Autogenic Succession. Secondary Succession . (3). Primary vs. Biotic communities are changing according to internal factors or external factors. Primary succession occurs in a lifeless or an area which has been bare from the beginning whereas secondary succession happens in an area which has been recently got deprived of life and was previously inhibited. Primary Succession is a type of ecological succession that happens to the area that is devoid of vegetation, and is barren or lifeless. Primary vs Secondary Succession. Remaining in the soil are the unharmed roots of some plants and the seeds of others. Primary succession takes a long time for completion, it can take 1000 years or more whereas secondary succession takes a less time for completion, it takes between 50 and 200 years. Primary Succession. 3. Soil is absent at the beginning of primary succession and the environment is not suitable for sustaining normal life forms. Primary vs. One best example of secondary succession is abandoned cropland. Secondary Succession. Examples of conditions leading to secondary succession include forest fires, tsunamis, floods, logging, and agriculture. Ø After the succession has begun, the communities itself modify its own environment and thus causing its own replacement. 2.It occurs in an area which is barren or lifeless. Secondary succession is defined as the development of natural communities on land in the presence of soil but the absence of natural vegetation due to some natural calamities or human-induced activities. While primary succession describes the development of an ecosystem in a barren habitat, secondary succession is the recovery of an ecosystem after most of its species have been eliminated. Primary Succession vs. 1. 4. Primary succession takes a long time for completion, 1000 years or more. Primary Succession vs Secondary Succession . Below we have discussed the difference between Primary and Secondary Succession. Primary succession is the process of growth in an area that was previously uninhabited, barren, unoccupied, and there was no initial vegetation. In secondary succession, the soil remains in place after the disaster. Secondary Succession and patterns of interaction of early and late species On the contrary, Secondary Succession is the growth of the community in such an area which was previously occupied inhabited and that has the primary plant but got damaged or disturbed due to some internal or external environmental factors. Ø The secondary succession is comparatively a rapid process than the primary succession. This process, which a biotic community undergoes a series of recognizable and predictable stages following colonizing in a new habitat such as in land or water or following major disruption, is called the succession. The process of rebuilding after a fire or other disaster is similar to primary succession and proceeds in much the same way; however, secondary succession occurs in less time.