The US: the only Western country with zero Muslim influence at all? S’il n’y a pas assez de gens suffisamment affolés pour demander à se faire vacciner, la vaccination pourrait devenir obligatoire sous peine de l’interdiction de voyager etc …, Continuer la lecture de La tromperie de la Covid-19, Le 27 septembre 2020 – Source Peter Turchin. (Ruslan Ostashko), Jewish Settler Chief: ‘Palestinians have no right to a state, Bible says Israel for the Jews’, Sergey Lavrov on the causes of turbulence in modern international politics, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to questions during the meeting with members of the Association of European Businesses in Russia, Moscow, October 5, 2020, How Nasrallah’s sharp answer to Macron was softened by French media, 75th session of the UN General Assembly : President of Russia Vladimir Putin, Turkey Threatens Armenia With Direct Military Intervention In Karabakh War, Tucker: President Trump wants US troops out of the Middle East, Friends, if you can, please help me! Le Saker Francophone. Didier Lallement, the new prefect of the capital, intends to act firmly and orders the police to “go to contact”. Russia Doesn’t Stop Them. (UPDATED), The Essential Saker IV – “Messianic Narcissism’s Agony by a Thousand Cuts”, Another interesting example of the kind of comments moderators remove, Just an example of the kind of things moderators (and I) have to deal with, Moveable Feast Cafe 2020/10/17 … Open Thread, Moveable Feast Cafe 2020/10/14 … Open Thread, Moveable Feast Cafe 2020/10/11 … Open Thread, Moveable Feast Cafe 2020/10/07 … Open Thread. All the original content published on this blog is licensed by Saker Analytics, LLC under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 4.0 International license ( Gilet Jaune SITREP for Labor Day and Acte 25, Six months after it begins, the oligarchs/Macron versus Gilets Jaunes battle is still raging and will keep on, The “gilets jaunes” movement as seen by the French-language Saker Blog, Moderation Policy (UPDATED April 4th, 2020), Protection of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos & Ever-virgin Mary, Hyperinflation, Fascism and War: How the New World Order May Be Defeated Once More. Quelle était la société préindustrielle la plus riche en énergie . Continuer la lecture de Une pression accrue sur la Russie n’aura aucun effet, Par Jean-Baptiste Mendes − Le 13 octobre 2020 − Source Sputnik News. Rendre accessible la pensée dissidente où qu'elle se trouve. Mais quelque chose de nouveau semble être à l’œuvre dans le monde actuel – un processus qui est en train de dévorer le cœur même de la vie sociale, non seulement en substituant la technique de vente à la vertu morale, mais en faisant commerce de tout, vertu y compris. Les commentaires des articles sont fermés, pourquoi? Les boutades de Wilde sont souvent plus suggestives que vraies. No mass protests? Les humbles veillent. (Ruslan Ostashko), If the Burevestnik Cruise Missile Is a Joke, Then Why Are Anglo-Saxons Worrying?