For the former, Lenihan measures the long-term changes in coral populations and uses the information to create models that provide insight into coral communities in the future. Reef Fish Spawning > In response to the declining health of coral reefs worldwide, the National Coral Reef Institute was established by Congressional mandate in 1998 to offer a strong scientific focus and innovative approaches in all aspects of coral reef biology and restoration. “We’re trying to understand the mechanism behind that,” said Eliason. When in the field, MCR LTER researchers are based at the University of California Gump Research Station on Mo’orea. Like all animals, they have an optimal temperature range. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. Supported local management authority and coordination of stakeholders’ efforts to relocate damaging anchorages; Was a key supporter and manager of the Southeast Coral Reef Evaluation and Monitoring Project (SECREMP); Organized the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium; Assessed and restored injured reefs together with city, county, and state management agencies; Predicted and proved coral spawning for the first time in southeast Florida high-latitude coral; Produced maps of coral reef ecosystems in southeast Florida with management agencies; and. “Having independence as a grad student has made me think about my own interests and pursue my own research projects, and that is really important for me moving forward in my career. Species Diversity >, Water Temperatures > NCRI is recognized by NOAA as one of its external coral reef research institutes. Within our coastal and oceanic marine work we have attempted to integrate broad general considerations, the sort of thing the average person might find interesting, with the esoteric details that seem relevant only to a limited number of specialists. The primary scientific goals of the Expedition are to map and characterize coral reef ecosystems, assess their current status and major threats, and examine factors that enhance their ability to resist, survive and recover from major disturbance events. For nearly twenty years, the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation has been conducting cutting-edge coral reef research in remote locations around the world. Situated on Cook’s Bay along the north shore of the island of Mo’orea, the University of California Gump Research Station is a premiere field station where scientists conduct critical research on the coral reefs and the many marine species that make their home in the warm waters of French Polynesia. This once-in-a-lifetime research opportunity brought together nearly 200 coral reef researchers from around the world, in collaboration with local partners, to conduct management-driven coral reef research under the Foundation’s Science Without Borders® program. Any effort to understand them requires consideration and appreciation of all these. Why We Care Coral reefs possess the greatest ecological complexity and biodiversity among marine ecosystems and are invaluable economic and recreational resources. The NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program was established in 2000 by the Coral Reef Conservation Act. An uptick of even a few degrees significantly impacts their wellbeing and in turn that of coral. Globally, NCRI conducts multidisciplinary scientific research on coral reef assessment, monitoring, and restoration for increasing knowledge about and conservation of coral reef ecosystems. Fish keep the algae that … Biodiversity > Coral reefs may experience temperature differences as great as 3˚C, sometimes in the course of one day. Dr. Marilyn Brandt examines a brain coral Colpophyllia natans that has been affected by bleaching and disease on a coral reef site in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands. NCRI’s staff scientists have produced over 125 scientific papers, numerous abstracts, and many technical reports. At Gump Research Station, undergraduates have the opportunity to bring the knowledge they have gained in the classroom and in campus labs to a real-world environment. Mo'orea: Coral Reef Research in Paradise. The loss of major plant grazers, such as the parrotfish, to fishing and disease has allowed an increase of algal growth among corals. In addition, the sediment can coat the corals and virtually smother them, and the fertilizers that benefit plants on land can wreak havoc on corals, making them stressed and possibly more vulnerable to bleaching. To date, our collaborative approach to scientific research has focused on: All of our scientific findings and GIS maps are published and shared freely with participating countries and scientific and regulatory organizations so that they can be used to develop sound environmental management strategies for coral reefs. Understanding how these factors, and others, affect the incidence and transmissibility of diseases and ultimately coral demographics is key to determining long-term trajectories of coral reef communities. Now that the field research for the Global Reef Expedition is complete, we are focused on publishing our findings and sharing our results with participating countries so they can make informed decisions on how to use their marine environment. © 2020 Nova Southeastern University | 3301 College Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314-7796 | 800-541-6682 Contact Us | Using Our Site | Privacy Policy | GDPR Privacy Notice | ADA Policy. This function has been disabled for Coral Reef Research Foundation. Coral reefs are one of the most diverse ecosystems on the planet, according to marine biologist Deron Burkepile, and he and his team are studying factors that impact coral reef health. Researchers at the National Coral Reef Institute (NCRI) are exploring scientifically sound approaches to understand, assess, monitor, restore and mitigate injured coral reefs. Courses are convenient, challenging, and very diverse. Global warming and the reduction of plant-eating fish are emerging as factors central to the degradation of coral reefs. The work is hard, the days are long and the friendships are everlasting. Discover exactly what you need and when to be admitted to NSU. National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science 1305 East West Highway, Rm 8110 Silver Spring, MD 20910 Phone: (240) 533-0300 / Fax: (301) 713-4353 Email:, Website Owner: National Centers for Coastal Ocean | Department of Commerce | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | National Ocean ServiceCopyright 2017 | Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | Survey | Freedom of Information Act, This project began in January 1998 and is Ongoing, National Coral Reef Institute (NCRI) website, National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The evaluation and synthesis of scientific information relevant to scientists and marine resource managers have specifically stated goals—initially developed through an international scientific conference and ultimately implemented through presentation and publication of findings, a Web presence, scientific advisory panels, boards, and workshops. Unfortunately, that has not been the case in other parts of the world where similar events have taken place. For instance, overharvesting of reef organisms that feed on algae, such as parrotfish and sea urchins, might allow for increased algal cover on the reef, smothering the corals and further compromising resistance to other threats. Learn why the years you spend at NSU will be some of the best you will ever have. It’s life changing — spending a summer at a field station on the island of Mo’orea in French Polynesia, contributing to real-time scientific research. Ocean Observations >, Types of Marine Lakes > Coral bleaching is one of the most pressing issues facing coral reefs. Over the course of five years, the Global Reef Expedition conducted 22 month-long research missions, studying over 1,000 coral reefs in 15 countries in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. The turbid, murky water impedes sunlight, so the algal cells can’t photosynthesize properly. Find out what fascinates people in the College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography. Researchers studying Mo’orea’s coral reef are seeking to understand the factors that contribute to its resilience and to glean insights into reef recovery that might be applied in other areas. Masters of Marine & Environmental Studies, Master of Arts in Mathematics for Secondary Teachers. Global Reef Expedition Our two campuses feature living classrooms and major investigative centers. This research focuses on three key elements of coral reef ecosystems that affect the demographic rates and distribution of important species groups, including reef fishes, marine algae, and corals.    Evolution & Marine Biology, UC Santa Barbara. Coral Reef Mapping: From large-scale morphology to small-scale community patterns; Coral Reef Mapping: Benthic Habitat Maps Marilyn Brandt LabUSVI Territorial Coral Reef Monitoring Program.