And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. Gracepoint Davis, 607 Pena Drive Suite 200, Davis, CA 95616. Now a church-planting church, Gracepoint Davis sent some of its members to Austin in 2008, and has sent church-planters to San Diego, Riverside, and Minneapolis in 2010 and the list goes on…, gracepoint ministries - gracepoint church berkeley, davis, austin, minnesota, los angeles, irvine and more, Missions: Culture of Service & Compassion. The prayers resulted in increasing burden for the UC Davis campus, and growing affirmation by others in our ministry that going to Davis was God’s leading. College was a transformative time for us, so we decided to stick around and help to build an Acts 2 community that we found during our college years. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. We're a church ministering to the U. C. Davis campus community and a part of Gracepoint Ministries ( There’s the pain of saying good bye to friends, finding new jobs, starting a ministry from scratch. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.”. “And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. Gracepoint Church in Davis, led by Peter & Hope Choi, is a growing multi-ethnic community of 200+, composed largely of college students, graduate students, and post-undergrads. Gracepoint Davis Church, Davis, California. Davis, the elderly in convalescent homes through their Elderly Care Ministry, and working professionals in various work places. While they aim to increase their reach, Gracepoint Davis now ministers to college students at U.C. When a few of our members attended UC Davis and felt the spiritual need on that campus, a small group of people began to pray about starting a church there. 254 likes. We started as a campus-focused church a block away from UC Berkeley. Here at Gracepoint Davis, we believe that church is more than just Sundays, but doing life together in community. Meet the staff of Gracepoint Davis. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. gracepoint ministries - gracepoint church berkeley, davis, austin, minnesota, los angeles, irvine and more And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. Our first wave of graduates stuck around, and soon, other ministries were started so we could see every believer in our church grow to become ministers of the gospel: to our children, the youth, the elderly, and more! Our Mission — Gracepoint Davis Church AN ACTS 2 CHURCH IN EVERY COLLEGE TOWN “And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. Join us for Sunday Service online at 11AM and 1 PM! is a member of the Southern Baptist Convention and a part of the Sacramento Association of Southern Baptist Churches. And all who believed were together and had all things in common. Gracepoint Church in Davis, led by Peter & Hope Choi, is a growing multi-ethnic community of 200+, composed largely of college students, graduate students, and post-undergrads. Gracepoint Davis, is my favorite church It's a place where I started my spiritual search I know the people, they're pretty legit They take God seriously, and also got wit I was in Davis for a looooooong time. An Acts 2 Church in Every College Town What does it take to plant an “Acts 2 Church” in every college town? It's our vision to… Our diverse life stories, backgrounds, and experiences converge as we seek -- and find -- … Some of us moved from our Berkeley church to carry on the mission of sharing the good news to UC Davis campus. Was actually one of the first members and miss it dearly. Moving from urban Berkeley to the suburban, bicycle-friendly flatlands of Davis, several couples went to start Gracepoint Berkeley’s first church plant.