1 Synopsis 2 Starring 3 Quotes 4 Trivia 5 Music 6 Photos 7 Notes and references IF YOU COULD SEE WHAT I SEE – In a story that replays the same day's activities from three different perspectives, Joey (Katie Holmes) and Pacey (Joshua Jackson) vacillate on the ways to tell Dawson (James Van Der Beek) about their … Head inland. [to his superior] I wonder why he hasn't been court-martialled yet.General Wolfgang Häger: First of all, he has shot down 132 planes. It's incredible! The Longest Day. I-I just can't believe it!Ocker: [chuckling] My dear Pluskat, what course are these ships heading for?Pluskat: STRAIGHT FOR ME!!! The glasses stopped moving. Improve yourself, find your inspiration, share with friends. The great crusade’s unalterable purpose was not only to win the war, but to destroy Nazism and bring to an end an era of savagery which had never been surpassed in the world’s history.”, The Longest Day: The Classic Epic of D-Day. Addresses are not passed on to any third party, and are used solely for direct communication from this site. My men lost everything. General Dwight D. Eisenhower: [sees wisdom of deploying the invasion fleet in bad weather] I don't like it, but there it is. John Wayne — Whenever possible, the original locations were utilized, and an … Quotes will be submitted for approval by the RT staff. But that's too simple, my dear. There appeared to be thousands of them. America forms the longest and straightest bone in the earth's skeleton. Five thousand ships! Colin Maud : [walking up to a stalled vehicle] My old grandmother used to say anything mechanical, give it a good bash. [slams down the receiver], '[Major Werner Pluskat has just seen the Allied invasion fleet]. All rights reserved. They're coming! LitCharts makes it easy to find quotes by chapter, character, and theme. - But behind that peaceful horizon ... a monster! Now get off your butts. MG Raymond Barton: You're putting me on the spot. Major Pluskat: My God! I-I just can't believe it! The best liar is he who makes the smallest amount of lying go the longest way. - You know damn well that I can't contact my supply units within the space of tomorrow or the day after! Political leadership has tended to frame both issues in the extreme, with welfare representing the bad, and meritocracy representing the good. It's how you rebound that shows the type of person you are. - right at the water's edge - right there I will break it up! I'm crippled. Actor 19 Oct. 2020. Quite finished. Pluskat, what's going on there?! Because the truth is, today's immigrants, as they have for generation after generation, work the longest hours at the hardest jobs for the lowest pay, jobs that are just about impossible to fill. Roosevelt: But that's not the real reason. You all know it. Gen. Erich Marcks: Well, fortunately it's just a game. Menu. Read famous quotes from The Longest Day, 1962, directed by Andrew Marton, with John Wayne, Robert Mitchum, Henry Fonda, Don't forget to confirm subscription in your email. To go all the way to Rennes, just to push little flags around a table with other generals. For each of us, deliverance is coming. You all know it. Please make your quotes accurate. Can't you - [a blast holes the bunker roof] - Dammit, can't you hear for yourself?!? Oberstleutnant Ocker: Pluskat? To know when people like your submissions, answer your questions, reply to you, etc., please. What's the matter with you? - right at the water's edge - right there I will break it up! The events of D-Day, told on a grand scale from both the Allied and German points of view. You guys got to snap out of it. The private of the 82nd Airborne F-Company who accidentally lands on the St Mere Eglise bell tower has become sort of a local celebrity. The Longest Day quotes. Pluskat tensed, stared hard. RADM Robert Jaujard: [addressing Free French forces] Soon we shall engage in combat. The longest journey is the journey inwards. On the 50th anniversary of D-Day, a dummy on a parachute was hung up on the tower in his memory, and is still there. Vive le France! He did not order an alert. President's son or not. My sense of style is an old Polo shirt, jeans and, unfortunately for the longest time, white running shoes, which was not attractive. Error rating book. My individual success, that lasts for a short period of time. For the longest time, the Asian-American community would talk about representation, but I think it's also about the freedom to really shape, create, and explore issues that are important to us, regardless of whether it's positive or negative, as long as it's three dimensional. There can be no talk about sufficient rest. Ocker: Now get a hold of yourself, Pluskat. Now get off your butts. The companies that survive longest are the one's that work out what they uniquely can give to the world not just growth or money but their excellence, their respect for others, or their ability to make people happy. Additionally, he can be heard playing the same tune during the landing, but the real Bill Millin did not play that song on D-Day. Lieutenant-Colonel Benjamin Vandervoort: "You can't give the enemy a break. The glasses stopped moving. We assign a color and icon like this one to each theme, making it easy to track which themes apply to each quote below. BG Teddy Roosevelt Jr: I didn't mean to, Tubby. Nature uses only the longest threads to weave her patterns, so that each small piece of her fabric reveals the organization of the entire tapestry. With the exception of small radical parties, Latin Americans know that it's a brutal dictatorship and the longest in Latin American history. He led the charge of the Rough Riders up San Juan Hill. Contact me | Privacy policy | Join the mailing list | Links. He assumed Rundstedt had done so; but Rundstedt thought Rommel’s headquarters had issued the order.”, “(Actually, nobody at this time could even imagine the full extent of the Nazi barbarism that had washed across Europe—the millions who had disappeared into the gas chambers and furnaces of Heinrich Himmler’s aseptic crematoria, the millions who had been herded out of their countries to work as slave laborers, a tremendous percentage of whom would never return, the millions more who had been tortured to death, executed as hostages or exterminated by the simple expedient of starvation.) [puts compass on map] War games! born on May 26, 1907, The one thing I've learned about clothes is to ask a girl. Pluskat: Are you deaf? [shines light at map] We expect them to attack at Pas-de-Calais, at the narrowest point of the Channel, don't we! “Wearily, he swung the glasses over to the left again. Quotes By Cornelius Ryan. BG Norm Cota: [walks alongside troopers] Now listen to me, all of you. If fame belonged to me, I could not escape her; if she did not, the longest day would pass me on the chase, and the approbation of my dog would forsake me then. In Normandy. - That's fantastic! “Wearily, he swung the glasses over to the left again. Adjutant: Have you finished the plan, Herr General? 'I am' is reportedly the shortest sentence in the English language. I mean, he was the mayor of Beverly Hills. Five thousand ships! So can you tell me what I'm still supposed to do here? Oh man, you're all just crazy. Now hatred is by far the longest pleasure; men love in haste but they detest at leisure. Is my request denied? Roosevelt: And that's why I'm supposed to go ashore in the first wave. Brigadier General Norman Cota: I don't have to tell you the story. My barefoot rank is better. Remember every bit of it, 'cause we are on the eve of a day that people are going to talk about long after we are dead and gone. ', 'Wearily, he swung the glasses over to the left again. David Campbell. Add more and vote on your favourites! The week I spent waiting for the result of the biopsy to see if it was malignant felt like the longest of my life. The love that lasts longest is the love that is never returned. Both the anti-Muslim Brotherhood and the anti-Iran Arab states have lost respect for him. Refresh and try again. Let me start by saying that before this book, I knew NOTHING about D-Day. Destroyer Commander: You remember it. As the British prepare to march inland following the capture of Sword Beach, Lord Lovat tells piper Bill Millin to play "The Bluebells of Scotland," but Millin instead plays "The Black Bear."