Mentioned in name only, she was chosen by Haddo's son to be the mother of the antichrist, but the child died soon after it's birth. Benjamin succeeds and Val escorts him to the train station and invites him to visit again. She plays an important role in the Christmas Special, hearing the problems of some of the locals, all the while battling with her past. -. Moore gives him the full name Jack MacHeath, and makes him. A occultist-created being that may be the. In V1 Gulliver is shown in the Montegu House portrait of Gulliver's Fellowship (the 18th century League), and his name appears in the caption. Son of William Samson Sr. A disguised noble criminal and proposed member of a mid-19th century League. She gives them three items belonging to Charlie, which they use to form a voodoo doll of him, saying that they will let her know the price when the deed is done. Originally he stopped at the Dentons' to stay the night before embarking on a hiking trip with a friend. Though they are never expressly killed off, this is the last we see of Harvey and Val and the final shot of the couple is Harvey mouthing "I can't breathe!" Henry is a horror film fan who cannot stand 'Bradley Pitts'. He phones Mike to deliver the news, only to discover to Mike's horror that he has gone to the wrong house, Mike and Cheryl having moved to a bungalow four years earlier. Lance is the one-armed owner of the town's joke shop, and is far from funny. She returns to Royston Vasey in the 2017 specials having escaped the elephant and become the new foul-mouthed mayor of the town. When he confesses to giving "extras", Judee fires him and Stella takes the opportunity to leave him after her gambling addiction finally pays off. Mickey M. Michaels (Gatiss), a well-meaning simpleton who wants to be a fireman, grows increasingly close to Pauline throughout the series - Pauline has developed the nickname "Mickey Luv" for him. Her replacement turns out to be Keith Drop, whom Reenie befriends after losing her best friend. Implied to be the uncle of. By this time it was fairly dilapidated, so it exploded during the battle with pirate-slaver James Soames and Italian master-criminal Count Zero, thus ending the battle and disbanding the league. Counterpart to Hawley Griffin in the 1946-1947 league that was led by Joan Warralson. Papa Lazarou doesn't seem to age. Throughout the sketches in Series 1 and 2, we discover that Stella has a gambling addiction, and that she has slept with other men, including Tony. Mentioned in name, his hippy fascist policies as President of the United States lead to internment camps of those older than 30 and forcing them to drink LSD. However, their fame is short-lived when Chapman discovers that both hostages have had their faces cut off by the Tattsyrups. Despite the fact that she was kidnapped for the marriage, she genuinely fell in love with David and was grief-stricken when he died. He arrives in the town to meet up with his friend, taking up the offer of staying at his relatives' house for the night. It is revealed that the unwitting victim is Pauline, though it is possible Geoff may have bungled the operation since Pauline's body is never shown. Dejah Thoris is only mentioned in ASV as "almost naked ruby-clad princess." Vinnie Wythenshaw and Reenie Calver are two old ladies (Shearsmith and Pemberton) obsessed with carrier bags and whether the toys people donate have the 'special mark'. Big Brother, Comparisons of real and historical characters, Real figures confirmed to exist in the League universe, Characters as analogues of historical figures, Fictional characters that are also fictional in the world of the League, Fictional characters that are also fictional in the world of the, Der Luftpirat und Sein Lenkbares Luftschiff, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (film), Captain Jack MacHeath a.k.a. An italicized appearance is either a graphic novel or film appearance where the character is only mentioned in dialogue or otherwise referenced but not shown or a text story appearance where the character is mentioned either briefly or indirectly. Seen on the front page of a newspaper in the Malibu pub. Government agent and daughter of British industrialist Sir John Night. As Series 1 progresses, it becomes clear that the pair, especially Val (whose greatest wish is to have a son), don't want Benjamin to leave. Her starsign is Virgo. However, they aren't noticed, partly due to the epidemic and partly due to the fact that no one realises Ross is missing. Harvey Denton is toad lover and hygiene freak. According to the character biography in Series 1, Briss says that his age "spans great oceans of time". A hero who aides King Hrothgar in killing the demon Grendel. There is a memorial to him constructed in St. James Park after his death in 1901. Naturally, he fires her, forcing her to sit the Restart course which, in Series 2, is now being led by Cathy Carter-Smith (Shearsmith), who's just as bad as, if not worse than, Pauline. Newly appointed as the head of Britain's resumed space programme, along with. Wolf Lipp is a teacher hailing from Duisberg (in Germany), who comes to Royston Vasey as part of an exchange trip. Following this clue led her to, A reverend that wrote articles against Miss Coote, and is killed by. A Mystic Shaman of the North Pole who wears the inside out skin of a reindeer and on the Winter Solstice must send his spirit across the world guided by reindeers and dispense gifts.