If not, please separate them and feed them yourself. Sakina Nasir (author) from Kuwait on February 07, 2017: That's sweet! African Love Bird Society Post Office Box 372 Washingtonville, New York 10992 ©2020 African Love … Breast should be deep, broad, and well rounded, tapering gradually to the tail.5. Inside his wings, the skin was featherless but there were slits from which his wings would grow. Continue trying to feed them, till their fear is removed. Is there a need for an ultra-red lamp for heat? If done properly, you will see your bird swallowing food. Boiling the water is essential to kill germs that could harm your baby bird. It indicates that your baby doesn't require anymore feeding. We've provided you with some very important and helpful care tips, suggestions and general information about lovebirds to help aid you in taking proper care of a pet lovebird. Thank you for all the great information, as you have helped answered many of my many questions. Try spray bathing the bird with lukewarm water. Sakina Nasir (author) from Kuwait on February 09, 2018: @bookpaw Hi! Question: Should we give a 2 weeks old love bird water? :). She keeps laying eggs each year. carolynkaye from USA on February 04, 2017: My niece is raising baby cockatiels now and also likes Lovebirds, so I told her about your article. Could you help me, please? Thank u paige. Answer: I placed my lovebird, Mumu in a brooder (filled with 2-3 fistfuls of hay) to keep him warm. The internet proved to be an immense help, guiding me in my worried state. Sakina Nasir (author) from Kuwait on June 06, 2018: @Christopher Thanks! When did you feed Mumu? :) This is so nice to hear. Wings should be held neatly in line with the body; flights must not droop or cross.7. after I feed him I wrap him in a towel and cuddle with him on the couch for an hour or so before putting him back to sleep on his own.. is it not enough? Sakina Nasir (author) from Kuwait on January 26, 2020: @Dante Hi! You can do the same if you have a nest box instead of a brooder. Feed it before you go to sleep and first thing in the morning. Lovebirds (genus Agapornis )eat mostly fruit, grains, and seeds.In captivity as pets they should be fed much the same as parrots. Hi! I can feel your love for the bird and it's more than enough. I believe Mumu was more than a week or two old when you started feeding him. Please buy some glucose for birds and give warmth. It's uploaded on my YouTube account (Sakina Nasir). If that's the case, these birds are happy with seeds/millets and don't like eating other foods. It is very exciting to see the stages of the babies from day 1 to when they will be able to go to their new homes. Question: How long can a baby lovebird survive without food from its mother? It is so small that they do most of their cooking outside of the truck. (The eggs haven't hatched yet.). Someone also told me that they can't be tamed anymore and can be stubborn. Then you can handfeed it and pet it yourself. He looks older than birds 3 weeks of age when compared to pictures. This will help with the feather growth. Hi i have three baby lovebirds and all my local pet stores don't have baby lovebird formula is there a homemade formula i can feed them with? You can feed your bird using a small plastic syringe. Should I feed them 4 times a day? It is like having a constant companion with you every day. You can hand feed the babies once they are 3 weeks old. There's so much helpful info here. The “Fine” versions of both High Potency and Adult Lifetime are comparable enough for larger birds and in many cases is readily accepted without food-wasting. The tail was growing longer, and tail endings were taking the shape of leaves. He/she will make crying sounds and jump forward eagerly. I hope you still reply, I have a 10 months old Fischer Love bird. When can you start hand feed baby love birds? Is there special formula? thank you for writing this article, it helped me so much with my baby lovebird. You can always play with him for longer time periods when he/she turns 6 weeks or older. Question: How did you avoid splayed legs in your baby lovebird? Legs and feet should be straight and strong, firmly gripping the perch. Please begin with mashed items. Alternately if the bird eats the nugget without wasting, offer the next nugget immediately. Question: Can I make a formula for the baby lovebird without baby bird food powder? Lovebirds are playful and sociable. Question: When can I start offering water while hand feeding a baby lovebird and how do I do it? While swallowing your bird will bob his head or show body movement. Answer: Hi! There is this cute question mark look on his face whenever he sees something new. Peach faced baby lovebird sleeping in a brooder. Sakina Nasir (author) from Kuwait on March 20, 2019: @Lynn Russo Hi! Please check whether the mother lovebird is feeding the chicks after you have fed them. Thank you! Lovebird is the common name for the genus Agapornis, a small group of parrots in the Old World parrot family Psittaculidae.Of the nine species in the genus, eight are native to the African continent, with the … Mumu was 3 weeks old when we had brought him home. He was fully feathered and his beak was properly formed. Do you see it moving? After that, he/she has to be familiar with seeds, fruits, and green leaves. 1. Answer: Please keep the bird in a brooder. Check your baby's. Therefore, I have one hatchling. Check the temperature of the formula on your palm. Sakina Nasir (author) from Kuwait on August 15, 2020: The age of the lovebird should be at least 1.5 months old when you want to give him/her a bath. Good luck! This is due both to heightened awareness of the importance of nutrition and to increased research into birds different needs. :) I'm happy I could be of help to your friend. I used to feed A 21 Nutribird formula to my lovebird. And what is the paper towel thing? Lovebird babies make awesome pets. Sakina Nasir (author) from Kuwait on August 17, 2020: It's fine if the parents feed it. Lovebirds are fun to observe and make amazing pets. If so, the mother lovebird wants them to become independent. Thinking of getting a baby lovebird... Sakina Nasir (author) from Kuwait on May 08, 2018: What is the brand name of the formula? My female lovebird, Juju does the same thing. :-). His heart-warming way of snuggling to my stomach when he felt sleepy. Sakina Nasir (author) from Kuwait on April 01, 2020: If the parents are taking care of the chick, please let it be with them for another week or so. ", African Love Bird SocietyPost Office Box 372Washingtonville, New York  10992. Do you have baby lovebirds at home? I don't know if birds accept big animals that easily. You can feed it every 2-3 hours if it's three weeks old or more. You can feed it bird formula, which will be available at a local pet store. Will any formula be good? :) Thank you for asking. When can i start and stop hand feeding my baby bird(im only feeding it for a better way for me and the bird to bond) i dont know if the eggs are fertile though. Also, it's safe to handle the chick (since we can hold them well) when he/she is 3 weeks old. I am caring for two 3 week and a few days old lovebirds. Young birds need lots of rest, so please don't keep him out for more than 2 hours in a day. To feed him when he's the most hungry is okay, nothing wrong in that. it's a huge success but I'm getting anxious.. The African Love truck is a very small truck/trailer. ☺, Haha..wow that's awesome. My tropical love birds are color of a colorful big parrot. And is it ok to leave the first bird alone without food before the other bird hatches? Baby love birds are not mean, rather they may be frightened. The eggs, which do not hatch 25 days after laying, should be thrown away. Give them time getting used to the cage and perches. Question: Mumu, my lovebird, used to chatter a lot making different sounds. Novice status will continue for the remainder of the calendar year in which a division placement is achieved. (And you may hear from me again if I start to panic about something. :) Mumu is all grown up now. Please let me know the progress. Cute peach faced baby lovebird Mumu sleeping on my leg. I used to feed my lovebird around 10 ml of the formula (3-4 times per day, as needed) when he was 3 weeks old.