Some time after the outbreak, these survivors started to scavenge around the Washington, D.C. area, killing and luring other survivors into traps, taking all of their supplies and using them as bait after they turn. They begin the same process of butchering and looting that they had done at Shirewilt Estates, dismembering their victims, and raiding the houses to steal valuable supplies. Avengers: Endgame: Can we stop telling women how to feel about that A-Force moment? If you're the site owner, follow the instructions below and you'll be up and running in no time! This begs the questions, "who are the wolves?" Image Gallery. - September 6, 2017 02:00 pm EDT. Copyright 2018 A few weeks ago, in the episode titled, "What Happened and What's Going On" viewers first saw walkers with W's carved into their heads when a dozen or so limbless walkers spilled out from the back of a truck. However, the show has already alluded to a group called the Wolves. Rick notices in the RV's front mirror that the other three Wolves who fled the safe-zone are quietly approaching the RV and, in a fit of fear, he unloads an entire magazine through the RV's wall, killing the three of them. They come into play much later than the point the show is at, though, and stick around for a few years. While this is the first time characters have noticed the symbol on a walker's head, it's not the first time the audience has seen it. But does it accomplish more than that? Did that not solve the problem? While it seems unlikely we'll meet TV's version of the Saviors very soon, it seems more fitting that the W's on the walker heads could tie to the Saviors. The Walking Dead: Actor Daniel Thomas May helps you get the most from Walker Stalker Con Atlanta. Morgan tells the Wolf that he and his companions will die if they continue to choose their savage way of life. Then the A popped up again in Alexandria. When Morgan resisted, another Wolf attacked him from the woods. First, there's the DC Scavengers. At this location, they discovered that their trap had been sprung by Aaron and Daryl, and set about resetting it, luring the walkers back into the trucks with loud music and flashing lights. Their true motives remain unknown, and they simply seem to like destroying and slaughtering innocent people, and steal from walled communities. We did hear from Morgan (when he seemed a little crazy), "People wearing dead people's faces," back in the episode "Clear." Strong but subtle. Shortly after Morgan Jones's arrival in Alexandria, Daryl tells Rick about what he and Aaron found at the Del Arno Foods truck lot, saying that Morgan came across two men with the letter "W" on their heads. The Scavengers seem to be the Wolves, as pointed out, because in the comics, not only are they from Washington D.C., but also the leader of the Scavengers, Derek, says to Rick, "Little pig, little pig...let me in" when trying to gain entry to the Alexandria Safe-Zone. Nothing is known about the life of any of the Wolves before the outbreak. Although walkers with Ws on their heads have been around since the Season 5 midseason premiere (there was a truck where zombies with the Ws spilled out of), Rick, Carol, and Daryl finally saw a walker branded with the infamous W during the March 8 episode "Forget."