He stays low key, because he wants to live. He had patents on his invention and was ready for production. But in the last week there has been an instance of it in India, in spite of the fact that the bus service in Mumbai has been run on hydrogen for some years now. If you don't believe me or MythBusters then maybe you'll believe the more recent Popular Mechanics and Dateline tests. to split water which use high currents and thus more energy. If GW wanted my respect,I'd have inventors like Stan on TV and with me in the White House, discussing how to save this dying planet and break the bonds of ruled corruption and greed. Once this hydrogen was produced, it could be consumed in the same manner as working hydrogen fuel cells. So you do get this energy back, but you cannot just magically get this from water without putting energy in first. We will never allow ads because we must remain independent. His theory is that voltage can do work. Our own US DOE, and the present administration are heavily involved in the Oil business. Sorry to have shocked you and made your face turn red, but Building #7 came down in 7 seconds, not reported in the 911 commission report. The appeal of the idea is rooted in the fact that water is much more common than, and usually cheaper than, oil, especially during an energy crisis.. In which I have reserved against the time of trouble, Against the day It was all too fishy from me, and continues to stink like a dead rat. the Equinox TV program [6] Meyer was convicted of fraud in 1996 over the claims made in his patents, and died of an aneurysm in 1998. He could have become very influential and very rich. We started with production cars and we got amazing results. (9/2014 update) Stan's dune buggy is in Canada, it was bought off the Holbrook family for a down payment and royalty of the duplicating was to follow, but was taken to Canada, so the corp. would not have to ay any more money. JOB 38:22-23 Now you take a look. But Meyer was exceedingly paranoid and he flatly refused reasonable requests by us and others to test the performance --- the input/out power ratio, even with the proviso that we did not have to "look into his black box" of electronics feeding his rather simply constructed stainless steel electrode, alternating current and voltage cell. Water Powered Car. aired newscast you were not to see. Common Sense is NOT for humans, only good for OUTLAWS & so called terrorists.? He was offered huge sums of money (a billion dollars) to "suppress this technology", but that he had refused those sums. In the UK, to devices for water-splitting and permanent magnet motors. As a result of this, energy must be put into the water molecule to break it up and produce a hydrogen-oxygen mix, just over 280 kJ/mol. We hear Stephen Meyers knows as much as Stan does, but is afraid and says nothing. We were told the US twin towers was taken down by airplanes, when the truth is, it was taken down by C4 explosives. "Water powered" cars are a recurrent theme amongst free energy advocates. The 2nd best inventor of the Century, besides Tesla, who was and will always be #1. Depending on the specific chemical reaction used, it may have been less efficient than other methods of hydrogen generation, and less environmentally friendly than even fossil fuel reactions. Stephen Meyer is alive and knew as much as Stan did. A man, who wishes to remain anonymous in order not to aggravate the current situation, has just been picked on. They also said that they were bewildered by the whole affair. In the purported generators, water is apparently changed into "HHO gas", electrons from which can be used to make cars run. He then e-mailed Dave some pictures showing his progress. There is a new car company in Japan making cars that run completely on water! The energy that needs to be put in to generate hydrogen and oxygen, due to the laws of microscopic reversibility and thermodynamics, is exactly the same as the energy that is produced by the hydrogen and oxygen reaction. The grant was to help develop one of his inventions. The dune buggy at left is a concept car we use to test new water fuel concepts. Meyer's said, he ascribed this and other alleged assaults on him to various conspiracies against water as a fuel. This page was last modified on 15 December 2019, at 17:53. That shows clearly that the “raid” had nothing whatsoever to do with taxation and the Tax Office was just being used as an excuse to invade the privacy of an individual. Now, it is true that the efficiency of physical processes can improve with resonant frequencies. Stan said while he was alive, that he was threatened many times and would not sell out to Arab Oil Corp.s The dune buggy was later found and NOT stolen, the Holbrook family, hid it away in their garage. these ideas for millions. The video screen to the right is a segment of the Equinox program about Stanley aired back in Dec. 1995 (approx.) Within 8 hours, his premises were raided by nine people supposedly from the local Tax Office. DOWNLOAD the lastest .pdf of how he did it. research into Free Energy. Meyer’s invention promised a revolution in the automotive industry. While quite tight-lipped about specific processes, Genepax hinted that the car worked along similar lines to metal hydride reactions that produce hydrogen. The website, however, is still available. Also, there seems to be greater efficiency at lower voltages below 1.47 v. At lower voltages, the process becomes endothermic (absorbs heat) instead of an inefficient Stan Meyer’s Car With a Water-Powered Engine. To totally learn this technology go to It is in 4 parts, made possible by Andy the WizardKing from Blackpool, England. This is the principle of a fuel cell. to pass this knowledge A true water powered car. NO, Why not? The VW engine had to be cleaned out with light oil, as to not damage the engine, as the charged deuterium level water put out NH3 fumes (ammonia) from the burning H3 and nitrogen from the air had a reaction to produce a putrid smell of ammonia, the only draw back. Stan Meyers took 30 years of research in his invention. The raid in India is very interesting in that it shows clearly that the opposition are very much afraid of Stan Meyer’s Water Fuel Cell. True Believers exploited his death as evidence of a free energy suppression conspiracy theory involving oil companies. He was a shame to hear that he was poisoned (March 98') and longer with us. is derived from the same engine that is running on that hydrogen. Or have you seen the treasures of the hail? An open field of WPC's logo is similar because it would solve all the world's problems today. It was stored in a 2 story building, with no doors, sealed in a room so no ne could steal it! Then Meyer loudly and falsely protested that he would "lose his patent rights" if he were to release anything but complete, integrated systems --- such as a water-fueled vehicle. There Fuel Cells are not as efficient as a "On board Hydrogen Electrolysis" fuel cell. Dear Friend: This month's newsletter is about hydrogen powered cars or more simply, water powered cars.And just to be clear, I am not talking about those "hydro boost" things - those do not work and are 100% scams. Stan's last experiment with that same buggy was running the engine on charged water from his resonant chamber powered by his VIC circuit. In Australia there is intense opposition to anyone using the Nitro Cell on any engine. It doesn’t matter if it’s tap, bottled, or lake water, any type of water can make this car run. Have you entered the treasuries of the snow, Only $1,500 to equip your car! Do you think the Oil Corp.'s are happy to see a converted car running for FREE?? But I have seen and read enough It is interesting to note that Stanley Meyers split water using high voltage and low current. Stan is the mustard seed of Water Powered Cars! He is into the same The seven pictures which I have placed in the Files section of the Group in the folder “RAVZZ” show his high standard of workmanship. They rather get hydrogen from hydrocarbons. Stan made the gas as he drove, no hydrogen tanks, no fuel cells, no need for Shell Hydrogen Stations.