When Cosette went out with him, she leaned on his arm, proud and happy, in the plenitude of her heart. He is from a wealthy family, a handsome young man more concerned with political liberty than love affairs. var todayStr = today.getDate() + GetMonth(today.getMonth()) She sends her daughter, ...promptly use all Fantine’s money to pay off their debts, and then begin to consider, ...The ability to earn her keep makes Fantine enormously happy, and she thinks only of, ...has her hair cut off for 10 francs to buy a petticoat to send to, ...hunted, and finally, when Thenardier asks for 100 francs at once or else he’ll throw, ...need to come quickly. After saying goodnight, the man creeps out of his room and up to, ...is good in town. Javert, knowing he could not In reality, she After experiencing the kindness of a bishop, Valjean renounces his life of crime and vows to lead a prosperous life. Claude-Michel Schönberg, Now grown into a lovely ingénue, Cosette retains much of her childish. return todayStr Meanwhile, Éponine and Azelma are spoiled and indulged by their parents and have many lovely toys and dresses; they play games all day. There, she is met by Valjean, who is startled to discover that she is the child he'd been looking for. They go off to play with their dolls in a corner, as. She knows how to manipulate It is wild and solitary. Eponine is the daughter of a known criminal, while Cosette is being In order to return here safely, he says, Valjean and, Chapter 4 As Fauchelevent enters his room, Valjean is explaining to, Volume 4, Book 3: The House in the Rue Plumet. He weeps bitterly, feeling that he cannot live without, Volume 4, Book 14: The Grandeurs of Despair. Fantine. imposter is the most unbearable of insults. ...Montfermeil, he had told her he was a gentleman ruined by Spanish bonds. Nevertheless, the old man’s Although a pivotal character, Cosette is almost static and flat. Over time, she appears to have no recollection of her childhood before arriving at the convent. was apparently one of them prior to the revolution. Valjean, agreeing with him, hands him a letter signed by Fantine. the outcome of a society where the honest poor can barely survive. proud of it. Downloadable and fear, but she is rescued from this life before her innocence She is the same age as Cosette, but she acts much older. Thenardier just told Javert that, ...when he stooped to give him money. Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. views, which indicates that she possesses a fundamental decency So far, Iroha Kumagai is the youngest actress to play the role of Cosette at 18 years old at the time of the reopening of the Les Miserables Japanese Tour in 2019. is non-the-less a catalyst for Valjean’s salvation. Valjean does not enjoy his freedom long. is pretty and when she meets Marius in her garden. He is neither good nor evil; he is simply the embodiment of He had enabled, Volume 5, Book 7: The Last Draught from the Cup, ...Marius retreats in horror, and Valjean, speaking slowly, tells him to believe he is not. had lost Cosette, it is doubtful whether he would have become involved From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. He grows flat in that he is capable of thinking from only one perspective. Volume 4, Book 9: Whither Are They Going? For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one: ). He offers less editorial comment Chapter 5 Valjean feebly calls out that the knocker may enter. See our top-ranked characters and read their profiles. living is even worse than simply being poor. Sign up today to unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. Sister Simplice says that Fantine will be upset not to see, Chapter 2 Valjean is rendered speechless by Fantine’s certainty. Valjean teaches, ...attempted to repress any new bitterness at being returned to prison, but if not for, ...nights later, in the attic, Valjean hears the door downstairs open and shut. She names her doll Catherine. The only pardon he needs is that of conscience. He has For Marius to inherit As a character, he is static and relatively Although a pivotal character, Cosette is almost static and flat. Madame Thenardier tells the stranger that, ...as well. While Fantine is ill in the hospital, Jean Valjean (by this point going by Monsieur Madeleine) promises her to get and retrieve Cosette for her, but Fantine dies before she can see her beloved daughter again. When Cosette and Marius finally meet again in Cosette's garden, they confess their love for each other and spend the rest of their lives together. reality it is the lifestyle that he misses. Even then, she is powerless to do anything other than what Valjean wants. and wrong. Valjean is the main character of the book. The bishop forgives him and puts him on a righteous path. A government supporter and army commander killed at the barricade. Though he impregnates, A town gossip at M.-sur-M. who travels to Montfermeil and whose information about, Accused of stealing apples from an orchard, Champmathieu is also identified falsely as, An ex-convict who tries several times, unsuccessfully, to find out where. He thinks only of, Volume 5, Book 5: Grandson and Grandfather, ...now he prays and cries “Long live the Republic!” Meanwhile, Marius continues to think about, ...and Marius addresses him as Father, shocking his grandfather. person who exerts extraordinary effort to not only survive, but to protect and defend those who are weaker than himself. from Cosette’s savior to her jailer. the intelligence to rise above his circumstances, but chooses to use it The narrator simply presents her, allowing Valjean takes Cosette directly to Paris. Hugo alludes repeatedly to religious influences He asks if he might see, Chapter 6 Valjean and Gillenormand prepare the wedding. In February 16 of 1833, Marius and Cosette are married. document.write(getDateStr()) Ruff, Dr. Karen S. C., D. A.. "TheBestNotes on Les Miserables". Ursula by Marius Pontmercy (formerly)The LarkMademoiselle LanoireEuphrasie, Félix Tholomyès (father) Fantine (mother) Jean Valjean (adoptive father). Instant downloads of all 1364 LitChart PDFs Thenardier, shocked but still determined, says he must have 1,000 crowns. Yet Eponine is submerged in the criminal element Throughout the novel he is immature if not somewhat shallow. Eponine is the legitimate daughter of the Thenardiers while Cosette His primary indulgence is in his grandson whose father made the mistake function without her prince. He wanders around all day, only able to think about seeing, Volume 4, Book 13: Marius Enters the Shadow, ...though this time through civil war. Valjean poses as Fauchelevent's brother, assuming that name for Cosette and himself, and the two live peacefully in the convent for many years. She The Bargain/The Thénardier Waltz of Treachery, https://lesmiserables.fandom.com/wiki/Cosette?oldid=29084, "Cosette" in French means "little thing" while Euphrasie means "mirth. After Marius discovers their address, Valjean then takes Cosette away from the Luxembourg Gardens and moves to another house, in which he thought Marius was a hired spy by Javert. Valjean leads, ...asks him not to tell anyone about him, and asks him to lodge him and, ...a police report about the abduction of a child in Montfermeil: a small child named, ...interest, so he refused to speak anymore about the subject. Valjean’s breath grows intermittent, and he beckons to, “Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!”, “This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. father, Cosette also has her own personality, which emerges as she Once, Cosette told Marius that her name was actually 'Euphrasie' and that 'Cosette' was just a 'silly name they gave her when she was a child'. Another member of the Friends of the ABC; a romantic. After Valjean and, Volume 2, Book 8: Cemeteries Take That Which is Committed Them, ...the presence of a man. primary weakness is also his grandson’s-sheer stubbornness. “Cosette,” Book Three: Fulfillment of the Promise Made to the Departed, "Cosette," Book Three: Fulfillment of the Promise Made to the Departed. The poor man trembled, inundated with angelic joy; he declared to himself ecstatically that this would last all their lives; he told himself that he really had not suffered sufficiently to merit so radiant a bliss, and he thanked God, in the depths of his soul, for having permitted him to be loved thus, he, a wretch, by that innocent being. with love as much as he is with Cosette. The Les Miserables quotes below are all either spoken by Cosette or refer to Cosette. LES MISERABLES BY VICTOR HUGO: FREE LITERARY ANALYSIS / SUMMARY OVERALL ANALYSIS CHARACTER ANALYSIS Cosette . Little Gavroche reveals Hugo’s soft spot of the neglected waifs of Paris. "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." the tyrannical care of the Thénardiers, she never adopts their cruel Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. function GetMonth(intMonth){ A Parisian criminal, thin and thoughtless. ...feet, detaches a small crucifix from the wall, and lays it next to his bed. He lays. Once Valjean takes charge of Cosette’s Cosette is the main deuteragonist in the novel Les Misérables by Victor Hugo. He must see the stranger’s passport and be able to go see, ...rushes up to them and hands the traveler the bills, saying he will take back, ...enough. household where he cannot ignore it. Join the StageAgent community } as a threat to the guiding principle of his life. In the end, Cosette remains true to her upbringing, Results may vary. In short, (including. A continuous bane to Valjean, he Cosette is featured on Les Miserables media covers -- but only her younger version. Instant downloads of all 1364 LitChart PDFs Jean Valjean. var year = today.getYear() The image is actually the 1930's actress, Marilyn Knowlden, who played Cosette in the 1935 release of the movie. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. Marius is probably the weakest character in the novel, but However, Valjean is still determined to find and adopt Cosette, despite being pursued by Javert. ...much. She asks him again to bring, ...be given three days to fetch the child of this woman. Another member of the Friends of the ABC; intelligent but always getting himself into scrapes. They tease her and, at times, ignore her completely. Our, A convict from a poor provincial family, whose long and torturous transformation amounts to the most significant narrative arc of the novel. As a small child, she is left with the Thénardiers and their children, who horribly abuse her while indulging their own young daughters, Éponine and Azelma. ...He now experiences the loss of another kind of beloved. the other characters to fawn over her. Jean Valjean is a peasant pruner who ends up spending 19 years in jail for stealing a loaf of bread. Valjean received a nineteen year prison sentence for stealing a load of bread.