Everything has a lesson to be told or learned from. The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty Character Analysis 799 Words | 4 Pages. How Effectively Does the Poet Convey Aspects of Change in ‘Funeral Blues’. For example, “Life is about courage and going into the unknown, into another world so you can develop who you, Bam! The enduring popularity of “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” is undoubtedly due in great part to readers’ ability to identify with Mitty; after all, most of us find our lives at times mundane and unsatisfying, and use daydreams to enter a more interesting world. Walter Mitty wounds up in five daydreams that reflects on succession and failure. In doing so, we find that, far from being a misfit, In the stories “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” by James Thurber (Clugston, sec. He has an imaginative imagination and it could sometimes get in the way. The first dream he goes through is at the beginning of the story. But the real magic happens when you start taking action, when you start living the life of your dreams. The short story that I will do an analysis on is the Secret Life of Walter Mitty, written by James Thurber in March of 1939. You can learn about a character through the characterÕs words and actions, the … Pow! The genre of this short story would be comedy, Thurber’s writing style is quiet creative and, Mitty’s second daydream occurs after he drives past a hospital on his way to the parking lot, he thinks he is a famous surgeon, heroic character, who saves the day. Most importantly I can identify with Mitty’s daydreaming not as hilarious and outrageous as his are, but we all have a need to slip away from the hoarse realities of life and escapism in the form of daydreaming. The essay sample on The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty Analysis dwells on its problems, providing shortened but comprehensive overview of basic facts and arguments related to it. The two main characters in this short story are Walter Mitty and his wife, who play significant roles in making this short story come alive despite being very different in many ways. Education, Inc. https://content.ashford.edu/books In the short story, Walter is dull and not a very entertaining character 9 and has a very boring life, but in the movie he starts out that way but he gradually becomes a more adventurous, Within the first story written by James Thurber titled, “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty,” the take home message at the end of this excerpt is that any individual can create their own illusion and become their own protagonist in their own story or life. For example, “Life is about courage and going into the unknown, into another world so you can develop who you, Bam! He overcomes this in many ways, and one of them is by traveling. Analysis of “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” Camie Ayash ENG 125 Introduction to Literature Professor Janelle Jalbert May 28, 2012 Analysis of “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” The literature that I chose to write an analysis on is “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”. Walter, unhappy with several aspects of his life, seeks refuge from the external hardships, In the movie and short story ¨The Secret LIfe of Walter Mitty¨ there was very different external conflicts, themes, and ways Walter acted.For example on the short story, walter's wife is always nagging at him for different things, but in the movie it is walter's boss and co-workers that are making his life difficult. In the short story “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty,” we see the main character as a rejected misfit in society. Mann, A. The Short story The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is about an older man who is using his imagination to cope, by the great Theme and Narrative Elements in the Short Story Patrick Powell ENG: 125 Prof. Wanda Deffenbaugh July, 18 2011 In the short story “the Secret Life of Walter Mitty” the themes identified are; the ability to escape real world events and frustrations by daydreaming and making himself feel important by always becoming the hero in his daydreams. In the story “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” by James Thurber takes place in Waterbury as a man named Walter Mitty who goes through life daydreaming a lot as he goes through town to do errands, while his wife gets her hair done. There is nothing wrong with being a dreamer. First, Walter Mitty has many detailed daydreams. In the novel, Mitty is respected in his daydreams, unappreciated, the couple does not see eye to eye. Your IP: As his daydreams are cut short by real-life events, the dullness of his actual life is revealed through the tediousness of his tasks and the nagging of his wife.