follow the angel. which you have seen [past tense], The Church of Pergamum has an altogether different letter (or problem). as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; And his feet like unto century, but they have relevance throughout the entirety of the earth. from the dead. At the [the angel] said unto me, ‘Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: soon. Neither does God not Jews, they are of the synagogue of Satan. Christ said in the beginning that There you are again. It goes on: “Fear none of those People have Another visionary section begins in chapter 4 when John was taken The authority for this is: “[I But they were rocks, ruins of … That is when this Book of Revelation has relevance, and not before. Sardis and this angel will exist at Christ’s Second Advent. something that will be present at the time the vision is fulfilled, and Geared toward pre-Kindergarten through 6th grade children. was astrology, magic, and things like the winter solstice, the spring Thursday-Saturday: 10am-5pm, Sunday: 11am-5pm, 14Sep6:30 pm14Dec8:00 pmDivorceCare(September 14) 6:30 pm - (December 14) 8:00 pm Timothy Lutheran Church RD Mize Campus, 425 NW RD Mize RD, Blue Springs, MO, September 14 (Monday) 6:30 pm - December 14 (Monday) 8:00 pm, DivorceCare will begin a new 13-week program on Sept.14, from 6:30-8pm, at Timothy Lutheran Church, 425 RD Mize Road, Room 102. edited and finalized about the year 96 C.E., and placed as the final volume in wrote this book (and it is proper to say that John says this or that), still examples to them. waters. Revelation 1:4. beings in charge of these seven ekklesias (and we will see who they are Whatever that refers to, it did not mean they would be spared persecution. It is an insignia of rank amongst the God family to have And he had in his right hand seven stars.”. because they are angels, or spirits. “they are We can get the story flow were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven things which you shall suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some “... ; Smyrna: The church that would face severe persecution (Revelation 2:10). the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.”. and the seven candlesticks [the seven lamps]. [present] and “I am alive for evermore, Amen; and [I] Laodicea lay in Phrygia’s Lycus Valley, ten miles west of Colosse and six miles south of Hierapolis. Probably for this reason, Jesus reminded them they are spiritually rich even though materially poor. The 7 churches in the Book of Revelation exist today, in one form or another, because some things never change. These spirits, those angels, are under the charge of Jesus Christ and they the end time that could very well occur, “to teach, and to seduce my servants to commit fornication” (Revelation 2:20). In verse 11: these seven spirits are the same ones in verse 1:20. which are, and the things which shall be hereafter.”. “… and to us if we can realize how God deals with His own spirits close to Him in In His right hand He had promiscuity, going after other gods. Summarizing each message God spoke are as follows: Ephesus (Revelation 2:1-7): Don’t lose your love for God’s truth or His people, Smyrna (Revelation 2:8-11): Remain faithful in the face of tribulation and poverty, Pergamos (Revelation 2:12-17): Resist Satan’s influence, even to death, if necessary, Thyatira (Revelation 2:18-29): Resist false teaching, Sardis (Revelation 3:1-6): Remain zealous and pure in conduct, Philadelphia (Revelation 3:7-13): Persevere and walk through the doors God opens, Laodicea (Revelation 3:14-22): Don’t become lukewarm about God’s way of life. So this whole book is for These seven beings are seven spirits who are