Think about the talking you’ll be doing. If at all you screw up trying to talk to someone new, what’s the worst thing that could happen?? And getting rid of a thought need not necessarily mean Nirvana. Creating a monologue presentation puts the entire task of informing and entertaining the audience on you. You are right that one has to figure it out oneself. Tell yourself it’s no big deal and you’re fine with it. Nirvana is a completely different concept. The things that you want to ask them in advance if you cannot multitask and think about what to say about yourself and what to ask about them at the same time. Like anything else, what I’m trying to say is we have to take it one step at a time. They are just people. The post on how to speak better will be able to help you with this, We didnt take too many days and yet we did take too many days to solve this issue, but it was all worth it to know what works and what doesn’t. Talking to strangers doesn’t have to be a gut-wrenching experience. and yup it’s got interesting with someone from different strata or culture , Thank you Hemu. Well, you can say that getting rid of all fears & Nirvana are same thing because Nirvana is a state of fearlessness. Visualize success. Im afraid you’re just looking at a singular idea and try to prove it right. Find out what they are interested in. Presenting a non-sales informative speech warms up your target market and builds trust. Instead of obsessing over it, may be start believing it is not so difficult after all and one day we will have the courage to do it. Be it in the professional circle or social circle. If you're new to the world of public speaking, start small. It’s no examination. You don’t want to really bother about what such petty people think about you. All that you can see is what he/she is portraying himself or herself to be. The more you think about how bad you are at it, the more you’re going to feel sad about it and lose confidence in yourself. In a way I agree to it ravish. And it’s also true that everyone knows this Universal truth but don’t know way to achieve it. Its a choice ravish. And as long as you’re confident and are able to express yourself, with a smile on your face, nobody cares. Make public speaking part of your marketing plan and boost your business success. You do need some effort and experience to get GREAT with talking people but seriously, you never need to be afraid of it! Finish what you want to say-at your own pace. Actions are the only ones that can help us out. Hence, needed a Master for guidance. Every time the thought crosses, may be tell yourself consciously that you’re not afraid- a lie at first- hoping to turn it into the truth one day..:) just something that works on psychological power i believe… , As a matter of fact, auto-suggestion doesn’t work in negative statements. We can only try if we start getting mentally prepared. To get over the fear of talking, it may be a good idea to start small. GLad to know that you find them useful . We imagine the person rejecting us or utterly failing. So, instead of telling oneself that one is not afraid, one should tell that he/she is brave. Not everybody is so petty to judge you on your grammar and language skills. The words "public speaking" cause fear and anxiety in the minds of otherwise competent and confident people. It’s like getting Nirvana. Smile. Prior to your public speaking on stage introduce yourself to a few members of the audience in the front row. No wonder it takes some effort cos social skills do not come that easy. But getting rid of thoughts is not that much easy. This is where it gets interesting. We want to be able to do it on our own, but as we practice, having a friend there with us to support us can be a great boost. The beauty of meeting new people lies in the mystery about another person’s life doesn’t it?