As Raina, Mom, Amara and Will drive home from Colorado, the car breaks down. Later on that year both Raina and Amara get to be big sisters because her brother come along.The hardest thing that happens to any family is the parents having a conflict. In the beginning all three had to share a room with both Amara and Raina hate it. Lying: Raina lies and tells her sister she doesn’t have colored pencils because she doesn’t want to share them with Amara. But when her little sister Amara came she she kind of wished it had never happened. Mom subtly makes some disparaging comments about Dad before the kids learn they are having marital issues. Dad gets a new job. (These links will automatically appear in your email.). Flashbacks show young Raina as an only child, begging her parents for a sister. She tries to get Amara to draw with her, but even Amara feels she’s being used since Raina can’t find anyone else to hang out with. Also, if you have a comment about a particular piece of work on this website, please go to the page where that work is displayed and post a comment on it. I also liked this book because it was very entertaining and had the theme of “no matter how much you fight you will always be sisters.” This book is perfect for anyone from the ages of 10 and up because it is easy to read and it is childish and has some serious twists to it. Mainly because it was a graphic novel and I personally love color and pictures. The significant passage is when Raina ,and her family arrive to her aunt's house.Raina was really hopes to see her cousin Lindsey,and it didn't go too well.Raina really tried to change herself to look cool ,but she only made it worse.The pictures in the book show Raina putting on makeup to fit in with the big kids. Plot Summary This graphic novel memoir opens with Raina, her parents and her younger siblings, Amara and Will, planning a road trip to a family reunion in the late 1980s. She decides she wants one for a pet. This time they get a little brother. At first Raina wanted a sister more then anything, but when she was born she was very satisfied with her wish. They also give Raina something she really wants, a room of her own. If you have a suggestion about this website or are experiencing a problem with it, or if you need to report abuse on the site, please let us know. That same day she threw her bear away and blamed it on her sister.”I don’t care about this stupid bear my sister just packed him !!! Raina is touched and decides to take off her headphones so the whole group can talk and enjoy the rest of the trip together. Then when they take a trip to Colorado to meet their cousins the story then begins to change. The girls decide they want pets, but they kill off several fish and a lizard before their parents decide to have another child. Ever since she stepped on a dead one when she went berry picking when she was younger. She loves to draw, and when she was little she was obsessed with Bambi. She like 100 people around her ,but she felt alone. Every sister has a little conflict ,but never, The Basics Of Plagiarism In The Film Finding Forrester, The Causes And Effects Of Homework Has On Students. The story takes place in a family roadtrip to Colorado. When Amara was packing she asked Raina for he colored pencils and she said, “Nope, no colored pencils here” (Telgemeier 14). The book Sisters by R Telgemeier is about a girl named Reina who really wants a baby sister. When Ranina wanted to be a big sister she could not wait. Rania was determined to fit in with the older kids. The pictures, though, show that Rania lied right Amara’s her face. Then everything changes when they run out of fuel. Later on in the story she gets a chameleon, sadly he dies to because the crickets they gave him to eat ate him. They struggle through some financial issues. She also has a huge hate for snakes. That leaves Mom and Dad sleeping on the hide-a-bed in the living room. The girls wait for four hours in a hot van, wondering if Mom is OK. Mom and Will ride into town with a stranger to get help. The book, out from Scholastic this month, looks at the relationship between Telgemeier and her younger sister, focusing on an eventful road trip the family took one summer. Her new book, "Sisters," is a companion volume to her earlier memoir, "Smile." She also loves pets, but is disappointed when she can only have a fish since her father is allergic to cats and their apartment doesn't allow dogs. Sisters by Raina Telgemeier has been reviewed by Focus on the Family’s marriage and parenting magazine. She takes it everywhere. Like when her Baby sister was born. The last pet the had was a pet snake. Will is the youngest of the three kids. She gets what she wants, but she soon is is regretting it. As the story progresses there are flashback of Raina’s past. Parents need to know that Sisters, the follow-up to author-illustrator Raina Telgemeir's previous graphic novel memoir , Smile, is a funny, affectionate examination of family dynamics and sibling rivalry. Raina is has brown hair and she loves to listen to music. !’ (Telgemeier 130). Over the years of ups and downs they go through their childhood. She loves using the drawing program. Raina is starting high school in just a couple weeks and she is sort of worried what people will think of her, and she asks Lindsey for advice. The main story chronicles their road trip from California to Colorado, while frequent flashbacks tell the story of the family’s history. Amara makes a kind gesture of giving her last batteries to Raina so she can listen to her Walkman. The Case of the Bizarre Bouquets — “Enola Holmes Mystery” Series. Mom and Dad are loving and understanding toward the kids. When they go to colorado Raina gets worried that he cousins won't like her. Present-day Raina tries to make time pass quickly on the drive by listening to music on her Walkman. She likes to play a lot ,but she is mostly alone. He brings home a computer where Amara is obsessed with. She admits the two of them agreed to spend a little time apart this summer. Adults fight about politics and parenting, and Raina doesn’t feel she belongs anywhere. I can’t say that Raina and her sister have a perfect relationship like sisters should. Now there are three kids in one room, and the crying baby leaves everyone sleep-deprived. The theme of the novel is determination. The minor characters are there parents and Will. The book starts of with the family eating dinner and making sure they have everything packed for the road trip to Colorado. You can request a review of a title you can’t find at [email protected]. Amara responds to that comment by pretending to throw up. This story is based on the author’s life. RELATED: Faith Erin Hicks, Raina Telgemeier & Calista Brill Discuss the World of Graphic Novels. After a while they get a new member in the family, baby Will. Raina is so trying so hard to be cool and fit in that she forgot how to be herself for a minute.