the Scripture verse-by-verse, classic Christian commentaries, and much more. That faith was being corrupted when Jude received the commission to exhort Christians to contend earnestly for it. Some expositors claim that his name is introduced here because he is a representative of all bad men; others think that he is mentioned because these apostates hated those who are of the truth, as Cain hated Abel. Nothing else is worth while building up for believers living in the last days. Jude had a desire to write about the common salvation; but the Holy Spirit wanted him to write about something else and He constrained him to do so, not in his own words but in words given by God. SwordSearcher® is a registered trademark. For there are certain men (see the margin) crept in unawares — Insinuating themselves into people’s affections by their plausible pretences, and leavening them by degrees with their errors. This is the next step in the progress of apostasy. It is the darkest forecast of the end of the age which the Spirit of God has given in the Epistles. Just like Jesus’ other family members, except for His mother Mary, they didn’t believe in Him (John 7:1-9) until after He was resurrected (Acts 1:14). They “pervert the grace of God into sensuality and deny” Jesus’ teachings. Read this other commentary, also by Pastor Jack: Romans Commentary, Summary and Key Verses,, 5 Activities To Do When Life Gets You Down. The final exhortations give instructions as to the believer's attitude towards those who have been led away. Jude on the other hand does not mention Noah at all, nor Lot. Some have called it "the preface to the Revelation.". These are hidden reefs at your love feasts, as they feast with you without fear, shepherds feeding themselves; waterless clouds, swept along by winds; fruitless trees in late autumn, twice dead,uprooted; wild waves of the sea, casting up the foam of their own shame; wandering stars, for whom the gloom of utter darkness has been reserved forever.”. This book is no longer in existence. They were ungodly men, having taken on the Christian profession without possessing the reality of it. The Holy Spirit constrained him to exhort Christians to contend earnestly for the faith once and for all delivered unto the saints. Then there is the prayer that "mercy, and peace, and love may be multiplied. Ice Dragon: Legend of the Blue Daisies – Movie Review, Phoenix Wilder And The Great Elephant Adventure – Movie Review, The Boxcar Children: Surprise Island – Movie Review. There are blessed depths and heights in this gospel, the salvation which believers have in common, which have never yet been measured. IV. This is the gospel. They said to you, “In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions.” It is these who cause divisions, worldly people, devoid of the Spirit.”, Here Jude is acknowledging the writings of the other apostles who warned before about these “scoffers” (like, “God does not exist”) and who “cause divisions (in churches like the Corinthian church; 1 Cor 3:1-9), worldly people (carnal, claiming to be Christians but are not, e.g.