- Never liked Sally as well but think that portrayal was intentional on the show's behalf. Why does Barry randomly have a silencer pistol? Here's my theory: the other Barry will be the Barry in the series finale. Thanks. I forgot just how good this show used to be :(. The Future Barry we see is likely the one that 'Vanishes in Crisis' on the future newspaper Wellsobard has, so presumably, he's fighting the Reverse Flash, Eobard runs off, Barry goes off to catch him, they end up travelling in time and fight. This is like saying dexter is dead to me because he killed somebody to hide his secret, no shit he did he’s a fucking serial killer and has been since scene 1 episode 1. However, many movies have been centered on irredeemable characters and worked very well. And he have the cop a chance but she wouldn’t let it go, Lol I wanted him to kill moss and the friend who had cracked, they were liabilities. [Spoiler] Season 1 Finale: Did we ever learn. Save. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Le détective Moss se rapproche d'une arrestation qui, espère-t-on, va débusquer l'affaire d'homicide de Madison. Agreed with you about the scream. Press J to jump to the feed. He claimed he was "talked into" doing a bunch of bad things. Give season one another watch. It’s all about keeping his double life secret. 100% agree. However, I'm not really sure, time travel confuses the hell out of me - which is exactly why I love it. Qui sommes-nous | The show could just go “American Psycho” where those around Barry don’t care as long as they succeed. /u/kalelkabong did a nice job in his plothole write-up here, but I still enjoy the show and want to see more. Barry to Felicity, "I kissed Iris twice. So even though he went through time back to the day of Nora's death, and even though some things were different (he talked to her as she died) she still died, so history stayed intact and therefore the future stayed available for Barry to travel back to. Barry. Wonderful performance. But how did he return through the same wormhole? J'ai bien fait, la tournure qu'elle prend par la suite et qui je pense était prévu depuis le début laisse entrevoir d'énormes possibilités et quelques saisons. The S1 Barry travels back to save his mom and then Other Barry tells him not to. He might always have done that. I thought it was awful for him but well done, and I was along for the ride and enjoying that gray area. Atlanta s2 is amazing but Glover is barely in or completely not in 4 episodes. Hank is the best character on television. Is generally considered to be the Barry that was fighting Reverse Flash? Barry legitimately not understanding that he is a bad person is what makes the show. Basically - Barry can't/hasn't learned how to travel between alternate timelines yet. How did Barry return to the original timeline in Season 1 Finale? Premise: A hit man from the Midwest moves to Los Angeles and gets caught up in the city's theatre arts scene. If there was a flashpoint barry, he would not have to travel back in time again to stop reverse flash since he was killed by batman. I can't see who else is even in the running. Honestly wouldn't be shocked to see Bill Hader get the Emmy after that season. Barry season one was so damn good. in fact I think Barry might've progressed faster due to his rage/anger, as we see in season 2 where an enraged Barry is … I get why they don't do them like this anymore tho. Press J to jump to the feed. 2 years ago. I think your opinion stinks but I love your name. I can’t wait to see how Barry deals with this situation. We'll probably see the events leading up to this in future seasons. Not OP, but I was still on his side there. Nobody made him pack a gun to a weekend couples getaway at the lake. L'ex-Marine retrouverait-il goût à la vie en les côtoyant ? Bill, if you're reading reddit, and I know you are, because you're a cool kind of guy like that... Goran can be dead and you can still have Glenn on season 2. Idk if he jumped straight to the villain part. And that's why I can't wait to see more. Barry just jumps straight to the villain part, and I'm not invested enough to want to see if he manages to become a better person. It’s funny, there are 2 kinds of tv watchers (for the purposes of this post) - people who can still root for a protagonist who does villainous things and people for whom, as soon as the character does something squarely immoral, that character is dead to them. TV Reviews Barry 5/13/18. Barry killed people for money. I have no clue tbh, but the only difference I noticed is that every time Barry time travelled intentionally, the same thing didnt happen. Is generally considered to be the Barry that was fighting Reverse Flash? How do we know his taking to her changed the future anyway? Damn. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Lol exactly.