However, their guilt-free brand of Christianity not only burdens guilty people with more guilt, but also strips away the only means to alleviate the guilt of sin-confession. As the light of the sun had conquered the tyranny of darkness, so God’s light would overpower and annihilate the world’s darkness. It is in God’s nature to be forgiving, especially because of the work of Jesus Christ on the cross, BUT God is also just and there will come a time when God will judge us and punish us. Is sharing the gospel in a postmodern age baffling you? Amen. Their concerns were eased when they realized that their daughter would develop many similar qualities in her life. Martin Luther pointed out that followers of Jesus are at the same time sinners and saints. When Lamar’s unfaithfulness to his wife came to light, he was removed from his leadership positions and shunned by the people of his congregation. Some object to the idea that God could ever be displeased with His own children. In a very practical sense, God's indignation over your daily sins demonstrates His love for you. Biblical integrity is so foreign to our world that those who have it are treated like aliens from another planet. They are separated by different Biblical teachings, theological doctrines and religious experiences. The night was in full retreat, leaving only shadows where darkness once roamed freely. Suddenly, Lamar was rejected and alone. So the forgiveness Christians are supposed to seek in their daily walk is not pardon from an angry Judge, but mercy from a grieved Father. Instead, keep confessing your sins; seek God's forgiveness and cleansing daily. Similarly, the cleansing of 1 John 1:9 doesn't refer to regeneration. We can never exhaust the promise that, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” So let’s not abuse the promise of 1 Jn. “If we confess our sins, he who is faithful and just will forgive our sins” (1 John 1:9). Abe sat in the dark, quiet solitude of the early morning, facing East. That's the thought of Hebrews 12:5-11 where some form of the word discipline is used seven times. Rather than helping Christians draw near to God, they are reinforcing the barrier of sin that interrupts their relationship with God. The guilt of David's sin affected him physically — he found relief only through full confession. Spiritual Growth and Christian Living Resources, How to Pray for Your Husband instead of Trying to Change Him, Don't Get Caught in the Worrying Trap - (John 10:10) - Your Daily Bible Verse - October 16, Seasons of Hope - Crosswalk the Devotional - October 17, 10 Things Today’s Teens Need to Hear from Their Parents, How to Maintain Intimacy in Your Marriage, From a Boring Life to an Abundant Life - From His Heart - October 15, A Prayer against Depression - Your Daily Prayer - October 15, 7 Powerful Ways to Pray during Pastor Appreciation Month, Kick the Worry Habit with These 5 Powerful Scriptures, 5 Manipulative Tactics Used by Narcissistic Abusers. —1 John 1:9. Why seek forgiveness when you already have it? This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright © 2020, That is one of the first verses many new Christians memorize — and rightly so. We confess to all in his person. The answer is a resounding "Yes." The pardon of justification and the washing of regeneration do not eliminate the need for you to deal with the subjective reality of sin in your life. Next, we have the question of why we confess our sins to another human being rather than directly to God, and I would suggest two reasons for this. It is the restoration to a place of blessing in the eyes of a displeased father. God's discipline-sometimes involving punishment for disobedience-is painful; no one will argue with that. Lord, we stand in awe of your boundless love and grace. Get a sneak-peek into each new show, delivered straight to your inbox! When people work on a build together, though, the barriers that these differences have erected are knocked down. Let’s acknowledge that we have rebelled against God and despised His Word. In a very practical sense, God's indignation over your daily sins demonstrates His love for you. Jesus had come to clearly reveal God’s love and grace and their expanse to humankind. It is the forgiveness of justification. So when you have sinned, humble yourself, confess your sin, and submit to His loving discipline. David testified to the power of confession in Psalm 32: "When I kept silent about my sin, my body wasted away through my groaning all day long. The Christian’s Responsibility to Government, Part 1, Stay Connected with your favorite Ministry Newsletters and Devotionals. Jose and Carlotta were concerned about their daughter, Bonita. Abe took a sip of coffee and stood renewed in his determination to have God’s light shine through him that day lighten the darkness around him. The volunteers discover their likenesses, downplay their differences and experience true Christian fellowship. 1:9. They say that to pray for forgiveness reveals unbelief. Yet there are some today who, because they fail to comprehend the extent of divine forgiveness, deny the clear teaching of 1 John 1:9 and teach other to do the same. — Damon Galgut. Rather than helping Christians draw near to God, they are reinforcing the barrier of sin that interrupts their relationship with God. All Rights Reserved. What's the benefit? For example, we say that God is a merciful BUT just God. God will never reject us or punish us. Adapted from The Freedom and Power of Forgiveness, © 1998 by John MacArthur. Look again at 1 John 1:9: "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (italics added). During their interaction with the families, Jose and Carlotta were impressed by Bonita’s friends—their attitudes, skills and accomplishments. Though judged and rejected by others, Jesus remains with us and reminds us of God’s steadfast love, overwhelming grace and unconditional forgiveness. Jesus remains by our side. The fellowship that we have with God expands when we join with others in sharing God’s love and grace through service. All rights reserved.This article originally appeared here at Grace to You. Rather, it is a spiritual washing to rid you of the defilement caused by sin in your daily walk. The height, breadth and depth of God’s grace—its expanse is beyond our imagination and comprehension. Instead, keep confessing your sins; seek God's forgiveness and cleansing daily. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. In fact, it is because of God's righteous displeasure over your sin that He refuses to leave you the way you are-sinful. Yet there are some today who, because they fail to comprehend the extent of divine forgiveness, deny the clear teaching of 1 John 1:9 and teach other to do the same. Their influence on her would wane while the influence of Bonita’s friends and peers would wax. As the verse says, He is faithful to Himself to forgive your sins and He is just, having already made full atonement for your sins through the sacrifice of His beloved Son. Sorry, your search returned no results :(. Yet, the writer of this letter proclaims that we are not totally alone. Aren't you praying for something that is already yours? That's a good thing, not only because it helps rid your life of sin, but it also shows His love for you and confirms your relationship to Him — "those whom the Lord loves He disciplines, and He scourges every son whom He receives" (v. 6). As he watched the blackness of the night sky took on shades of purple and then of dark blue. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness - 1 John 1:9.. Millard Fuller is the founder of Habitat for Humanity, an organization of volunteers whose mission statement says that it seeks to put God’s love into action by bringing people together to build homes, communities and hope. Amen. God’s justice does not limit God’s grace. Forgiveness and cleansing-those promises are as refreshing to the sinner as a cold drink of water to a thirsty man. It is a subjective, relational kind of forgiveness. The cookout went well and it was a lot of fun for everyone. It is a subjective, relational kind of forgiveness. The writer of this letter wants to emphasis that Jesus’ work was not limited to a select group who called themselves Followers of the Way, or Christians. However, their guilt-free brand of Christianity not only burdens guilty people with more guilt, but also strips away the only means to alleviate the guilt of sin-confession. When you confess your sins, you are restored by a loving Father who delights to shower the brokenhearted and repentant with His mercy and compassion. Our lives begin to produce the “fruit of the Spirit—love, joy peace, patience, kindness, gentleness” and other such qualities (Galatians 5:22-23). Adapted from The Freedom and Power of Forgiveness, © 1998 by John MacArthur. The Bible clearly teaches that Christians should seek forgiveness. Remorse over sin, daily confession, and a continual attitude of repentance are marks of a healthy Christian life. Why seek forgiveness when you already have it? The forgiveness of justification takes care of judicial guilt, but it does not nullify His fatherly displeasure over your sin. Thank you, Lord, that your Spirit is shaping us into your image and enabling your light to shine through us more brightly. 4-5). The shades turned in to tints. That kind of forgiveness frees you from any threat of eternal condemnation. But you must remember: He is causing you to share in His holiness (v. 10); He is training you (v. 11); He is producing in you the "peaceful fruit of righteousness" (v. 11). “Shine Jesus shine, fill this land with the Father’s glory.” Amen. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. The first impression that people received of Tariq was that he was a proud and egotistical man. Lord, thank you for the gift of our brothers and sisters in Christ with whom we can have true fellowship. That kind of forgiveness frees you from any threat of eternal condemnation.