conference for future
Seoul Development Project Suicide Prevention Information and Counseling Centers Call Center System
Furence was tasked to setup the Seoul Suicide Prevention Call Center Business Information organized by the Seoul Suicide Prevention Center. The challenge of the suicide counseling hotline number 1577-0199 is to overcome the limitations of telephone call centers dedicated to prevent suicide attempts and to improve the quality of consultations with various counseling path to expand the business, missed calls, Mental Health Counseling, General Counseling and other complaints.
Furence will provide the T-Motion integrated call center solutions and telephone consultations to a custom-made system to accomplish the task and to contribute to business productivity advances in call centers and One-Stop Services. The Search Engine hosted through the call center consulting applications, DB linkage and evaluation will be delivered using a portal solution that enables the screen to systematically identify and manage the system. The fast phone consultation provides an integrated operating system built on the latest IP-based call center to effectively manage the operations.