Sometimes you just need to get back to what really matters and Rory eventually finds her way there. 11/28/2016 01:59 pm ET Updated Nov 29, 2016 Netflix I watched Gilmore Girls every week with my mom. For this Logan fan, I felt nothing but joy seeing his shining face in London. The original show made me wish I had that kind of relationship with my own mom, and I had an emotional investment in and connection with the show. You definitely felt every beat of her grief hit you like a ton of bricks, but I was disappointed by how Rory and Lorelai handled the fallout. The first of the four seasonally titled installments, “Winter,” does indeed open in a way that feels as comforting as digging into a just-warmed plate of turkey and cornbread stuffing. Emily, Rory, and Lorelai Gilmore are the heartbeat of this show. There’s a song about Stars Hollow in A Year in the Life that runs through a list of all the terrible things in the world, from “anything by Jeff Koons” to Vladimir Putin. In these four new episodes — which, at around 90 minutes a pop, are really more like four movies — the comedy is often rooted in critiques of modern society and trends. Gilmore Girls: Ein neues Jahr (Originaltitel: Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life) ist eine US-amerikanische Dramedy aus dem Jahr 2016. While watching Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life, you may find yourself asking the same thing, and you may conclude that there is still plenty to love. ‘Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life’ review: A messy, must-see for fans. Maureen Ryan Chief TV Critic. 'Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life' Review! But Rory is 32 now, the same age as Lorelai when the series began in 2000. Though the mini-series does end on those four words, “A Year in the Life” is not, and can’t be, the final season we never got. And it does, for at least some of the time. Emily’s storyline left some things to be desired. (There are few political references beyond a quick allusion to “Brexit,” but it’s noteworthy that the story wraps in the fall, just as real America is about to head off to the polls.). There’s even a running gag about what’s referred to as the 30-Something Club: a group of adults who live in their parents’ basements and travel in a gaggle while making references to the work of Paul Thomas Anderson. Given their disdain for snobbery and their appreciation of the quirky, Lorelai and Rory often acted as a counterpoint to all that, although even their fixation on old films and TV shows was, in some ways, an endorsement of the past over the present. There are some fun cameos and nods back to the original series that will delight Luke and Lorelai loyalists. Two others took far too long to fold back into the mix, yet they both resolved some unspoken tensions. “Wow. Rory’s character arc has an air of redundancy and far too much self-pity. Meanwhile, the Life and Death Brigade adventure is a fantasy trip that is treated as such. She’s still a deft handler of sharp, quick-draw dialogue, and in light of the passing of her father — that’s not a spoiler since Edward Herrmann, who played Richard Gilmore, died in 2014 — she’s convincing in the more emotional moments as well.