Ryan Hurst's "The Walking Dead" character, Beta, never took off his mask on the show since joining the zombie series on season nine. In the present, Frances starts crying in the middle of a herd, attracting the attention of the walkers. This man was Beta's best friend before the apocalypse and Beta cared for him deeply. Lydia begins to cry as she approaches Henry. bon cette saison 10 n'a pas le charisme des premieres, évidemment... la magie n'est plus depuis longtemps mais j'ai trouvé que cette saison se laissait regarder sans déplaisir... les épisodes sont courts, le rythme est ce qu'il est mais l'attachement aux personnages fait encore fonctionner le tout... et puis, c'est l'avant derniere saison et l'on trouve une nouvelle motivation à suivre l'histoire puisqu'elle va s'achever...esperons qu'il fasse une fin digne de ce nom... Après la fin de GoT la fin annoncée de TWD ... la fin d'une époque ... snif ... Je m atandait pas que la 11 soit la dernière mais faut bien une fin. In the woods, Beta grabs a sneaking Henry and tosses him in front of Alpha. When the latter does so, Beta asks if Rufus can hear Alpha and what she is saying to him. Posee una voz gruesa y terrorífica al momento de hablar[1] y es lo suficientemente fuerte como para levantar a una persona.[2]. This also confirmed Beta's profession prior to the outbreak. Beta walks into a building with guitars and looks at his face on an album cover. He somewhat appears to hate the person he once was and desperately wants to escape his past though it also seems, in a way, that he wants to preserve his image as the inspiring musician he once was. Mid 40s They survived off the land by moving from place to place. Beta is shown to be a brutal, sociopathic, cunning, aggressive, and highly analytical man who is devoted to the Whisperer way of life. 9 très nulle. Tras presenciar la inmensa manada de Susurradores, Gabriel Stokes, de Alexandría, que estaba vigilando en una torre para el avance de los Susurradores, cuando abandona su posición y comienza a descender por la escalera, rogando por ayuda. Just a Whisper....#twd pic.twitter.com/4RBvA7P9Py. El nombre real de Beta es desconocido, al igual que el de. After Hurst was first cast on the show, he previously told Insider they considered showing Beta's real face on the series so he wasn't hot under the mask all the time. That's an interesting comment from Hurst. She then destroys the shrine and pleads with him to keep Lydia's life a secret. Reeling from his infection, Rufus coughs, which attracts a nearby walker. Ethnicity Image GalleryRyan Hurst Gallery. Instead, he smiled at the fact that it was happening. Violent, il protège aussi farouchement sa véritable identité. He could not bring himself to put his friend down and let him roam the hospital as a walker. Unknown Hurst pushed back since the character never reveals his identity in the comic until his death and was interested in exploring the reasons behind that. While Beta is focused on Negan and lets his guard down, Daryl sneaks up on Beta and slashes him with a knife and then stabs Beta through both of his eyes. Suddenly, a satellite crashes through the sky and the herd starts to scatter. Later the horde makes it way to Hilltop. Despite this complete betrayal of their values, Beta forgives her and the two renew their loyalty to each other stronger than ever and vow to make their presence known to the Coalition again. Viste de prendas oscuras, como una gabardina de cuero color negro, un chaleco y botas negras y una bufanda roja algo desgastada. Relive the moment: See Daniel try to gather up some of his vinyl, including the one with Beta's face 22 minutes onto "Fear TWD" season five, episode 14. CANNESERIES dévoile son édition 2020. The kicker? At the pike border, Beta and two other Whisperers discover Alpha's reanimated head. Despite their spiteful relationship he does not try to assault and kill Negan. The term "Beta" denotes the second most dominant role or position in a particular sphere or group. "The Walking Dead" : tout ce que l'on sait déjà de la saison 9. He also keeps his zombified best friend locked in a room, unable to put him down. Beta later appears to be somewhat shocked in "The Calm Before" when Alpha reveals Lydia is no longer of concern to her, possibly thinking Lydia is dead. "It's you," says the Whisperer. Beta grabs the knife out of his chest and announces all he wants is Lydia. Cuando una madre y su hija irrumpieron dentro del hospital mientras escapaban de una manada de caminantes, Beta le permitió a ambas pasar la noche dentro del lugar bajo la condición de no salir del pasillo por donde entraron y marcharse al día siguiente. Beta returns with a punch of his own and Daryl stabs him in the chest before escaping into the trap door. Luego le corta parte de su mascara a Beta con su katana causando que grite. When a Whisperer defies Alpha's strategies, Beta tries to kill him but is stopped by Alpha. Necesitas ser silenciado. Later, as Daryl and the others leave the building, at the bottom of the elevator shaft, Beta rises in pain. En attendant de le découvrir sur votre petit écran, RTL Super vous entraîne dans l'univers de Beta. "The Walking Dead" : combien d'épisodes sont prévus pour la saison 9 ? A while later, Beta locates Mary, Alden, Kelly, and Adam, sending a small cluster of walkers at them. Atónito tras la muerte de Alpha, Beta dice que luego de la muerte de Alpha, nunca más habrá otro Alpha. A su vez, se quitó de encima el cuchillo sin ninguna resistencia. The group members were also demanded to abandon their previous lives and beliefs and become nothing but hardened, primitive survivors. Beta's final defeat only came when he was focused solely on killing Negan in revenge and so let his guard down to outside attack by Daryl. However, in the following episode, Beta's mental breakdown worsens as Beta begins to hear voices in his head, and hallucinates having walkers speak to him, and it's subtly hinted that Beta's refusal to take the mantle of "Alpha" is due to an inferiority complex, as the voices urge him to have faith in his own strength. A diferencia de los demás miembros de su grupo, Beta no cubre toda su cara con la piel de caminante, si no hasta donde llega su nariz. Et maintenant des îles inconnues, des drogues, des Carole qui se shoot aux médocs... In a world ruled by the dead, we are forced to finally start living. A holster for these knives can be seen on his belt. Refusing to leave his friend behind, Beta skinned his face to protect his identity and took his shirt in order to honor him. In "Stalker", Beta infiltrates Alexandria to retrieve Mary, and have her punished. Beta is a fictional character in the comic book series The Walking Dead and the television series of the same name, where he is portrayed by Ryan Hurst. The next day, Gamma questions Beta's feelings about her. Cuando se produjo el cambio en el mundo, el campamento de Beta fue arrasado por una manada de caminantes obligándolo a él y a su mejor amigo a guardar refugio dentro de un hospital abandonado. Daryl eventually won the fight by tricking Beta and shoving him down an elevator shaft; however, Beta survived, and upon regaining consciousness was visibly angry, likely meaning that he wanted revenge on Daryl. He tearfully rips off the part of his mask that Mary had damaged earlier. And that that's sort of how the Whisperers were born," Hurst continued. Due to his large size and strength, Beta is a very dangerous opponent, capable of using excessive force to protect his group and is a skilled fighter, being able to casually overpower Daryl during a … At the abandoned hotel, Beta inspects a recording of one of his concerts. He also proclaims the deal between their groups is now off, which appears to disturb Daryl. Les Chuchoteurs sont des survivants qui vivent à l'état quasi-sauvage, très brutaux et qui se camouflent avec des restes de chair de zombies putréfiés. Beta observes from the woods as a large group of Whisperers ambush Daryl, Michonne, Carol, and Yumiko. Despite this Beta respect's Alpha's decision nonetheless, though he claims to have no feelings towards Mary. El contenido de la comunidad está disponible bajo. That night, Beta tells Negan that he has not earned the right to eat with them and throws him to the ground. This prompts him to finish her off by disemboweling her. She takes out a shotgun and orders Daryl to follow her. Negan s'est échappé de sa prison d'Alexandria et essaye d'infiltrer le camp des Chuchoteurs. First Appearance Les Chuchoteurs continuent d'envahir la saison 9 de The Walking Dead.Après la redoutable Alpha et sa fille Lydia, c'est au tour de Beta d'arriver dans la série. While walking, Negan mocks Beta's relationship with Alpha and jokes that he is attracted by her baldness. Alpha, however, claims she is proud of the woman. With Beta and the Whisperers turning the horde back around, Daryl's group infiltrates the horde and starts assassinating the Whisperers one by one. He says they've underestimated them so Alpha assumes that they've sent spies beyond the border and assigns more guards, before sending Gamma to carry a message to their spy in Alexandria. Después de acabar con los caminantes restantes, Paul y Aaron le quitan la máscara a Beta y se sorprenden al reconocerle como un famoso y rico jugador de baloncesto.